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Everything posted by deadghost

  1. I have never been so glued to a anime series not since mac + and mac 0 (f#@# great but too short), dyrl and mac II were those animes you just watch for the entire day, they were great still bring such great memories. BUT MAC F, I got to say it is something that just makes my week, every thursday or friday I just get off school take the rest of the day off, "chill and relax", and just go down to my favorite tea bar and just watch that episode over and over, and relax. honestly I remember getting fired and not being as depressed because I was watching mac f the day after making a living off ebay, (it makes my day), and this is scary but I hate the idea of the series ending, I know it will happen but I tell myself it will go on and on. SOME ONE TELL ME THAT ITS NOT GOING TO END, RIGHT
  2. deadghost

    VF Girls

    I am a very picky person when it comes to fan art, I bag on my best friends art and tell him "how much I like the red colors he uses" and I grimly say "if red is the color for failure", BUT from what I have been seeing YOU GUYS ARE FU@#$% GREAT, YOU GOT MY BLESSING
  3. And I thought this thread was going to show some anime porn
  4. Honestly, I can actually see klan using his vf-25( miyra = red vf-1) . But klan lost her love or inspiration/ joy, she will not be the same character and thus I am sad to say that she might suffer a death reuniting her to her lover in a spiritual way (like romeo and juliet). Also my 8 ball predicts that brera will join sms squadron, and maybe we well see the new yf-26 fighters. But Luca better F!@#$ die, he was suppose to die, matter of fact I never see this kid killing anything, and I actually saw luca holding a pistol.
  7. "no one is going to die..."I keep telling myself that when I really I know leon is going to(I mean come on look at the guys face, its says evil), grace who I like to call a BWB (BOOK WORM BITCH) is most likely to die a horrible death , ozma I like to refuse the idea he will die but honestly its a 50/50% chance seeing that shoji might take on a different take and have something new, Kanaria is too f_<$#@ cool to die((OG character design). Lucka, I see that little punk unknowingly betraying everyone and killing himself to redeem his diginity/honor. But if ozma or kanaria died it would be the coolest death sequence in all mac animes, the cooler the character the cooler the death scene. Matter of fact a death scene might inrich the story and show that mac f is different and has a sense of grim reality for what happens in war unlike GUNDAM or code Geas (losers). I mean, I remember watching DYRL and freaking out seeing roy die, yhea it sucks but hey its how stories work.
  8. NOOO...GOD NOO...well I did post up on the early threads from last year before ep.0 came out....but I will do a before and after pic as soon as I can get it properly fixed
  9. Props for naming your kids after miyra and max but try living with a bad tattoo of the flight school insignia from mac f and having your coworkers flame you for it everday, I got a quote for $200-$300 just to fix it
  10. ok..ok..guys as much as I am a die hard macross plus and macross F fan, this is very fictional its.... its ok if a detail does not match up, stuff (U.N Spacy = N.U.N.S), Stuff like this gets thrown in to make things a little bit more new (which I think is stupid and uncalled for), I have a hard time understanding it myself but maybe some staff writer came up with the idea, maybe there is a reason behind it (I doubt) through out the series. what I notice about a lot of these new animes is that they try to use "COOL" acronyms (ex.NERVE ~ NEON GENESIS EVANGELION REBUILD, GUNDAM etc), I was mad that they all just let go of U.N Spacy that we all love and cherish, and expect us to take on N.U.N.S (YHEA IT SOUNDS COOL AND EVERYTHING), and I grew up with the kite, and its a trademark logo. All I am going to say is that lets just flow with it, I think we are over thinking and speculating this new name or acronym, because these guys that make this franchise up can not go so deep in Every detail even though they should on something like this, stuff like this is very common in animes. -just my two cents
  11. All I ask, is leave it as it is, I hate it when I see people mutilate my favorite anime. Example. the fat chick with the over kill on make up, who went as Sharon Apple for a cosplay, or the other guy that destroyed the image of Isamu Dyson as he attempted to do a Cosplay. And it is broad casted on youtube. I understand people like to be like there fav character but come on........its like that time when I saw these unhealthy overweight 30 year olds dressed up as spider man, or neo from the matrix. Or like my friend who is caucasian, going to the Halloween Dance as Denis Rodman....I dont think the basket ball team was happy to see him. Just my 2 cents.
  12. yes..yes..I know they are nice but lets get back on topic. lol
