People, are going to have different opinions on the value of there money and the value that they recieve from their purchases. Obviously, if you have a larger amount of disposable income the more likely you are going to be to drop 200+ on a "toy". This may or may not be a determining factor in the value you recieve from your purchase.
For me, if I had several hundred extra dollars each month to spend on toys, I might not care so much as to the quality of the finished goods. $200.00+ is quite a large sum for me to justify on a "toy", Simply, because of the amount of disposable income I have. When I make that purchase it better achieve or surpass my expectations. If it doesn't I'm going to be dissapointed and leary of any future purchases from that manufacturer.
I really don't think members are being nitpicky. For the amount of money thats being paid out certain things, Like arms and hips breaking right out of the box, should not be occuring.