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Everything posted by CID

  1. Its old news that Toynami Alpha has been delayed to early spring '04. Most of the US sellers received actual notice from Toynami regarding this delay and reasones. If the seller in Singapore has special "Magic" to sell TOynami Alpha. More power to you.......
  2. I don't think there is clear answer to your dilemma. I just agree with most of the members response. If you are sick of Macross, by all means, "Get rid of it". SOme of those dineros will help you through out your collecge days (Hopefully). If you still enjoy Macross, storage your toys in a safe location with bubble packs. You might never get a chance to buy many Macross Robotech items at current prices. I own several valks that occupy two full bedrooms and sometimes my G/F (I sometimes tell myself also) tells me to sell it off and put down payment on a Hummer or get bigger house. But back of my head tells me "If you do sell it off, few years down the road, you're going to want it again." By that time, its going to cost double or more (Who knows). If you can get by without selling off your Valks, store it. But, then again, if you're going off to college. After you graduate and land on a professional job. You might be able to afford it all again.
  3. Those are very nice shots. I hope that the game will be done pretty soon. Please keep us updated on the progress of the game. I know that alot of the Macross fans will enjoy this MODS.
  4. This is good news indeed, as long as it fits other 1/60 Valks. I would like to suit up all my 1/60s, including the VF-1D. I believe armor, compare to fast or stike packs, makes the Valk look more menacing.
  5. CID


    It is Yellow Sub made Minmay toy and not Custom. Yellow also made Minmay in Stage (Pink dress), which goes for little more. However, I think $180 is too much (Value of colletion depends on individuals opinion). It was very limited relese and it is rare to find one these days. However, if you stay around ebay, you can find one for around $120-140 without the added shipping charge from the HK seller. If you're short on the fund (As most Macross collectors are these days), I would say get the arii made Minmay (Although, it does not have Chinese dressed Minmay).....
  6. Although, 1/48 is not "My cup of tea".... That one does look nice, especially with the strike armor. Congrad...
  7. I recently started to model MG Gundam (Especially the Zaku). I have about 4 that is done and several more to finish, when I have some spare time. I will post some pics on to my web site once I have time to uploaded on to it. I also have Monster 1/200 being built right now. It should be done in December or so, during the holidays (Hopefully). "Please post link or photos" of your models. I believe model kits are the real cool part of anybodys collections and I would probably never get tire of it. (My Yammi and other diecast are somewhat becoming "old"). If someone has diorama of their model kits, please post that also, I am always amaze at talents of some of the modelers when I see their diorama. Thanks,
  8. That is beauty. I have several G-1 TF that I owned when I was 11 or so and I never look back at it. But, this one really is good looking . Thanks for the post.
  9. CID

    Anyone have these?

