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Posts posted by briscojr84

  1. More updates.

    Updated ARMD-02 Mk-II, minimal update.

    Updated ARMD Series II, minimal update.

    Updated ARMD Series III, minimal update.

    Updated Palomino, minimal update.

    Updated Camera ships, minimal update.

    Updated Satellites, minimal update.

    Updated Repair Ship, minimal update.

    Updated TC-35 Peregrine, minimal update.

    Updated ARMD-01 To 08, redid some pictures.

    Updated ARMD-01 Mk-II, redid main picture.

    Updated Guantanamo, redid main picture.

    Updated EVRP-1 Spider Bug, redid picture.

    Updated RC-4E Rabbit, redid pictures.

    Updated SC-27 Stargoose, redid pictures.

  2. Mucho Updates -

    Added John F Kennedy.

    Added CVN Enterprise.

    Added CVN Nimitz.

    Added CG Ticonderoga.

    Added DD Spruance.

    Added FFG Oliver Hazard Perry

    Added SSN Los Angeles

    Added SSN Seawolf

    Added AS Emory Land

    Added AGF La Salle

    Added AGF Coronado

    Added LCC Blue Ridge

    Added WHEC 378' Hamilton

    Added WMEC 270' Famous

    Updated Kitty Hawk Minimal Update.

    Updated Asuka II, minimal update.

    Updated Arleigh Burke, minimal update.

    Updated Idaho, minimal update.

    Updated Hero, minimal update.

    Updated Prince Marco, minimal update.

    Updated Atlantic, minimal update.

    Updated Anabella Lasiodora, minimal update.

    Updated Black Market Drift, minimal update.

    Updated Bullet Class, minimal update.

    Updated Kyoto, minimal update.

    Updated Privateer, minimal update.

    Updated Trangle, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk-Class Base, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Cruiser, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Destroyer, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Dreadnought, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Flagship, redid picture slightly, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Gunship, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Heavy Destroyer, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Heavy Picket, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Light LST, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Light Monitor, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk LST, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Missile Corvette, minimal update.

    Updated Marduk Picket, minimal update.

    Updated Daedalus, redid pictures.

    Updated Prometheus, redid pictures.

    Updated Rorqual, redid pictures.

    Updated Hatchet, redid pictures.

    Updated Vandal, redid pictures.

  3. Interesting; each one of the missiles is different in that picture. Also, it looks like they could've easily fit another missile on the bottom

    Your right I never noticed that before, I wonder if it was done on purpose or if someone wasn't paying attention while they were drawing.

  4. Alright first things first, I fixed the links going to most of the various militaries [i would have known sooner if someone had told me] now that I realized they were not working.

    Also updated every single missile file, don't expect anything new in the way of pictures or info though, these were just minor updates.

    Also added E-9 and HU-25 planes to the UN Spacy Aircraft section.

  5. Got some good old Zentraedi Updates for you today -

    Updated Gelaug, minimal update.

    Updated Gilouza Fre, minimal update.

    Updated Glaug Eldarex, minimal update.

    Updated Glaug-Ex, minimal update.

    Updated Khalaug, minimal update.

    Updated Stealth Glaug, minimal update.

    Updated Taug, minimal update.

    Updated Waroster, minimal update.

    Updated Kesztrel, Minimal update.

    Updated Toemegian, minimal update.

    Updated Tromegin, minimal update.

    Updated Stealth Regult, minimal update.

    Updated Logran Low, minimal update.

    Updated Manzanip La, minimal update.

    Updated Migg Pitt, minimal update.

    Updated Reglemo Ger, minimal update.

    Updated Renegade Power Armor, Minimal update.

    Updated Graham's Armor from Macross Dynamite 7

    Updated Glaug and Glaug Eldare, and combined the two files.

    Updated Temujin and Regult files, changed the Temujin into Regult models and combined all of the files into one large file.

    Updated Nousjaedul-Ger Files, Combined both the movie and TV versions, another note on this the TV series are the standard versions while I'm referring to the Movie versions as the Ace models, redid all the pictures.

  6. More updates - -

    Added T-38 Talon

    Added T-39 Sabreliner

    Added T-41 Mescalero

    Added T-43

    Added T-44 Pegasus

    Added E-4 NAOC

    Added E-6 Mercury

    Added E-8 JSTARS

    Updated Gelaug, minimal update.

    Updated Gilouza Fre, minimal update.

    Updated Queadluun-Rau Movie and TV Series files and combined the two.

  7. Hmph, you can tell I had the day off with two updates in one day.

    Added T-2 Buckeye

    Added T-3 Firefly

    Added T-6 JPATS

    Added T-34 Turbo Mentor

    Added T-37 Tweet

    Updated Gjagravan Va, redid picture.

    Updated Gilgamesh Types 1 and 2, combined the files and redid the the pictures.

    Updated Haultzaug, redid the pictures.

    Updated Kretlarg, redid the pictures.

    Updated Marduk Power Armors and combined the files, and redid the pictures.

