Hello everyone, finally joined up in the offical ranks of MW. Been a long item reader of the site since around 2001, always intresting reading about the macrosss world. I just recently picked up the animeigo release and loved it. Gotta say my favorite is DYRL, but I prefer the mecha designs of the TV series. I have been a fan of the series since 83 and one of the first toys I remember really loving was a tiny little plastic vf-1 fighter and then jetfire alittle later on. Through all the toys I had, I played with jetfire the most and to this day he sits on my computer desk.
SO I have a question im sure has been answered, when macross island gets taken into space during the fold, how did all the people survive? Anime Magic?
(btw im trying to download the macross music 2 torrent specificly the DYRL BGM, I am almost done and nobody seems to have it available anymore, if you have have it please share!!)