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Everything posted by Mechinyun

  1. Can't wait to get this thing!!! HOOK IT up General!
  2. Bring it on.
  3. Mechinyun

    2 seater 1/48s

    VF-1D Bring it on!
  4. I pick and choose my favorite valks and display them fully decked out with stickers and customizing. I am a original series/dyrl purist except for the yf-19.. cant wait for that bad boy to come out.
  5. I would LOVE to get a nicely detailed TV SDF-1. Nice and BIG with lights
  6. Mechinyun


    Thats what I'm talking about! Newbie u da man! U got a pm too! Thx!
  7. Sweet! I was wondering about the overlap of content between the two. That gold book is nice, but ouch 200 bucks is painful.
  8. Mechinyun


    Who's got the attitude here really. I asked a simple question on a topic i searched for (as everyone likes to request you to do). Why reply to this with nothing to positive to contribute except trying to look smart. I just don't like it and said so. SO lets get back to the topic, Just wondering if anyone can post their pictures of this outfit?
  9. Mechinyun


    OK lets make this clear. I am looking for OTHER pictures than just one. There seemed to be many pictures in this thread before that are not here now. I am looking Multiple angles, maybe a picture from the back or side or straight on the front? What the fart is up with you people? I am trying to make something cool and everyone wants to poo on it with stupid comments. If you don't have pictures or have interest in this than STFU and go post in another thread. Is this clear enough for the smart ass's and generally unhelpful people?
  10. Mechinyun


    So fellow board members who are interested in discussing cool toys, Did anyone buy one of these? I would like to see pictures to compare to my own version that I am working on. Looks like the original topic starter did a short run of these, if a new version came out that is better and with pants/leggings would anyone be interested in picking one up?
  11. Mechinyun


    Did anyone ever buy one of these? Got pix!? Newbie are you still around?
  12. Hey guys I just picked up the perfect memory book and I am wondering if its worth picking up the gold book too? I am not collecting them, just looking for good color pictures and information. Thanks!
  13. More SDF-1 and Macross City modeled out!!!!
  14. Any new updates or images of the SDF-1? That thing is so awesome.. its my desktop!!!
  15. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=16101&hl=sdf-1 Bam there it is, thanks man.
  16. Mechinyun

    Dyrl Bgm

    Thanks buddy, found it!
  17. Mechinyun

    Dyrl Bgm

    Thanks for the update there captain obvious.
  18. Mechinyun

    Dyrl Bgm

    Does anyone know the name of the DYRL BGM that plays right as the macross looses gravity and minmay and everything else go flyin? Thanks Mechinyun
  19. I remember a thread not too long that a guy showed off the macross he built in like lightwave or something. Looked incredible!!! I used one shot of his ship as my desktop. Any news from him or his ship? -mechinyun
  20. Whats your favorite sound effect and/or bgm music from macross? I have always been partial to that subtle bridge noise when its quiet.
  21. Hello everyone, finally joined up in the offical ranks of MW. Been a long item reader of the site since around 2001, always intresting reading about the macrosss world. I just recently picked up the animeigo release and loved it. Gotta say my favorite is DYRL, but I prefer the mecha designs of the TV series. I have been a fan of the series since 83 and one of the first toys I remember really loving was a tiny little plastic vf-1 fighter and then jetfire alittle later on. Through all the toys I had, I played with jetfire the most and to this day he sits on my computer desk. SO I have a question im sure has been answered, when macross island gets taken into space during the fold, how did all the people survive? Anime Magic? (btw im trying to download the macross music 2 torrent specificly the DYRL BGM, I am almost done and nobody seems to have it available anymore, if you have have it please share!!) Thanks Mechinyun
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