    That is the K&M figures. Here is the post. Click here
  10. Geeezzz, I thought that this was the same thread that other person made some comment about adults who play with their Valks or something. Its nice to know that some poeple do pretend that Valks are flying in the air I thought that it was just me (Until now, I thought that my G/F was right about me, that" I still act like a little kid playing with toys"). Well, I hope this thread stays up until at least end of this weekend. I can then show this thread to my G/F and tell her that its not just me, there are about 50 or so other grown-up guys that play with their Valks.
  11. I have few questions. Which Eva should I watch (OVA, series, etc) first? I know that EVA and Gundam are one of those anime that are highly regarded. I would like to watch it when I do have time, but, which should I watch first? Secondly (This is off of topic), which Gundam series is the first one? and same line of question as EVA. Which one should I watch first? I apprecaite some feedbacks. Thank you,
  12. Wow, Some people have talent that can be only described as Hope to see more of your customs.
  13. Those are very nice. I am impressed at the 1/48 Valks. I Hope to see more of other members collections. I know that we have thread on "Your collections" or something in that line and it was taken off when we moved to this new forum, due to large amounts of space being used by photos. Maybe members can post their collections on to Yahoo photos or some other method without bogging up MW space.
  14. I think that VE and others have pretty much cover what I wanted to say. If your motive is to make enough money by selling toy as a primary source of income, it probably won't work out. Unless, you invest heavily and order large (Meaning $100,000s) quantities to be competitive on the price with other sellers or you have idea that will make your store competitively advantageous. Toy selling is basically "Labor of Love". There are few other statements I would like to add: 1. Some people might get into toy business thinking that "Well, I will keep some of the toys I bought at wholesale price and save some money". Well, this is legal only if you pay sales tax on the portion you keep as your own personal property, unless you plan to pay sales tax on the items and report the gain on the tax return, it is illegal (Just buy it at the lowest retail price to avoid headache) 2. When you do decide to sale toys as retailer (This does not mean selling several toys on ebay or other online auction to sale off what you do not need or to recouped your cost, including selling on sales forum or alike) get appropriate license and report the income as required by respective State and, of course, the IRS. I know that several members are actively selling on this site without appropriate license (This does not apply to overseas sellers). It is not too hard to figure out because they do not charge state sales tax and their price is fraction of what it would cost to buy the item from overseas vendors (If they were selling the toys and reporting the income as required by law, they can not sale at the price they offer, because of their fix cost.). Unless, they are charitable people and they are selling their inventory at less than their cost for the benefit of members. I know that I try to get best deal for my collections and when I have time, I spend hours searching ebay and others to find the item at lower price. However, when it comes to unlicensed sellers, there is actually greater implication to the US economy as a whole, then most people would think. In Macross term (Economic term), the legit sellers (VE, twin moons and others) that are selling toys are disadvantage from the gecko. The fix cost (Regulatory fees and others) incurred by the legit sellers makes it hard to compete with the price offer by illegal sellers, in the long run, this will force some legit sellers to either quit their business or to join illegal sellers way of doing business (I hope that this does not happen). In addition, the revenue generated by sales tax will be loss by the Govt. and a lot of the services that we take for granted will be reduced. If you're a seller who knowingly sales multiple number of same items and not licensed and/or reporting the income generated by the “Business” activity. I hope that your luck does not run out soon. It can result in civil fine or if the amount involved is large enough, it can lead to criminal offense and time in jail. It just isn’t worth it. If someone finds this post offensive or feels that it is bias, since I also sale toys. You can take it as it is. I am posting what is the fact. Whether you accept it or not is your choice.
  15. It is actually 1/100 scale. If you want to sale it, provide me with a price. I might be interested in it. Thank you,
  16. Money, Its scary to know that you're a kindegarden teacher. Well, I play with my Bandai (Not the way you described it Monkey). I think the play tern here is misunderstood. Most of us collectors do not play like we would have when we were 10 years old (Having enemy mechs and Valks together and pretending that it is shooting at each other with your own sound effects in the background). Most of us transform the Valks and maybe pretending to be flying by moving it in the air with your hands or something. To some, it might sound like childish act, but, to others it is why you have collection of valks. And yes, I do have G/F and she does not mind too much about my Macross collections, as long as I stop spending too much money on it (Which is paradox).
  17. No, only pictures those link I have has any photos on it. One page has my SDF-1, but no other photos yet. I should be updating in few months.
  18. Noble behaviour ! Sorry if i make the mistake to put it in lights No problem, soon or later someone else would have figured it out. It was partially my fault for using the same name on my website. I just wanted to gamble and use the name I came up with, which I am happy with. By the way, does anyone know what that envelope next to Title of my post means or do? It is located left side of my topic posting.
  19. That VF-1D is nice piece of art. I wish I had time and ,of course, skill to make a Bandai VF-1D. Thank you for posting great work.
  20. Yes, the VF-1S with panel line is beautiful, it took me several days, HmmHmm, Nice to see hear from you again. I finally gave in and started posting yesterday.
  21. I actually have huge box full of brand new destroids (Around 15 or so ), I just ran out of room to display them all. I especially love Monster. Yammi should released their huge ones soon so that my house can be filled with MOsnters... I believe destroids and Valks are like Money and Girls (I hope my G/F does not see this posting, I told her that started posting on the forum). You need both to survive in this harsh world. Acutally those pics are clickable and you get bigger pics. I plan to take better shots later (Who knows when) and plan to separate the collection into different catagories. As for the companies (Yammi, Bandai and Toynami) I think every company try to make their best decisions and try to sell much as possible. Although, the difficult business decisions that are made is not appreciated by most fans all the time.
  22. I guess I posted too late. I wanted to see Monster. I am actually building one myself (Although it should be another few months) before I can finish it. I got a great deal on 1:200 imai model. Althopugh, it had original price tag of $8.00 from non other than "Longs drug store". Those good old days, when you can buy Macross stuff at local retail stores. Well show us your project soon as you have some time on your hand, it appears that you will be busy with your real project, home repair.
  23. I actually been asked this question by several people and my position have to be: "ALL" Bandai have their Pro's and Con's, same with Yamato and Toynami. If I want the detail, I would have to say Yammi. If I want to transform and not have fear of breaking it and everything just fits perfectly : Bandai. Toynami: Because they're reviving the Robotech (Macross) to US collectors (And they have made significant improvement on their Valks, since their flawed VF-1J). I cannot choose one over the other. All are good for me
  24. I always wanted to comment on this (Well, there were a lot of times when I wanted to post on other subjects, but I could not)
  25. Its nice to hear that someone agrees. I thought that I would get "Flamed" for saying such thing There it goes again, those little smiles are pretty funny. I need to find a way to incorporate this on my web page.
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