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Everything posted by deadghost

  1. ok, I watch'd after watching 5cm per sec, I got to admit Makoto Shinkai is a pretty good story writer. The ova was pretty damn good, except for the mecha designs, prob the worst mechas I have seen to date, but that really did not matter. I kinda start to think if makoto had a a painful love relationship. Anyways as I watching this I keep asking myself would I ever wait that long for your soul mate, thats more than 16 years, I would be in my mid 30's or even early 40's. Anyways does the girl get back to ship, was there ever any hope of being reunited, and what did they mean by if I could give one thought? please leave your feed back.......well I am off to watching The Place Promised in Our Early Days, thanks wolfx
  2. ah man my friend, prepare yourself for some bad news,you wont see it till april, give me a pm around that time and al send you a link to the torrent. As for me I am going to put myself into a induced coma until that time, hopefully I will wake up at exactly at that time with no brain damage and not finding myself waking up 20 years from now.lol That shows you how I hate waiting.
  3. ok, i saw the last episode months and months ago, AND YES I LIKE THE SERIES, but I do admit Rie did need a little bit more emotion, But saying that I loved the characters design, the female general was crisp new idea. But I do have some questions, does rie survive, and did he become a jam. I dont care what you guys say I liked this series, its a sword of a different color.
  4. Man are you crazy how could you like the scene when gilliam died man, I thought he was a great character and asset, his tattoo on his face was a pretty cool character design. what a waste of a good character.
  5. man just give me a reasonable mecha - one that is good with hand to hand combat, and I can take care of this gloverfield monster with no damage to the citizens (well maybe a little, I might step on someone, or accident'ly blow up a building lol). I am thinking of either a EVA or becomeing ULTRAMAN. Man I cant decide, I would say a valk or a destroid but I dont think they are of the right caliber. But becomeing Ultraman would be sweet, I always wanted to do that thing with the laser arm thingymigjig.
  6. Al try to find you something, I am pretty sure I have seen something exactly like that. lol
  7. got bored here at work and watchd it, it was ok, the name describes it. thanks wolfx I want to encourage more threads like these, you know where we find great anime and wen try to share it.
  8. I check'd out paprika and I might watch it because I am curious, but for mind game I might have to drop acid to understand that one. I am pretty sure they are all good, but maybe mind game was not designed for my flavor, but what I am starting to realize is maybe all or 75% of the anime's out there are based on a physiological level of understanding for the viewers, it could be love, fantasy, or anything -the point is what some of them do is to go into our minds and help us explore what we want to understand and are curious about. let me put in simple terms, you dont watch macross because you know whats going to happen, or you know what your going to feel, you watch it because it flexes your curios feelings and emotions to action and drama . just my two cents
  9. damn I am going through my old paper work, documents, and journals and trying to find something great. I promise I will post something worth looking at, I just need to find some inspiration.
  10. I am really loving this thread , al prob have to start a thread for great artistic anime that we can actually relate ourselves too, al do some hunting this weekend. And I am so happy that I am able to share this anime with you guys instead of having it keept to myself and on the vast corners of my hard drive.
  11. I saw the trailer and it has all the qualitys of a good a anime but I think the story is a little to out there, this is only me for the record, but I cant find myself relating to this environment or setting.This is only me and my opinion by the way, but I did get a taste for the girl who leapt time, I am currently downloading it.
  12. God I wish I could fuse Makoto Shinkai with shoji kawamori, then we would be getting some real anime. Back on topic, I still dont understand why the male main character never kept in contact with either of the girls, the surfer girl was really cute and nice and yet he did not care about her in any way even when she was crying he did not comfort her ....well that would have been kind of hard with the rocket launching off, but still he should have comforted her.
  13. clap.......clap......clap.....So exo you finally caught on to my master plan. hey what happend to the cosplay link of those cute girls
  14. did anyone notice the scene where there pulling away the sick lady with the guys in bio suits, and if you look closely its like something is about to burst out of her chest or something.
  15. wooooooooo......ok....can someone explain to me what am I looking at, christ those nasty images will hunt my mind for the rest of my life.
  16. wait whats a doujins, perhaps google image will help me out
  17. Thanks I saw the trailer for it.
  18. ok....ok.... I know it might be a bad idea to revive this thread, but has there been any news on when they will release it on torrents, also are there any pics of the new evas the links I clicked on are not working.
  19. Heres a big one the bridge bunnys or the school girls look like there 23 but there really 17 . This also applys to all animes.
  20. I find it very funny that when the special was released everybody liked it in every way, and no one complained about it the first couple of days, but since time has passed I guess we have gotten to the point where we are dissecting it, maybe we are doing this because we are bored or we......I dont know, I just cant get my finger on it, possibly we feel we can do a better job ourselv's but could we, I believe I had the services at my disposal I could, but I can be dead wrong. But heres something, maybe we continue to watch macross F because it is close to our fantasy, remember the word close, if it was exactly what we dreamed about then we would not complain, no matter how good of a anime we watch we will always criticize it.
  21. ok I cant find any torrents on this reboot, only trailers of the first ep. Can some explain whats happening, why is it being redone, I thought that company that created it where bankrupt or something like like that. And whats the new story. OH and I almost forgot WILL THEY SHOW ASKUA.
  22. Well heres a little something for you guys, a little amv I found, dont ask just watch it, its pretty damn good. I am thinking about makeing a mac F amv with that song. 5cm per sec amv -utada hikaru
  24. Graham I retract my theory about the spoiler, I want that manga, also how does gilliam die.
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