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Everything posted by scand

  1. I was expecting to see the opening song from EVA in the top ten. I was suprised to see it played after number 1. It didn't even make it into the top 100?! Macross held held up pretty well at 17! I'm a little disturbed my favorite anime song didn't make the list, Hoshi No Koe from Voices of a Distant Star! and All of the opening songs from FMA should have made the list. To bad none of them were present.
  2. People, are going to have different opinions on the value of there money and the value that they recieve from their purchases. Obviously, if you have a larger amount of disposable income the more likely you are going to be to drop 200+ on a "toy". This may or may not be a determining factor in the value you recieve from your purchase. For me, if I had several hundred extra dollars each month to spend on toys, I might not care so much as to the quality of the finished goods. $200.00+ is quite a large sum for me to justify on a "toy", Simply, because of the amount of disposable income I have. When I make that purchase it better achieve or surpass my expectations. If it doesn't I'm going to be dissapointed and leary of any future purchases from that manufacturer. I really don't think members are being nitpicky. For the amount of money thats being paid out certain things, Like arms and hips breaking right out of the box, should not be occuring.
  3. You may want to check up on you order with them. They have had some ordering problems recently. They lost my order for a vf-0 for 4 weeks before contacting me.
  4. How bout a warning next time!! Some people actually browse Macrosworld at work!
  5. You guys that are reporting no stress marks, have you done anything to circumvent the problem? I.e.. loosen the screws?
  6. I wonder if HG would have a problem if someone was to license this in the US
  7. scand

    Graham's Sig

    .....and gets saturated with salt water!! Dante.. That's just wrong!
  8. Nice site! No Macross II? Even though it's not real Macross.
  9. Where did you find this at? There gone every where I look? Ok con exclusive. Duh!
  10. LOL, Is you avatar supposed to represent some one in paticular?!
  11. scand

    Lead Paint?

  12. scand

    Buying a YF-19

    Buy it, She'll get over it. When she's giving you the cold shoulder atleast you'll have a nice new yammie to focus your attention on.
  13. scand

    Buying a YF-19

    Ok, Big Spender?? J/K but you laid it out there. The only safe bet is to get the 19/FP/Booster Combo. Your not going to be able to get the 19 for less than 170 anyway. The FP and booster is worth it. For US retailers check out tmpanime.com or bigbadtoystore.com
  14. scand

    Lead Paint?

    I guess I should stop putting my 1/60s in my mouth then! I thought Lead based paints were outlawed for the use in toys. No? By the way, for some reason this thread reminded me of Tommy Boy.
  15. Elint, Elint, I wanna super ostrich?? and VF-1D?? and...........................I want them for free.....Fat chance!
  16. Pure gHeyness! Who ever wrote the script needs be given a labatomy.
  17. I don't think Yamato would really go with the gold look. Keep in mind this it is probably the combination of this being a prototype and bad camera flash. This is what I hope it ends up looking like. I think this is more anime acurate.
  18. Hehe, I was right it is a costume. Anybody seen the Real Transformers:
  19. Ok just because I like to scan threads for pics and not actually read anything I think these should go here! I didn't notice this before but check out the sketch of the yf-21 in the background.
  20. From my understanding a g1 re-release of Ultra Magnus was going to occur this fall as a Wallmart exclusive, or are you guys refering to the masterpiece Magnus that was released?
  21. It looks like a valkyrie halloween costume.
  22. Cool, I'm glad to hear it looks like the originals will be out, sooner or later. After 87, the figures started getting cheesy. Some of the 88 figures were alright. Shin since your the joe guro, what ever happened to wave four of the DTC ARAH line. Was it scrapped? I remember seeing some pics of Airtight, Cobra Officer, etc... floating around the internet.
  23. The head on the screw is shredded, I can't get any leverage to turn the screw out. none of my other 1/48s seem to have an issue. If your talking about the 1/60s though that's another story.
  24. No it's skull 001. Unless the replaced the right wing. Somebody, was probably custum happy and wanted to see what it would look like on max. Either way it wasn't new
  25. Your really taking your chances with that company. The last thing I bought from them was a Hikaru VF-1S supposedly New in mint box. Well, after taken it out I noticed the head was floppy. No big deal, I can just tighten the screw on the bottom of the head. Well i could have if it wasn't stripped to hell and back. I've got a feeling they took a Hikaru vf-1a a placed a 1s head on it.
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