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Everything posted by deadghost

  1. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE IN MY MIND the s15's look sick and the rx-7 too bad I cant say the same for the skylines.
  2. If your looking for a s15 you might be able to smuggle one from canada, you might save some money then importing it, but it would be illegal in the states unless you make a loop hole and say its a kit car, thats what I am planning to do with my r32. And I used to work for a branch for Rb motoring and those guys were shady they would just buy skyline from motor ex and charge double the price, there prices where just bs. I am still figure'ing out what which macross frontier girl to put on the car, Rank or Sheryl maybe both. Al try to get more pics of other anime cars for a better perspective.
  3. If I recall I played a gamed called ace combat with the throttle and stick expansion. thats close enough.
  4. Alto does seem to be more human to me, unlike those gundam characters who have those unnatural emotional drama problems(my moms dead, My lover is dead,etc) -losers, god I hate them. But back to Alto, I think he has a piece of us in him, I mean He wants to be a valk pilot, and he is a under dog. I am not sure about you guys but 90% of the members here want to be a valk pilot, and I am pretty sure were all underdogs I know I am (Sigh)
  5. No way man, no way man, I dont want to see the enemy treated so human and then everyone pity's them after some love song encounter, after what they did to guillam I wont forgive them.
  6. WOW that puts things in a better perspective, and I was right mikihail is the new max based upon the color of his valk helmet. And what in Benders name is Brera Sterne, looks like something out of final fantasy. thanks Kresphy
  7. whoooo hold on graham, we still got to april untill we see something new, you dont want to find yourself getting bored of it so quickly, I am trying compensate by rationing how much I watch and I am going to start working on some amv's tomorrow -trying to keep things alive.
  8. sorry to say man buts it really 26minutes long, such a shame. I also have great reason to believe that Mikhail Brown, and Luca Angelloni are part of SMS just like the OG skull sq. meaning mikhail is suppose to be like max (>??????) and Luca as kazaki, all I am going to say is I hope they die a vivid and intense death WHY YOU SAY BECAUSE I DONT WANT MY MAN OZAMA TO DIE, NO WAY IS HE GONNA DIE, NOPE I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY, OZAMA WILL MOST LIKELY BAG THE SHERYL LOOK ALIKE
  9. Tell me about a GTR was the OG PLAN, but I saw the prices and I know there a couple grand more but I am pinching dimes and cents, if I get a little bit more money I will go after the gtr no dout. here are the prices for the GTR are over 12k and a gts-t are usually under 7k. note these are canadian prices, you dont even want to know what californian seller's want.
  10. very true NUNS OR SMS I can not decide. I dont know how they make it, but I belive they its called body wraps and they do all colors. Oh link heres the pics
  11. SUGOI......SUGOI .....thats a great start, you guys are the best, man such great effort and work I wish I can repay the favor, but I would like to use the NUNS logo, but check out the pics of the tuner acura, I think we make something completely better then that, but thats cool with what he did. PROPS TO LINK
  12. man my birthday is on the 31st and I WANT SHERYL nothing else well maybe a real life vf-25
  13. ah come on that armor was so bad ass, It was like shoji was reading my mind when he made it. How could you guys not like it, I have a feeling that ozama will need it to tackle that red bug, I also nick named it the sumo armor.
  14. al only go if they show macross F.
  15. Well I would import it, but its a big heart head ache for me, even though my friends tell me just wait when you move to japan in a couple of years and go all out and buy a r34 since the price that I am buying the r32 is the same. I guess when I move I will import one but for now I got some friends on the canadian skyline forums who are selling them pretty cheap and are willing to me over the border to avoid taxes and all the other BS. I lookd up the prices for a gtr and there just a little bit more so it might be a possible. Of course this car will only be a project car and possibly a track car but I dont have any plans of haveing it as a daily driver. But thanks for the heads up
  16. GGemini......do you think there possible zentradi or recycled art and design.....I KNOW LETS SEND THESE PICS TO THE LAB (throwing on white coat and glasses )
  17. PUTTING ON GLASSES, that is some excellent observation, this could be a break through.
  18. hey dj loe kee, welcome to mac world, is that a s14 with a s15 conversion with a cf hood, I am a nissan man myself. I am in the process of geting a r32 gts-t or a a31 cefiro if I can find one. well welcome and great to have a fellow rwd nissan fan here on mac world
  19. well I would love a helmet , but I see no need for it YET, I am going to be getting a kit for the for the car, a URAS , let me know if you like the pics, and as for the color is either going to be either red, white, possibly the color it come with if its in good shape, or if you guys know of any colors that would look great it would be highly considerd. thanks for helping out
  20. wow the vf-25 was born out of legos, you figured he would have so much resources services and at his disposal, but wow
  21. Ok every body knows how crazy I am of mac F, I mean I am the guy who got a tatto from a cheap scan from new type. Well guys how do I sum this up for you...ok...here goes....I am currently saving up my money to buy a r32 gts-t nissan skyline from canada, if you dont know what a nissan skyline is then you dont belong anywhere near a car, but heres some info on it whats a nissan skyline ???????????. I wanted to dedicate the car to one of my fav animes EX-DRIVER, but I love macross F even more after watching it. I am into motorsports only because its the only thing that will get close to the cockpit of a valk. Any ways I want to design my r32 skyline after the vf-25. I dont want to put vinyl stripes of red and black and call it a day -thats too tacky. I am thinking of having the NUNS LOGO on the car, and doing some kind of graphic on the side of the car, but dont know what kind. look at the pic to give you a idea. I dont know who to put on there Ranka, sheryl, or even Ozama
  22. sorry, after watching the special 20 times, and staying on this thread for for more than 20 hours a day (I got too much time) is starting to take its toll on my brain
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