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Everything posted by imode
Yeah, I have to say you're screwed there. I wish you luck in finding a good american party. I have had absolutely zilch, so I decided to do something about it rather than wait for boredom to kill me. As for the whole why can't I use <insert country name here> addresses, the game technically wasn't a worldwide release, only Japan and NA. S-E really has no obligation to support importers. The non-japanese IME in the NA release was a money issue, as the IME is not proprietary and has to be purchased from a third party vendor. They figured since the majority of NA user's don't understand Japanese anyway, an inclusion of an IME that would go largely unused at their expense was just a colossal waste of cash. As for Japanese a-holes, yeah, there are tons. Although, there's a lot to be said here as to why a lot of the Japanese players don't care for their North American counterparts. I have been in a lot of NA parties, and I can totally understand why they don't care to associate with us. I have gone on AF raids where an entire 18 man alliance goes smoothly except for a couple NA's who just act like giddy little children in a candy store. While the example doesn't speak for every single NA player in the game, it is far more applicable to a greater share of NA players then JP ones. Easier to ignore the whole lot of em than try to guess and check which players will be good or not. For the life of me, I can't tell if you're a masochist or what... In all your responses, I can literally feel this massive cloud of hate directed toward the game, and if you hate it so much, just quit. I'm scared you'll stick around for AF1, then realize how useless AF weapons are, fire off another hate volley and then feel compelled to play for 10 more levels to get AF2. If you really hate the game, just stop playing.
Dunno if that's a complment or not. The whole arguement however is making all kinds of crazy turns however. If we're talking about an F-35 or F-22 fully loaded, then we're also assuming that we have achieved total air superiority and thus, who cares about stealth?
My Boyfriend is a Pilot (lauren goodnight version)
imode replied to treatment's topic in Movies and TV Series
Hahaha, don't insult us Hawaiians! My Japanese is far better than that~! -
I like 1/48's because the word just rolls off the tongue. Say it with me-- one forty-eight one sixty one forty-eight! one sixty... See, 1/60 has that hard EE sound, plus it doesn't have as many syllables as 1/48. More is better! I buy my toys based on the linguistic value of its scale! -- Can I get a vote for useless thread?
A+ only really means that you can get weaponskills sooner than others. As far as not being able to hit more often or stronger, that can all be changed with str+ acc+ and dex+ equipment. As far as names go, all I have to do is look at the search comment. If they have no search comment, then they're American. If they have a search comment, and it's in English or has heavy auto-translator usage, they're American. Everyone else is Japanese. I also noticed that American players are the only ones setting languages for JE. Those 3 things are like the kiss of death. However, there are some classes where you will always get a party with almost no waiting. Paladin, Bard, Red Mage and Summoner. I'm not sure what happened from level 20-56, but suddenly it seems like there's more white mages than the server actually needs. At any time now, there are only 6 paladins at my level range online, 2 bards, a lot of red mages (but all in groups) and 1 summoner. I know you may think summoner sucks, but wait till you get group blink, stoneskin and enthunder. As far as melee damage dealers go, the order in which you get invited is: 1. Dark Knight 2. Dragoon 3. Samurai 4. Warrior 5. Monk
I like how they transform and maintain size. Transformers was cool for me back then, but then you see stuff, like Astrotrain who's the same size as everyone else, transform into a spaceshuttle that can hold all the decepticons. :/
Heh, you sound like you're in pain everytime you play the game. Not sure about the reduced crystal drops. I leveled up my beastmaster to 7 over the weekend just for the hell of it, and got about 60 earth crystals. I had to start throwing some away after awhile. Ninja is useless. He can take hits, but he can't hold aggro, which is probably the most important part. Ninja as a sub is great however, especially for those who choose to go warrior main. Dual-wield lets them double attack more often, they have utsusemi 1 and some nice passive bonuses. Dragoon is not so bad, but it seems like an eternity until he gets pentathrust, and even then it's not such a great weaponskill. His Wyvern however, won't last past a few fights. People say dragoon should never be used as a sub because a dragoon can't call wyvern, but the wyvern dies after 3 or 4 fights anyway. I picked up an import copy of FFXI the other day too. I set my language to only J and redid all my macros and such. I don't plan to party with english speakers ever again.
You keep saying that, yet I have no real reason to believe you. One of the original design requirements set forth by the airforce was that it would have to be more maneuverable than the F-16 and have the ability to supercruise. If it was slow and much less maneuverable, how would this thing ever have made it past the drawing board?
You are my hero.
Well, the JSF and F-22 were built during two different styles of thought. The F-22 was a cold-war idea, when we thought we'd be slugging it out with the might of the Russian airforce, thus the internal storage built specifically for missiles and what not. The F-35 was designed and built after the fall of USSR for a much different battlefield.
I prefer to covertly bitch.
No, they certainly won't. Nothing ever happens that quickly. They'll probably still be around for a LOOOOONG time, but most likely delegated for other missions.
