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Everything posted by deadghost

  1. be quit dean leave this one to the true macross fans your saying that because its not another THE MELANCHOLY OF HARUSHI SUZUMIYA. And you dont have that special tingly feeling that we macross fans have when see a new macross anime its like flying in fighter jet for the first time and macross gets us close to that special moment. I am saying this only because I am your older brother and that I just love macross more than you do
  2. No No... graham they got to keep the gun pod, Its like war without rifles you need it to keep some realism. If look very closely you can see the gun pod being taken apart and you can see the three barrels - trust me on this
  3. guys I am filled with so much macross f fever that I am going to my buddy who is a a tatoo artist and have him make a special tat on my arm. If I get in sunday I promise I will post pics of all my tats, just some eye candy for u guys
  4. Lets not get ahead of our selfs sumdumgai, we havent even seen the series and all know they will release model kits first and plus I havent completed my mac + model kits
  6. dont feel like playing the game can some one get me the sequence. thank you
  7. can some one please leave a link to the mac13 sequence from vfx2
  8. can some one please leave a link to the mac13 sequence from vfx2
  9. excellent point my friend, of course this will require lots of time I hope you are wlling to wait, now if you will excuse me I must get out a sketch pad, all my downloaded torrents of macross, and some insperation (cough some herbal meds cough)
  10. sketchley thank you for your vast wisdom I will take it in account, I am sorry that I used pics of scanner darkly and simply rendered through simple steps on photo shop, I just didnt want to show my OG art I was very unsatisfied with it and thought it was not up to your standards of anime fans. I will trash the rest of the comic start out fresh but will use the help and art provided from my friend (who is a mac+ fan) and I shall use my skills in writeing and story and character development . thank you very much skethcley, I also love the fact that you guys are not as hard headed as the guys in the mazda 3 forums
  11. hay buddy no need to get spiky all I am trying to do is make something so we can all enjoy until macross f comes out, this is something for fun, im just taking a whack at it, so what if my art or what I call art is crap the point is that I am trying, having fun and learning thats the purpose. And I thought why not share this with the good guys on macross world.
  12. hay would you rather see my art because you really dont want to, luckly I talkd to a friend and were going to try to cook up something
  13. hay you got to give me props for trying at least I tried I dont know nothing about comics and photoshop but I actually made something +hay I cant handle the commotion I want to do something instead of waiting something so I decided to do something fun, time killing, something I can share
  14. Any pictures of the finished product?
  15. I really appreciate you not hating or flaming me me, instead you are helping me out, no wnder macross world members are the best. thank you so much. The comic will get better I promise.
  16. LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL oh man I was hoping no one would find out, but you caught me red handed, what can I say keanu reeves is my all time fav actor, in a way he is like guld and isamu put together just without the rage and anger.
  17. sweet you know where I got my insperation, ok I want to setup up the character intros and story intro (I hate random battle scenes with no sense of plot). In the next couple pages I will reveal some mecha and valk comnbat and the prized valk will be the vf-5000 and possibly the vf-19 or the vf-22(later on the comic) cant figure out wich one I like Or want. All I am going to say is that it gets better. -deadghost
  18. is anyone going to comment
  19. OK GUYS HERE IT IS THE FIRST PAGE AND MORE ON THE WAY OF COURSE BUT THIS WILL GIVE YOU A TASTE. This is too help sustain the commotion and the fustration. Our main chaacter name is Jin. well enjoy more to come. -khaldune seirafi aka deadghost
  20. OK GUYS HERE IT IS THE FIRST PAGE AND MORE ON THE WAY OF COURSE BUT THIS WILL GIVE YOU A TASTE. Our main character name is Jin. well enjoy more to come. -khaldune seirafi aka deadghost
  21. you know what, al give jason gares a e-mail, I am being very flexible on time withe him since he is doing it as a favor for me, but last time I heard he was done
  22. I cant take it any more(quoteing jerry stiller), argh (destroying macross collectibles) I DEADGHOST will start a comic to help sustain all this commotion I am typeing a script as I am screaming, kawai takes his sweet time I am takeing action I am working on the script as we speak, there will be more work on plot and character dev than art (sigh)al fll you guys in as everything gets cook'd up pics and art will be posted very soon
  23. I cant take it any more(quoteing jerry stiller), argh (destroying macross collectibles) I DEADGHOST will start a comic to help sustain all this commotion I am typeing a script as I am screaming, kawai takes his sweet time I am takeing action
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