Keep in mind there is a 20-30% markup in price for us to get these toys in the US. I keep seeing auctions for the Q-Rau beetween 80-95 dollars. I paid 115 shipped for mine. Of course there will be a markup for the US dealers to make some profit for the service of getting these toys to us.
Plus, Yamato's target market is for Japanese fans. Who probably, like us, are in there late 20's or early 30's. The point is, Yamato's toys are for a very limited niche market. Domestic then abroad. Not many companies are going to be producing toys of 20 year old anime with such a limited market. For Yamato to keep producing Macross toys, the individual prices are going to be higher than different toys marketed to other fan bases. I feel that the price is completely justifiable in order for fans to get "high caliber"(My opinion) macross toys.