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Everything posted by Mechinyun

  1. I get the point of this, but its too complicated now as others have said with so many sites, quantities and technology. Especially if your focusing on Macross which the releases are just to few and far between to devote time into it to make it worth the effort with bots and what not. Maybe I'm old, but Ill just buy the few I need, enjoy them and put my limited time too other aspects of life.
  2. That japan expo photo is not very flattering. I have debated keeping my pre-order a few times too even though I love VV.
  3. Whew, got 1 in! Site was crashing/down for maintenance for a bit while checking out. Digital stampede!
  4. As far as as the strke parts go - are we all just ordering the DYRL versions that are up now for our TV VF-1J and Maxs with the thought that bandai is not going to do a real TV colored release?
  5. Utterly ridiculous its come to this.. what the frakkkkk. Maybe my mind is slipping in old age, but I dont remember any of this BS happening with yamato releases... I do remember the 1/48 max and kazaki were harder to get because of the magazine special thing (i think) and the vf-4 was slightly harder to get, but... still nothing near this level.
  6. Me and my son are huge godzilla fans, for me, I could care less about any humans in the story. When we watch godzilla movies at home, we pretty much just skip to the Kaiju scenes, I would not say any prior godzilla movie has had any better of actors or story. So the fact that the human story in KOTM was a bit hammy.. no problemo, the human story felt typical hollywood summer style. The kaiju action was A+, it had a bunch of "feel good" kaiju moments that moved me and really put a smile on my face, which is rare for me in any movie these days. That was worth the ticket price alone. I also liked they showed where godzilla lives, that was a super cool part of the movie. Also the music, the music made it, hearing the original themes play at the right times really kicked ass. Lots and lots of call backs and fan service that should really click if you are a big G fan. If you are on the fence, just go see it! If you liked pacific rim, this is better and this is way better than godzilla 2014. .
  7. As others have pointed out, those bumpers on the cars, ffs what where they thinking, really bugs me. The Yellow foot car is/was my favorite along with the head jet.
  8. Looks great! Slightly relieved as I am a TV collector only.. my wallet is hurting already from the J and A. Here is hoping we see correct TV superpacks sooner than later. Surprised they were not announced at the same time. We have 2 valks that can benefit from them already.
  9. Heres my thoughts on the missiles, no hurry on these as I feel they will continually be produced. Why? We have a bunch more valks coming that if they just did a one and done run of these, about Roy and kakizaki?
  10. It boils down to greed and on the vendors side and the scalpers side. The pre-oder price, without markup already has a profit margin for the vendor built in, they would make "ok" money all day selling it for that but It is plain as day that NY, among others have held their stock and raised their pre-order prices out of greed because they can.
  11. FAAAKKKK, ok I bit the pillow and let NY have its way with me. The addiction is real!
  12. This is how it worked out for me with the VF-1J, it was a nail biter though.
  13. Well there is a possibility that the price will come down some from resellers in the coming weeks. Like an IPO, its hyped before, speculators invest on day 1, the stock drops dramatically in the coming days when real demand is not there and the volume is released back into the public with a race to dump. Maybe...
  14. Need to be up for work in 4 hours - gonna be a great monday!
  15. Bust here as well
  16. Does this reissue have any improvements or changes from the first release?
  17. Just got mine in from Amazon.. 4 days from time of order to in my hands. Insane.
  18. I just bought one from the link I posted last night and it shipped to the US no problem. Edit: Ok just checked the link and its a different seller that does not ship to the US. Looks like the seller I got went out of stock and it cycled to another shop that doesn't
  19. what the heck.. so when i bought it earlier, it was grand total of 279 shipped, saw your post.. went through process again and grand total was 259. Canceled the first order - re-ordered and got the new lower price. Crazy Amazon.
  20. In stock at amazon.jp https://www.amazon.co.jp/超時空要塞マクロス-約300mm-ファイター時-ダイキャスト-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07FVSX5BL/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1547253007&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=DX+Super+Alloy+Super+Space-Time+Fortress+makurosu+VF+VF-1+Valkyrie+(Single+Article+And+Machine)+(When+first+Limited+Edition)+approx.+300+mm+(Fighter)+ABS+%26+die-cast+%26+PVC+Pre-painted+Action+Figure Price when you get to the cart is actually 275yen, 250yen (seems to be fluctuating.)
  21. Just curious here, is the mad rush to get the PO version simply because its the special PO version? There is going to be a general release at more sane prices when its released in a few days correct? I have been waiting it out since I missed the original PO back in July - but I do not want to end up with no vf-1j.
  22. Fraaaaaack I keeping missing these PO openings by a few hours.
  23. Does anyone know of a place where I can pick up a pre-order for a decent price?
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