  8. Voila - More Updates, enjoy, and if anyone has some feedback let me know.

    Added TH-67 Creek

    Added T-1A Jayhawk

    Also Added Info About Macross Plus Game Edition and Macross Perfect Memory go to the bibliography section to find these.

    Updated WRR-02 Mk-II Scorpion, minimal update.

    Updated SDR-04 Phalanx and combined all of the files.

  9. More updates - Enjoy

    Added S-92 Helibus

    Added C-141 Starlifter

    Updated MBR-07 Spartan, combined all MBR-07 files, redid pictures, added a couple new pictures.

    Updated MBR-08 Mace and War Mace, combined these files and redid one of the pics.

  10. Added more updates -

    Added HH-65 Dolphin

    Added C-140 Jetstar

    Updated DTR-01 Dinosaur, general minimal update.

    Updated LDR-04 Maverick, general minimal update, a little picture cleanup.

    Updated MBR-03 CIWS with pictures, no info yet though.

    Updated ET-01 Spider, Tarantula, and Black widow combined them into a single file.

    Updated Monster Files, and combined all of them into a single file so be warned this is a huge file, so if you have dial up it'll take about ten minutes to fully load. Also redid every single stinking picture for this file, argh.

    Updated MBR-04 Destroid, combined all three files into one.

    Updated MBR-04 Tomahawk, added all of the files together, and redid all the pictures and added some new ones.

  11. Things may be a little slow since I'm going to be combining a bunch of files, so updates may come more spread apart or be fewer each time.

    Added OH-58 Kiowa

    Added C-130 Hercules

    Added C-131 Samaritan

    Updated ADR-04 Mk-IX Matador, general minimal update.

    Updated ADR-04 Defender, combined Ballistae and Defender Mk-X/Mk-XI.

    Updated H-60 Helicopters, added tons of new info.

    Updated ADR-04 Defender-Ex, combined Mk-XIII/Mk-XIV, redid picture made my own version of a space optimized variant.

  12. I'm using adobe photoshop, I was thinking about chopping that large portion off at the back though.

    I meant photoshop, stupid adobe acrobat commercials.

  13. Okay I need some input guys, since I'm redoing alot of my older files I decided to redo some of the custom stuff that I did for those files the first one I did was a defender mod based on a design sketch in MPM, I need to know which one you guys think is better the old one or the new one.


  14. More updates

    Added Previous Updates Archive

    Added C-29A

    Added CH-46 Sea Knight

    Added C-31 Troopship

    Added CH-47 Chinook

    Added UC-35 Citation

    Added CH-53 Sea Stallion

    Added C-38 Courier

    Added C-39 Sabreliner

    Added TH-57 Sea Ranger

    Added C-40 Clipper

    Updated, KC-10 Extender, General minimal update.

    Updated, T-45 Goshawk, general minimal update.

    Updated, Sorouve, general minimal update.

    Updated, Stealth Gnerl, general minimal update.

    Updated LH-2000 Oscar, redid line picture.

    Updated MIM-31 Karyobin, redid line art.

    Updated Gnerl, redid pictures and added some more pictures.

    Updated Zoliver, redid pictures.

  15. Could be that they were working off some piece of data found at the Protoculture city and were working from that or they decided "hey instead of us starting off trying to find planets from here lets work our way out from the middle."

    which would make pretty good sense.

  16. Yet another update -

    Added C-22B

    Added Eagle Eye UAV

    Added C-23 Sherpa

    Added KC-135 Stratotanker

    Added C-26 Metroliner

    Added UH-1 Iriqouis

    Added C-27 Spartan

    Added V-22 Osprey

    Updated F-22 Raptor, general minimal update

    Updated F-35 JSF, general minimal update

    Updated FS-X Hammer, General minimal update.

    Updated FS-1 Pick, General minimal update.

    Updated FS-2 Buckler, general minimal update.

    Updated FS-3 Shield, general minimal update.

    Updated FS-5 Spear, general minimal update.

    Updated FS-6 Javelin, general minimal update.

    Updated SF-2 Hunter, General minimal update.

    Updated SF-3 Lancer II, General minimal update.

    Updated F-14 Tomcat, added models and general all-around cleanup.

    Update F-200 Mistral, added some new pictures and a little bit information.

    Updated F-203 Dragon II, updated pictures and a little bit of info.

    Updated FS-4 Dagger, updated picture and a little bit of info.

  17. Yup another update

    Added F-16 Fighting Falcon

    Added C-20 Gulfstream III/IV

    Added F/A-18 Hornet

    Added C-21A Learjet

    Added F-21 Kfir

    Updated AAB-01 Automatic Attack Bit; minimal update

    Updated QF-9IE Ghost, minimal update

    Updated Images in AIF-8 Spectre

    Updated Images in the AIF-9B Ghost and combined it with the X-9 Ghost file.

    Updated Images in the QF-3000 Ghost file and combined all the QF-3000 files.

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