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Everything posted by Mechinyun

  1. I just bought issues 1+2 from this same seller tonight (before i saw this post), was a great deal!
  2. Those fast packs on the vf-1j dont look like the correct TV colors to me, look more like the dyrl colors. TV fast packs were more green.
  3. Anyone not really digging the heads of the battle25 and the quarter? They look a bit too gundam'ish for my taste, the SDF-1 bridge looked more like a "bridge" than a head.. just random thought....
  4. RT opening theme for reference. http://www.imeem.com/jotecito/music/LyUHT4...ech_main_theme/
  5. I much prefer the robotech opening theme to the macross one, but the rest of the score of macross is great.
  6. Ditto, but I didnt bother to buy roy.
  7. Man they better release more of "all that VF" 2 minutes was a joke. Definitely cool, but gimme 30+minutes of all the valks doing their thing. This has the potential of being super mecha porn...
  8. Mechinyun

    VF-OS or VF-0A

    Has there been confirmation of a v2 re-release of the vf-0A ?
  9. naaa shes running cause shes gotta take a big dump
  10. that car looks farting horrible
  11. Thanks bro, I think its like a window into everything I liked as a kid (and STILL do, just can afford it now!)
  12. Just added some new stuff, re-arranged some others See if you can name everything in the cases that you can see
  13. Funniest Episode!!!! The pirate made me laugh out loud, which I RARELY do for TV/Movies Also think they were referencing voltron with the "go venture forice!!" But the episode definatley had a Star Trek II vibe going on with the monarch commanding the cocoon.
  14. Yup! you can make him roar, open/close the mouth, turn head from side to side, turn whole right/whole left, swing tail. The mechanics inside run slow/smooth so his movements look like they do in the movies. Here is one on ebay now, its the 54' suit version which i think looks kind of retarded, but it has the same features/insides. http://cgi.ebay.com/1954-GODZILLA-Marui-Ja...1QQcmdZViewItem
  15. Damn right! My 125 pound mastiff runs for the hills when I fire it up. Hasta la vista Max!
  16. Yup! Sampled directly from the '89 movie.
  17. Hell yeah, Godzilla rocks! I feel this figure is the KING of godzilla figures. I got this one from eBay, they are pretty rare but pop up from time to time. Just do your homework before you buy because they definitely are not cheap and can have a host of problems if not taken care. IE rubber suit hardening/spliting from direct sunlight or some R/C functions not working.)
  18. LOL i know right, my wife hates him cause he is so big, about 2 feet high,and 3 feet long, 6 channel remote controlled
  19. While Max tweaks his engines, he is unaware of impending doom.....
  20. epic weaksauce from yamato
  21. Na, we need more V-171.
  22. What would be super cool is yes a second season, but a whole new storyline.. every year a new macross. Would love to see a new story focusing on the DYRL era.
  23. Hey guys, been using "storm player" for a while, has a ton of built in codecs but the program is in Chinese. Wondering if there is anything better out there there that you use? Great frame rates? Subtitle support? Codecs included etc? Thanks
  24. Thanks for the compliments guys! I gotta say, Ed-209 ranks up there as one of my top favorites, he is HUGE, I could barely fit him in the detolf case, hot toys really came through on that one, think I paid about 175 for him a few years back. Here is a pulled back shot of the room with a few other things included.
  25. Here is my toy shelf, bit of mismash of all my favorite things.
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