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Everything posted by deadghost

  1. ANYONE one else, come one people share what you have been never been able to show.
  2. I didnt say I was going to go that far ,but that would be allright too anyways she is a major anime fan herself, and she has a thing for school love aime that is about comeing of age. I mean if I showed her macross, or any other anime similar to that caliber she would look at me all weird and prob leave me.
  3. As for me I need to actually think this one out, even though I am a writer I should know of something, but I will post something real good and sweet mark my words
  4. Say for some odd reason you recently had a grant to makeand give birth to your very own anime, you do the story, designs, character work, everything while you had animators at your disposal. What anime would you develop, would you base it on your life, or a weird fantasy that you always wanted, what category would you place it in. What would be the conflict if you even wanted one. How would it start and how would it end. Put as much or as little information as you want. Heck if you have a script post it. Oh and NO sick and twisted fantasy's with school girls being tortured or anything like that
  5. oh my god you dont know what your missing out on, I am so happy that I am helping someone out, your greatly welcome my friend, oh and what animes do you recommend of his work. I am so going to share these animes with a girl I have been eyeing for a while, hopefully she hasnt seen it, so WHEN i SHOW THIS MOVIE, SHES GOING TO GET TEARY, EMOTIONAL, AND LOVE SICK, THAT SHE WILL NEED ME BY HER SIDE,and you can guess what will happen next . Man I am so smart. I suggest you guys use this tactic too But back on topic that pic is truely something
  6. ah yes my favorite scene, its like they took it out of my head or my dreams, I wish they did a similar scene in mac F.
  7. sorry about that. I am not familiar with that saying, can you please explain it to me
  8. I just saw this story of life, and my god my eyes were so moist, I mean it was so real and touching at the same time, I cant remember seeing something filled with such human art and life. please post what you think of this vivid anime, AND CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THE ENDING TO ME.
  9. good point emajnthis, but I got to let this be known, I am working on a business deal IF it goes ok I will get the gts IF it goes great I will get the gtr, IF it goes sour then I am screw'd, and I hate to do this option but I might have to ask my dad to help me out, and if he does he might not approve of and I might end up with slapstick 240sx,miata, toyota, or a mazda rx-7 fc. And I might have to wait on his discretion. Just remember this all based on IF'S. Wish me the best of luck
  10. Hold on Graham, we got to ask our selves do we want to spoil the series for ourselves, the way I see it is like time travel, we will see it but will not understand it and plus we wont be able to read it. BUT I AM A LOYAL MACROS FAN, and I want to HAVE THE MANGA, so I DEMAND THAT SOME ONE GET THE SCENES OF THE MANGA as a collection and history item.
  11. welcome aboard man, its always nice to see a Roy fan out there, you remind me of my younger self, I am now finding myself as a OZMA fan but I need more insight on him. If you take note he might be a drinker too since there was a bar behind him, so he might be a rugged drinker. Its good that there still keeping the Roy image alive through mac F, but I swear if Ozma dies I will take the next plane to japan and beat the CRAP out of shoji. Oh and you got to watch macross zero if your a Roy Fan
  12. actually I have been eyeing the gts (it is a rwd variant of the skyline) it is also cheaper, and I love everything about that bodykit but I guess each to his own. Thanks for looking
  13. Not a bad theory, I did look at her birth marks and they do like some islands. Its a very good theory. like you said we might have to wait and see
  14. oh and comparing sheryl to all the girls I have dated I would consider her a angle -personality wise
  15. ah come on VFTF1 she is hot, cute, and sings what more do you want. She is like any other good looking girl who has a unmoveing side as what I would call it, at least shoji was being realistic this time. Man if I was a SMS member I wouldnt mind risking my life to save her
  16. heres a link to the Gts that I am eyeing r32gts white
  17. lol dont worry about it man, I was only joking. And a good note on the ghosts being creamed, I mean you saw what they are capable of in mac+, and then they send a squadron of them and they get creamed like CF's, thats like "what the hell". hummmmm.........Maybe I should change my name to Komi Ghost
  18. I just cant wait for the beach scene, since they have a pill ship with a beach, man I will get to see Ranka and sheryl in there in bikinis spashing each other, oh and you cant forget about catherine. man I cant wait
  19. wOW I did not know they made a vert for the s15, your right it would be uncommon to see one like that. And I think your right we should maybe wait for the rest of the series to see some great sexy scenes, that or I can talk to some of my friends who are pro artist's and see what they can render for me , but it might be better to wait for the rest of the series. I will start working on the SMS logo and other concept art designs. And a UPDATE on the skyline, I found a great r32 gts white for 7200$, I just got to wait for this business deal to go through and I got the the cash, if the deal goes better then what I expected I will get a r32 GTR, hopefully. As for the legal stuff I might have to keep it in my garage until I get everything sorted out with paperwork. Oh get this a friend of mine told me of a loop hole for imported canadian cars in the states, lol he told me to get me a fake canadian drivers i.d, and if I get pulled over or anything like that I should show it to a cop and say im here from canada as tourist ROFL, WHAT DO YOU THINK
  21. THERE WAS ONE SEEN THAT I PURELY LOVE, it is when she is singing the second song in the concert, she was floating in a trance and her hair was blue. god........................
  22. Was looking for macross hentai, and stumbled upon this site, ROFL
  23. As much as how everybody is kinda bashing and complaining about he characters on the flaws of the special. I might say something there was anything I would complain about it would not be the male characters who I find are great in every way.But for the girls being not so much cute as I wanted them to be, but still my heart pours for them, Hell if I saw them in real life I would be on them faster then white on rice. They are great but they could have done better, I can say the same for Myung in mac +, and Mylene in mac 7. Who knows maybe shoji has low standards or something. I can not stress the importance of cute and fine girls in a anime, it helps the anime, for example -ah my goddess I hate the story but I watch it only because I like the girls,same for neon genesis evangelion, that anime is a nightmare for me but I watch it because I like auska, nothing else. Just my two cents
  24. Ranka lee, or sheryl, I can not decide. any ideas anyone, I though about belldandy, my heart said yes but my head said no and I must full fill my obligation to macross f
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