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Everything posted by scand

  1. I have been telling myself for the last two years... I'm not jumping down the G.I. Joe Collectors Rabbit Hole again. I have to many other hobbies and the Classified series is pricey. But, new rule, Only Joes, no Cobra, and only from the 82-86 series. Man am I outta room.
  2. Thanks for the warning. This will be my first round with the VF19.
  3. Yeah, This is releasing... Finally, something to be excited about!
  4. Does anyone know if the DX-21 will include fast packs? The picture 1 page back looked like it showed the HG version of the 21.
  5. I wish it would hurry up and release HLJ keeps harassing me about my stuff in Private Warehouse.
  6. Got notice today BBTS is preparing to ship the Michael VF-25. for those waiting...
  7. Yeah, checked HLJ just a little while ago... sucks.
  8. Weird, I placed a PO for Roy and it went through last night but now I'm seeing this... Hikaru is still available for PO.
  9. Yeah, I'm waiting on confirmation somewhat impatiently too. HLJ just shows 10-31.
  10. Yes, it looks stunted. Not visually appealing at all.
  11. Since the scheduled release month has been pushed back, do we know what the new target month is?
  12. When I see this pic I would almost prefer an HMR scale instead of a DX.
  13. To me the fighter mode is reminiscent of the the Club M 1/48 kit. Kinda thunky.
  14. Can't wait! Just gave in and bought an old Yammie a couple of weeks ago though. Nice to see all of the pinky fingers going up LOL
  15. So the Archii double fit's nicely in a Detolf shelf with the correct angling of your birds. I also tried to capture the Badoolza face melting pose...
  16. Darn... looks like only 1 Arcadia A stand i n stock :{
  17. Cool, will give them an order tonight. I've been wanting to for awhile but was confused on the adapters.
  18. Cool, thanks Slave... 1 more question DX A vs B? what adapter for DX VF1s then adapter for Mac Frontier valks? Sorry if that's already been asked.
  19. Regarding the Archi stands... how hard is to get the double, say with two DX size valks on a single Detolf shelf?
  20. Yeah, I think the guy that got decapitated in DYRL was someone special they drew in.
  21. Ahhh! That's cool. I knew it couldn't be some random. Wasn't there other "Cameos" as well?
  22. Surprised the Fandom hasn't come up with an answer for this one yet. And if we can get a back story on this guy in the background... That would be great, He looks like an interesting character.
  23. Yeah... it was listed as new on eBay. I had some suspicions when the box came and looked like it had been soaked in moisture at some point.
  24. I bought a Max VF-1A from eBay a couple of years ago and the guy I bought it from told me that some 1/60 V2s came with a strap. It was included in the box when I got it. Out of 15 Valks it's the only one with the strap.
  25. We could always consider the SDF version of the fight.
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