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Everything posted by adankree

  1. I'm having the same issue with Anime-Export. They took my paypal payment, but no confirmation email. Also, it's not showing up in my order history.
  2. Jenius "On my phone but I'm pretty sure I put the measurement in a pic on anymoon." Got it. Thanks Jenius. 3.8cm, 38mm, 1.5 inches. Wow that's small and they'd have to be even smaller as they'd be without armor. Let's see what I can do as those joint would be tiny. Much appreciated bro.
  3. Hi, Can somebody tell me how tall the mini figures are when standing straight up? If possible, in mm. I'm thinking about making a few civilians. Thanks.
  4. Does anyone know if this will be a Japan only release unlike the the SOC Lion Voltron?
  5. Anyone have an issue with thier Anime-Export order? I made the Paypal payment right away but it still shows "Standing not paid." Thanks.
  6. adankree

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Just picked one up at Anime-Export!
  7. adankree

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

  8. adankree

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Hi, What site is HS?
  9. adankree

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Does anyone know Bandai's suggested MSRP of the VF-19?
  10. adankree

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

  11. adankree

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Does anyone know if pre-orders for Bandai products that are in high demand like the VF-19 are set up to on sale simultaneously from the various online retailers? Also, why would this pre-order be different from say the VF-31A, which seemed be readily available for time?
  12. Got my notice for Stick from AE. Waiting to ship him out with Ray though. Hopefully the latter will be released soon.
  13. Thanks bro!
  14. Has anyone handled the Kitzconcept SD VF-1S or any of their other offerings? I'm curious to know how solid/sturdy their plastic is. My latest purchase; Evolution Toy's Legioss has me a bit apprehensive about buying into a relative new company. Their 1/72 scale fully transformable VF-1S almost seems too good to be true if it lights up and has metal content.
  15. I really hope Evolution Toys eventually decides to use better plastic. Personally I don't think the Legioss has ever looked better and I'm one of those guys who also bought their VF-2ss. I'd hoped they'd remedied the issue. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. I guess I'll have to wait for another company to get the license and hope they do it justice. I really don't understand how even 3rd party TF companies can pull off more complex toys and give us a solid build for around $130. I know Evolution Toys has to pay for licensing but I'd think they'd still turn a profit if they'd use better plastic. Quite honestly I wouldn't mind paying a bit more for this mech if it didn't mean having to handle it with kid gloves.
  16. $190ish shipped. What to do? This or Arcadia's Garland
  17. Thanks guys. Sounds like they're going to be articulated non-transforming figures. Honestly I don't mind, as long as they're around the 1:12th -1/14th scale as mentioned. if that's the case, they should be more affordable.
  18. First time seeing this. Does anyone know if its just an action figure or does it transform? Scale?
  19. adankree

    Bandai DX VF-31

    LOL a fellow VOYAGER fan.
  20. adankree

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Got it! First Valkyrie in a while.
  21. adankree

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Up at AE http://www.anime-export.com/product/37625
  22. adankree

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks bro. I'll guess I'll be up tonight waiting on Anime Export OR even NY since MW members seem to have had good experiences with them.
  23. adankree

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I've only ordered from AmiAmi and AE, although I love the 80's reference, how's BigInJapan with regards to price and shipping?
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