  13. This is something that I do since I am a noob, but buy two of the same kit for mistakes, even though its too late for you. I cant even count how many times I broke or screwed up on a piece(s) and had to order another kit, because I thought I was going to be accurate and flawless. It is not much money compared to when working on a car, I can go on and on how many times when something went wrong resulting in someone re ordering a couple hundred dollar part. And always get a little bit more then you need (in paint, etc), it saves so much in time. Other then that ask the experts and pros, honestly you will not find any other better model builders on any other site or forum.
  14. it does not get any better then his work.
  15. I hope so too, and no problem for posting the pics, I know how we all like eye candy.
  16. You are right, I am F@#$ pissed at Jason Gares, I would never do work this guy ever again, and there were times when I asked for a refund, and I was told that there was no turning back. I should have gotten some one from this forum but I was a newbie at the time and I did not know how sophisticated you guys were at the time. I remember someone telling me to go to starship modeler and finding someone there though. His price was pretty good compared to what other builders wanted ($400-$650). I may have gotten a little too excited and over said that they were the best kits. I am very fortunate for even getting in contact with him, I remember there was different threads setup on how he was so behind and not informing people of his different e-mail and store changes. There are still people who are waiting for items that they purchased for a couple hundred dollars from months and even a year ago. I am just happy that my kits are done, all I have to do is wait for them to be shipped, they should arrive this week. I know they are not the best, after seeing what some people did here, but I could not do a better job, and I am just happy I did not get taken for my money. Yet it is not over, they need to be shipped. FYI I did not take those pics.
  17. Many of you prob have heard me yap here and there, and hear me say "I got the best mac+ kits in the process of being pro built, and it will be the best", and I remember someone saying that I was making it up. Well good things come to those who wait, and yes they do. It started three years ago when I miserably failed building my Yf-19 kit, And I said screw it, I want a clean looking kit, I am leaving it to the pros. I Reached a guy off starship modeler named Jason Gares, made a contract. Well the guy had some problems of his own, and I nearly went insane, and thought I had my money taken. Three freakin years to build two kits Well I was lucky things worked out. At first I wanted the kits bad then I said to myself what am I going to do if I get them, prob just have them siting around collecting dust, so it didnt matter when I got them as long as they were good. I love Macross Plus, and I wanted something from it and what better way to have my all time favorite fighters pro built. Now some of you might say I cheated myself and prob should have built them miserablyon my own, well I didnt have the time, but I did have the money. To be honest if the Vf-25 kit comes out, al just build it, and buy three if I mess up. WELL ENJOY.......MORE PICS TO COME.
  18. stupid Question but when is the second episode coming out. I dont want to left behind and find out it came out two weeks ago.
  19. Macross Plus would never exist with out him. Evil black robot box looking and acting like HAL 2000, Gulds death takeing after Bowmans entrance to higher status in the universe. And many more small things that most fans prob wont notice. But most importantly it was about being a pioneer.
  20. who ever came up with that parody was on acid.
  21. guess who got a job working for SP ENGINEERING. click here to see who they are. I start on the 17th, but I am doing training right now. Yup theres a macross member working at the best and premier auto shops in the country.
  22. I agree, its one thing when they have a anime chick who looks 20, but she is actually 17 or even 15. This one is over the border. They better compensate for this in some way. I thought the dark skin girl with the red top, and bandana would be the leader.
  23. I am going to need more time, its kinda hard trying to do it with out a computer, if not al try going to the local e-cafe.
  24. no dice "sigh" the post was a month old, and he finally realized the value of the car. I guess Im still playing the waiting game.
  25. wow thanks for the info. since I am on a budget "at the moment", al go for the fc, matter of fact my brother has one in the garage, with a rebuilt engine, a set of enkies, and he is currently puting in a new clutch. Its a gxl, but heres what caught my attention. He needs it gone because he owes my other brother money, I saw him put a post for $950, I think I can get for $500. It will need some visual work, but that wont be too much (replace fender, and a new paint job).
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