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Everything posted by Mechinyun

  1. Holy smokes Kuma, your pictures do a better job of selling me on purchasing toys than the maker does... you should send them your stuff and if they were smart hire you do product shots. I wanted meteor before, but now man.. hes dopeeeee!
  2. Not happy with the unpainted plastic grey color of megatron. I know it's toon accurate, but it just feels cheap and not how a masterpiece should be - also a good cost savings for the company to cheap out on.
  3. The green paint used on the green lion is too dark, flat and well, yuck. The original has a brighter, metallic green. For some reason this a big issue for me. I'll also concur something just is a bit off with it in robot mode overall.
  4. WE GOT GAYS!! WE GOT GAYS!!! WE GOT WOMEN AND MINORITIES TOO! LOOK AT US OVER HERE!! While I am neither of those, and have no issues with those groups.. star trek kinda has been about that since the beginning, it's given. Gettin real tired of hollywood hitting us over the head with it to look PC or whatever, it turns me off. (Looking at you ghostbusters 2016 and pre release gay sulu headlines.)
  5. Agreed, something just looks a bit off in robot mode, but i cant put my finger on it. Also they should have chromed the torso and the upper thighs like the original. The silver/grey looks weird.
  6. I immediately recognized the ship at the first long range shot - the enterprise rejected McQuarrie design from the 70's. I have grown up thanking god we didn't get that after seeing it back in the 80's in starlog. Now we have it, fckkkk. I'm pretty bummed out. The enterprise/ship for me has always been part of the "crew" and its such a let down when I don't like the ship. I am a Refit purist (TOS movie version) and its my favorite ship of all sci-fi. This makes me like the Kelvin timeline ships a lot more, which has been hard to accept as is (jury is out still of what we saw at the end of the new ST3). However, I have watched the new series trailer a few times, im giving it a pass for now on the CGI - i cant believe they would go to a series with that quality. Back to the ship design.. its SLIGHTLY growing me on after a few viewings... ill give it a thumbs down but with the possibility of redemption once I see more and know how the story explains it. Still feels like a wasted to not have a better design or even a refit. Check this out, if they wanted to something original ship wise they should have just bought this design from this designer/builder. Its fantastic.
  7. I really liked it! Which for me was unexpected. Did anyone get a macross vibe when the yorktown was under attack? I immediately thought of the macross and/or the massive colony ships. Isn't justin Lin attached to live action robotech? Hmm.. maybe some hope.
  8. jezuzzus... that leia face is bad!!!
  9. Just picked up MPP-10, MP ratchet and shockwave. Think these are my favs out of the MP line! I used the stock sticker sheet for ratchet, cut up, to make a hybrid marvel comic version.
  10. Got mpp-10 today, did a little video for you guys. he is bad ass!
  11. Yeah i saw that message about the seller and the MPP-10. Does not give me the warm fuzzies! However, the seller did get a positive feedback from another buyer who purchased it saying it arrived fine. Guess we will see.
  12. Ended up buying that MPP-10 off that super cheap ebay link above. Figured why not for the money - I'll report back when it shows up (if ever).
  13. No doubt! I think thats where my love for shockwave and ratchet came from were these early marvel comics. I remember picking them up and being blow away with the story/subject matter vs the cartoon. Still kid friendly, but definitely a more serious tone. Who can forget this cover.
  14. MP Rachet needs to drop soon - getting antsy with Shockwave waiting in my private warehouse!!! Anyone with news on Rachet lately? I am hoping a 3rd party comes out with a Marvel comics head (Red head /silver crest).
  15. Odd - my hasbro release has a metal matrix.
  16. This is true, but if you put silly vs serious on a scale - the scale is tipping way to far on the silly/wtf side. If suddenly the anime was turned into a live action movie, would it be watchable? I could see SDFM holding its own, same with Plus, but Delta so far? I feel like Delta so far would feel similar to a Michael Bay Transformers movie.
  17. For me Macross falls into these groups. Awesome! I am 8 and then 16 and this is blowing my mind. SDFM DYRL Macross Plus High Average: Tone felt right, I really want to like it, but kinda feels "off". Macross Zero Low Average: A 60/40 mix of "Meh" to "pretty bad ass!" Macross Frontier Too Silly: "Get off my lawn you damn kids" Macross 7 and so far Macross Delta
  18. Just watched it... well, glad you guys are liking it. Wish I did. Way too much over the top cheese ballz stuff for me. Frontier was pushing my boundaries, but this takes me over the edge. I want my new Macross to feel more like Yamato 2199.
  19. Agreed with Kaneda above - they need to lay off this fringe/obscure stuff and go with a big winner. That being the TV SDF-1, large scale.
  20. The star destroyer from what we can see, is exactly like the first star destroyer we see in ANH, which was unique to that film alone. Someone has done their homework in the consistency department. If your into props, head over to www.therpf.com, you will never find a more wretched hive of OCD prop makers, collectors and studio scale miniature prop builders.
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