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Everything posted by Mechinyun

  1. Just got this from Corner Store Comics: We have our first three waves coming in this week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Thanks, CSC Woot!
  2. God... awesome cant wait to get mine in. Great pic with the 1/48th, wanted to see that comparison I pre-ordered from an american company. Best price I could find with shipping, it was 189. Should have it at the end of the month. http://www.cornerstorecomics.com
  3. I will wait for something better. 1. TOO SMAlll 2. DYRL SDF-1 = FUGLY 3. EXPENSIVE SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE A LARGE SCALE TV STYLE SDF-1!!
  4. I just picked this guy up for 180 SHIPPED. wOOT! He is bad ass.
  5. Mech, thank for the graphic man! Much appreciated!
  6. Ahh sorry for not being specific, looking for the stanard "kite" graphic, red circle with the white "kite" inside. Big and high rez as possible. If its too big to post, you can email it to me at fen2k@yahoo.com Im trying to make a customized mouse pad so the graphic needs to be good quality to make it through the print process. (I know there are some on RT.com, but they suck Im making a customized funcpad) Thanks guys!!
  7. Does anyone have a nice high rez image of the shield macrosss logo? I would love to get a illustrator file of this for a project im working on, but a nice big image would work too. No funky effects or anything please. Thanks! If its too big to post, please shoot me an email or I can give out FTP address to upload. Thank you!
  8. YES indeed! SDF-1 updates please!!!
  9. Totally agree.
  10. Now my whole view is speculation of course, but me looking at the latest new releases (not reissues) are all not very popular (woodland, super steath, angel bird, the fat guy who died hizaki sp?) in comparison to a roy, hikaru or max. I bet good money if you got to see the stock levels of all the vf-1s and acessories, the non cannon stuff is sitting in huge piles unsold. An exec has to look at sales numbers at some point and may pull the plug on the VF line based on this since really whats left to produce is all lower popularity or screen time. The line of thinking could be, " we blew a poo load of money to produce these non cannon / lesser seen figures and they didnt sell.. screw making the rest.. to much of a risk." LETS MOVE ON! Just a different point of view, which I would hope isnt true, but could be a possiblity as I like seeing more vf-1's produced, just not at the expense of not getting the ones I want!!!
  11. While I like alot of these crazier ones, I am trying to get ideas for things that actually could be made in a limited run. Keep um coming!
  12. I would love a 1/48 vf1-d, I think yamato is insane for releasing all these non-canon "stealths" and cammos ( which all suck ass IMO) before finishing releasing valks that were FEATURED in the show and movies, LIKE A MAX VF-1S etc etc. I would be highly pissed if we never get these.
  13. All of these would be awesome, 1:48 bridge set... yummmmm. I always thought the whole head section had an incredible design.
  14. Lets hear your wish list for macross based items that dont really have a chance of being mass produced but would be cool as hell to have. Lets exlude any toy valks from this list and things that would straight up be impossible (like a 1:1 SDF) Here is a few ones I can think of 1:1 Uber detailed wearable DYRL Flight Suit 1:1 SDF-1 Bridge Chair (imagine having on of these as your computer chair) 1:1 Glass Cups / Utensils from the Alien City The protoculture plate with the DYRL song alien lyrics A radio from the TV series that sits in Hikarus hospital room These are just some example off the top of my head Be creative!!
  15. Mechinyun

    stop motion

    That was awesome.
  16. Here is pic with both lights on
  17. In that first picture one of the boxes is beside roy.
  18. Just got my Roy and Hikaru, man they rock. If you havent seen these, they are from the summer wonderfest, officially licensed by big west and limited to 20 of each. The box has a big west sticker the designers/producers and is black and minimal. Here is a quick review of the figures. Overall I am very impressed. They are very detailed all the everything is molded in, not just painted. The suit is made from a leather feeling material. The armor peices are made from stiff PVC but are flexible. I was worried that the chest computer wouldnt meet the shoulder armors like in the movie and artwork, but with adjustment its possible. The chest computer is cool as hell. There is a microswitch on the backpack which switches on two LEDS, one big one and a smaller flasher that goes though random patterns. They are very bright at night. The figure they are built on is very flexible and all the joints are tight. The helmets are cool and detailed, I wish they came with a visor, but I am going to scratch build that part and paint it clear blue . The backpack itself is crisp with detail and rubber hoses come out and retract that goes to the flight helmet. Both figures came with a extra hand so you can make them pose saluting. The head sculpts. Roy is pretty decent, hikaru needs some help. I plan on keeping the helmet on anyway The hair is removeable and they are straight up bald! this is so you can put on the helmets. Pretty freaky. Anyway here are some pix!
  19. Anybody out there? I live in Boynton Beach, looking for anyone to maybe get together for a brew or hang and talk macross?
  20. Sweet Jesus... This mod is off the hook... You guys F'ing rock.
  21. 1/48 4 teh win
  22. I think he means the helmet will be thicker from a inside point of view. Not changing any of outside look. *edit* GM beat me too it by a minute!
  23. This is correct. Tested it last night
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