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Everything posted by Mechinyun

  1. Ya that's garbage, buy a new one.
  2. I got my max yesterday, just opened it. Awesome. That picture above with the lighter blue is from the flash, its pretty dark almost if not matching the vf-1j blue, I think so much white on the valk makes it seem lighter too.
  3. http://www.ikea.com/us/en/search/?query=detolf
  4. A post above someone said hate is to strong of a word for some of the DYRL design changes, as I had mentioned I hated the splayed legs and gaps.. I agree, too strong.. so let me take it down a notch.. the DYRL changes just are not as pleasing to my eye vs the TV version. This thread has made me think, I believe the changes were made mostly to cater to the overall look of the SDF-1 in Attacker mode. The DYRL attacker mode looks far better than the TV version, ill give it that. And since DYRL we have only seen the SDF-1 in cruiser mode.. for all of about 2 minutes. Every other appearance going forward it has been transformed into attacker mode which showcases the updated design that looks better. Sadly I doubt we will see cruiser mode ever again on screen. With that said, I want to point out I am definitely getting this toy, she will just be attacker mode and hopefully my purchase will add a +1 to the hope of getting a tv version down the line to display in cruiser mode.
  5. ^^^ YUP!! Agreed. Logos: You are right about the yamato mock up having the legs straighter back with less gap which looks better. +1 on seeing pics of dyrl armds vs TV ones One of my favorite features of either ship is the bridge, I love the shape and design of it, that massive window with multiple bridge levels behind it. I do also miss the transforming aspect of it the tv version had. that was cool
  6. You know it bro! I have a 81' lp400s. Traded the delorean plus cash to get it. Interesting note, the guy who took the delorean bought it for his 17 year old son, the son took it for a drive a few days after he got it and TOTALED it. RIP Vin 10854! BTW I just pre-orded the delorean BTTF 2 version, thanks for that info sharky.
  7. I had a delorean, 82' vin 10854, full restoration and it was awesome. I sold it for a down payment on my countach. However I do miss the car, not alot of power, but its a fun car to drive, pictures dont do it justice. It is definatley not a pile of crap.
  8. DYRL got hit with the ugly stick. The proportions are just whacky for me. DYRL looks like the storm attacker just flying sideways, while the TV version looks more distinctive in each mode. I HATE the way the legs are so far apart in DRYL and how the arms stick outwards then fold back creating another ugly gap. Give me the sleek TV version with optional armds and Im in heaven.
  9. I think you guys are over blowing the size 24 inches is really not that big. MANY of the toys I had growing up were that big if not bigger! Lots of toys I see even today are that big. Where do you guys live, a hobbit house? Most of the cooler GI joe vehicles were big! Now the price on the other hand yes that's big and imho overpriced unless this it has cool features / gimmicks out the wazoo! Then again, compare what people are paying for NIB matchbox/tataku SDF-1's.
  10. This is uber cool man, I want to make this stuff for my son when he gets a few years older. Please keep posting instructions, graphics and your photos!! Awesome.
  11. I prefer the DYRL in Robot mode, but the TV version in Cruiser Mode. I like the TV version paint scheme better too. They cant release a "upgrade" pack for this ship because there are BIG differences between the ship designs other than just the arms.
  12. SAVE money for it, you got a year.. save 50 bucks per MONTH = 600 by release date. Random example: Thats not eating lunch out for 1 day a week.
  14. If the thread's a rockin', dont come a knockin'
  15. Please let it be a large TV version SDF-1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. DAMN!!! I payed for my vf-0A arms (both) back in DECEMBER and I still dont have them.. I choose SAL shipping.. but damn! Anyone else choose SAL shipping.. how long did it take between payment and you getting it?
  17. I am buying it fo sho, vf-1D FTW and yes Battroid looks the best.
  18. Mechinyun


    Totally awesome.. wish my wife was like that
  19. About a year ago my 1/48 hikaru vf-1j in full GBP armor took a nose dive off a 7 foot high shelf onto cold hard concrete. the armor took the impact, came off into a million pieces, but thankfully NOTHING broke or even a scratch that I could find. Shes back together now and safely in a detolf. My heart skipped a beat when I came home to find it like that..
  20. Whats wrong with just not replying to threads that you don't like or have no interest in.. ? Seems like it would save time and apparently stress. Thought police to the rescue!
  21. Its crap shoot.. stand alone packages are not marked with any "v2" type indication that I know of.
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