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Everything posted by deadghost

  1. SORRY, just got it working. thank you, now if you will excuse me I am heading down to my local tea bar to watch this heavenly joy.
  3. THIS SUNDAY, its allready that time, I thought it didnt come out till april, NOW THE BIG QUESTION WHICH SITE DO WE GO TO DOWNLOAD THE TORRENT, SOME ONE PLEASE TELL ME
  4. can some get a COUNT DOWN time clock going on, all this hype is eating me alive, I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE.
  5. loooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  6. I didnt mean like that, I thought some members would have some luck with kind of thing, I mean how would you treat a middle eastern girl not like how you would treat a american girl. god I think this going to be a good thread. I got the idea from train man.
  7. bingo thats what I mean, I mean how do I negotiate through that process.
  8. OK heres whats happening, I have a thing for my japanese tutor, I havent talkd to her for a while and I want to actually talk to her. I talkd to her friend and got myself signed up for her tutoring sessions. I dont know what to say to her, or what move to start off with. god she is so cute and sexy I mean anime girl sexy. I can barley speak japanese. some one help me
  9. IMPORTANT ???? WHO WILL TAKE THE STAND ON SETTING A TORRENT TO THE MACROSS F FIRST EPISODE, or how will we be able to see it on that special day????????????????
  10. oh man I didnt pay attention in my kanj class, where do I register or better yet can someone download and post a link to the video........................please
  11. wrong post. (please delete)
  12. wrong post, nvm.
  13. I just went looking for new job at the local mall just prepare myself just so I can load up on every mac f goods.
  14. can anyone get a good pic of the the squall with wings on "mr. fockers" flight helmet (which I think is the best) I feel like geting another tatto hehheh. God I feel like a military intel recon team lol
  15. holy crap holy crap holy crap...........My head is going to explode did you see the transforming full assault valk, I CANT TAKE MUCH MORE OF THIS
  16. can I get a better link to the commercial please
  17. I say never wait my friends, al be the first oh god my blood is pumping of so much energy right now.......still I love the tatoo.
  18. its dd's logo from mac zero I think
  19. I have to admit people been telling the valk looks like a f-35, but yes I did do it with a ball point pen.
  20. well guys like I said its a incomplete it need s a tons more shading of white and gray for the valk and the background, and plus I trust this he has done some pretty great work on my back with my mac plus compass.
  21. ok here the pic of the tatoo (incomplete, the tatoo artist was lazy) but as for the the two kits by jason gares that I am going to ask for by next week, he is painting them as a favor for me, I dont want to be rude and rush him but al ask if he can give me some pics because of you guys
  22. Dont worry al show pics as soon as I get off of work, its funny because when people see it they look at me all weird but if a macross fan (a up to date) saw it they would know what I am talking about. lol
  23. You guys are not going to get this. I just got a tatoo of the flight school emblem on my right arm (its missing some color) al post a pic as soon as soon as I can get a hold of a camera. come on some one give me props lol man I am still bounceing off the walls since I have seen that trailer
  24. My fellow u.n spacey candidates I just wanted to let you guys know that I am making a list of people who want a list of the macross frontier high school flight school emblem, this will explain eveything macross frontier patch I have to do this its so cool, god I cant belive I am geting a tatto out of this
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