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Everything posted by Mechinyun

  1. I like the BGM during the Miss Macross Contest, kind of technonish and game show sounding at the same time. Has it been named?
  2. What happened ultimately to bretai? Was it explained? I forgot
  3. She is hot, consider me in the club.
  4. Saw this cool F-14 picture on digg today, thought I would share.
  5. Hey guys, just wanted to throw this out for discussion, about 6 months ago I was researching anti-fade products for my car and ran into "303 aerospace protectant". Its billed as a industrial UV protectant for plastic, made for harsh outdoor environments. Long story short I used it all over my TV hikaru about 3 weeks ago, no ill effects so far, once you apply and wipe off it leaves the plastic looking just as it did, nice and flat. Too soon to tell, but i figure it adds a bit of insurance against yellowing. Check it out http://www.303products.com/tech/index.cfm?...FTOKEN=83713086
  6. Mine too! Been waiting anxiously for this!
  7. Mechinyun

    Thunder Hammer

    I want one! Cast it up, ill pay whatever it takes.
  8. I have always thought of it as the Zentraedi referring to human/culture as the(de)culture usually in disgust or shock.
  9. This is a great player for downloaded video files http://www.stormplayer.org It will play everything, all codecs are included.
  10. Wow, just watched frontier, I downloaded the subbed version. Awesome, i love it!!!!! I like all the characters and the mecha.. the musical score really gave it a movie type feel.
  11. This town needs an enema..
  12. I was told there will be no electronics like the wonderfest ones from someone at the company (forgot this name)
  13. VF-1, but damn the YF-19 is sexy in fighter mode!
  14. Hey Graham did you post a message about your latest meeting with yamato? I noticed your referenced it above.
  15. The supervision army. Yah um... that macross thing is ours.. we want it back now.. and your women... k thx. Cue big space battles
  16. Guys, seriously.. in order to see any benefit on HD players, they would have to go back and remaster it from film. BOMBAAAAA
  17. I vote Roy.
  18. Any news or thoughts on when a revision / second run might come out?
  19. Kelley Hu Ron Perlman Effects by weta/ILM based on the original designs and a story by the original creator. Directed by Ridley Scott / David Fincher Throw in Gary Oldman and Chow yun Fat in some role or another just cause they rock We have a winner Any other thoughts for the rest of the cast?
  20. "Of course what I want the most is a good director. Is Ridly Scott available?" My thoughts exactly...
  21. "Anime News Network reports that Production I.G, the studio that produced all of Ghost in the Shell's adaptations into anime (the two movies and the three Stand Alone Complex works) has received permission to develop a Hollywood adaptation of the Masamume Shirow created cyborg sci-fi. A new contract with rights holder Kodansha allows Production I.G. to represent the creators and negotiate distribution of a live action film." Man I pray it will be good!
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