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Everything posted by Mechinyun

  1. Looking at the new pix, are the heads suppose to be that low? They look like the have no neck. Mistransformation, bad sculpt, or anime accurate?
  2. The price on this toy is killing me.... I want one, but it just doesn't look like it should cost $100+. Give me all 3 of the destroids in one box for a 100 and we are talking.
  3. From the pixs I have seen it just does not look right. There is no excuse for it, period. Im not gonna bash it really till its out and I can see more pix,vids whatever, but im definitely not pre-ordering it.
  4. Which episode is this in?
  5. 2 girls one cup! DECULCHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! .
  6. In the 80's being a kid I had randomly got a rip off vf-1 toy, really small scale, all brown color that could semi transform, a bit later I got to see robotech on at odd times, it the TV station would randomly not show it constantly so I never got the full thing. I remember it being different than other cartoons, a bit more serious and complex, somewhat threw me off as it was so different than say the simplicity of transformers. I got jetfire one day as a gift, I dont seem to remember connecting it to robotech but I knew this transformer was the BEST one, still have it sitting on my desk as I type. Around the same time I had a older friend who was a really good modeler and had many of the robotech models, like the robotech factory series which I thought was UBER cool. He also had the art of robotech books (again this was in the late 80's) which I use to carry to school and read instead of doing real work. From the books I semi got the full story of robotech that I had missed years earlier. I even tried to do my hair like rick hunter for a while I started building models too and my hobby shop out in BFE strangely carried alot of imported models from japan, many from starblazers and quite a few macross models. I figured out robotech was based on a japanese series, but didnt really care.. at that point i just assumed they were the same. Then I got into high school and my toy/cartoon/modeling interest faded, as girls and friends took over into high school and even more so into college. After college and into the working world in the mid 90's I started surfing this internet thing to waste time at work and started exploring old passions, starting out with robotech which then lead to all the details of robotech vs. Macross and ultimately here around 2000. Was sorta in and out of the macross scene for the next few years until 2005 when the bug really bit me and I have been full macross nuts ever since.
  7. Different head sculpt, different paint scheme are the main differences
  8. Now that I have seen the episode with subs and some days have past I have increased my liking of the episode alot. I'm still disappointed so much wasn't explained and a bit to much Anime Magic to explain some other stuff. To me most macross series walk that thin line of believability vs utter NO WAY. This episode went over the line for me in a few spots but with the subs I didnt focus as much on that stuff. I give it a positive rating but not the OMFG positive I was hoping for Fingers crossed the movie announcement is a story continuation and not a upgraded clip show!!!
  9. Until I had seen the comparison pix I was blissfully unaware of the major differences between the line art and the new 1/60, now every time I look at it it hits me right in the face. Ill still get it as battroid still looks awesome, but quite a bit disappointed as fighter is my favorite mode. PS. VF-1D totally owns the VT-1, namely the D's head is one of my favorite heads in macross, the VT's = weaksauce.
  10. Yes 500+ is crazy for it, however most of us that wanted it got it pre-ordered for a very reasonable price via members here that in asia. All the people out there charging 3x 4x 5x the price are just preying on the stupid or uninformed.
  11. Whoa that weathered looks much cooler!
  12. These are not the answers im looking for, most are you taking your best quess. Which is fine for a few points, since after all its a cartoon.. but this episode had way to many WTF moments with no clear reason how/why it happened.
  13. Just finished watching the ending.. im on the fence about it. I bet understanding some the dialogue will help but still.. Lots of weird stuff that seemingly made no sense, or seemed to be just a quick way out to explain things. IE ranka saving sherylHow did that happen? How did ranka know how to do that? What made all those triangle images of them? Were they real? How is alto in this "dream" state with them? Isnt he in the middle of a battle? Whats up with all that 2001 space odyssey imagery when grace plugs in to the queen? what does that mean? Is it a queen? Is it a bird man? Whats the Zero connection? What happened to leon? What happened to all the vajra after the battle? Why did the vajara just stop attacking frontier? Did ranka control them? Why did they change colors all the time? Why did sheryl change colors all the time? Where is the rest of galaxy fleet? Is grace really dead? Who were the other voices in her head? WTF is up with Dicky B? What is up with Minmay in his locket? I could keep going.. SO MANY QUESTIONS Macross 25 = Macross with attention deficit disorder
  14. Yes Yes.. updatesss
  15. Just finished watching it. LIKED IT ALOT! Wish I had seen it in the theater now!!
  16. i wish they had used the sdf-2 design for the DRYL version of the sdf-1. Super cool design
  17. Jesus.. What is this Nazi Germany? DO NOT POST MESSAGES! THIS MESSAGE BOARD IS FOR NOT FOR POSTING MESSAGES!!! Half of my posts on this board and every other are short one liners, most of the time when I ask I question all I need is "YES" OR "NO" I dont need to read a f'ing book in every post on every topic.. THATS ANNOYING. I think most of this "mod" team needs a enema IMHO.
  18. Hell yeah! Me luv vf-171 long time!!!!
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