True, true, true. There's always all the other costs accrued through R&D and eventual inevitable overflow. Every plane, especially as they advance technologically, will go through these phases during development. Though, I don't see that as a reason not to say screw it, and just stop developing them. Our current force of the 14, 15, 16 and 18 is still probably the most powerful force in the world. Combined with the great training our pilots receive, we can still probably defeat any comparable and superior aircraft that currently exists today. Problem is, no one knows how these craft will perform against their adversaries 30 years down the line (B-52 for 50 more years baybee~!). Back during WWII, we realized we had inferior aircraft, and we churned out new planes like the F6F and P-51 in what now seems like a blink of an eye. Developing a new plane that quickly today is almost unthinkable. Take the F-22 for example. It took nearly 20 years from proposal to deployment, and the call to design an ATF to replace the F-15 was proposed when the F-15 itself was not even 15 years old! I personally believe that taking an active role in military development is far more preferable than taking a reactive role. With any luck, the F-22 and F-35 will power us on for another 35+ years, but 10 years from now, I wouldn't be surprised if the military was to propose a replacement for these fighters as well. As deployment is a slow process, I don't see our current planes disappearing anytime soon. Most likely they will be replaced over periods of time, but until the next gen fighters can be deployed to every squadron F-15s, 16s, Harriers and A-10s will probably continue to be in service well past 2010. Here's my geeky little analogy-- It's like a video card or a processor. You can only add more memory and clock it so far before it starts to reach its performance limit. Eventually, you have to design something completely new just to compete or you lose and maybe even go out of business. The one who designs the better, faster stronger product first is the winner and usually continues to perform best throughout its product life cycle.
Then again, It was mentioned in another forum that there's really no comparable "one-stop-shop" for Macross fandom in Japanese, and we do get quite a few Japanese in the forums apparently, so who knows? I think the logical progression is something like this: 10 Yamato reads 2ch Japan forums. 20 Yamato sees information about new toy leaked! 30 Yamato panics! 40 Yamato calms down and reads more. 50 Yamato finds that information came from MW. 60 Yamato proceeds to scold MW and Graham. 70 Goto 10 I say who the heck does the toy leaking?! #60 shouldn't have happened if nothing was going on. Mebbe you weren't around for Emiko's infamous list then.
Izza mistake. If you actually click on the link it says pre-order. Newsletter from Yamato also says May.
Then again, It was mentioned in another forum that there's really no comparable "one-stop-shop" for Macross fandom in Japanese, and we do get quite a few Japanese in the forums apparently, so who knows? I think the logical progression is something like this: 10 Yamato reads 2ch Japan forums. 20 Yamato sees information about new toy leaked! 30 Yamato panics! 40 Yamato calms down and reads more. 50 Yamato finds that information came from MW. 60 Yamato proceeds to scold MW and Graham. 70 Goto 10
I have a feeling they may occasionally troll through here just to make sure their secrets aren't leaked. As to whether they come here to listen to our criticism and input, well, that's debatable.
Ummm... Why would a toy based on a non-transformable mecha have a transformation? Well, it would be if it was a Koenig Monster. But alas, no. The monster is not transformable.
Haha, man, stop typing so fast. Your posts are starting to look like Ali Sama's! Okay, we can arm your plane to the teeth but that'd be like showing up to the party without a date. We'll slap a shitload of missiles on your bird, only for you to fly over enemy territory and be greeted by a million missiles. Sure, we've got countermeasures, radar jammers and other craft launching HARM after HARM at anything that turns on its radar, but personally, just between you and me, I'd feel a lot more secure in a gunless, slow flying F-117 than an F-15 armed to the teeth. Is it? I always envisioned its first day role to be exactly like the F-117, except cheaper, faster and more maneuverable. My point was that, a lot of people would prefer not to get into that knife fight in the first place. Given the chance, I think anyone with a decent sense of self-preservation would rather fight BVR and avoid close-in dog fighting. An F-16 is an amazing plane, and while it's more than a match for the planes it was intended to fight, next gen fighters and even current gen fighters will most likley be outfitted for BVR as well. If you insist on countering BVR with the F-16's forte of in your face flying, then it'll be like trying to kill a sniper by running up to him with.... with a knife. While the F-16 has the option of close-in fighting, the USAF gave it AMRAAM capability specifically so that it wouldn't have to rely on it. The F-15E will probably be around for awhile. However, with F-22 on the horizon, the domestic lifespan of the F-15 is in question, especially in the minds of Washington politicians. You can say goodbye to the F-15C though. Semantics! Agh!!! By benefit, I meant receive new airplanes. The main benefit of the F-35 and F-22 is the stealth. Without it, any F-14, F-15, F-16 whatever, could do the same job equally or better. For the Navy and Marine strike planes to do the job you needed the F-15's. Now, the F-117's which attacked the heart of Baghdad didn't need that support, and therein lies the benefit. The beauty of stealth capability is that it allows one plane, be it a F-117 or a B-2, to perform the job of half a dozen or so planes. Now, if an F-35 can perform the stealth-strike role just as capable as an F-117 or F-22 but at half the price, is it really justifiable to buy more F-22's? One upside to the F-22, it's so expensive that no one else can afford it. This guarantees only WE have the latest and greatest. The F-35 at the promised price, was so cheap that everyone and their dog lined up to buy them. Let's hope we never go to war with the Dutch. If you anyone wants a great read about the JSF, you can go here. It's a transcript from the PBS Nova show on the competition between the 32 and the 35.
Information High and Voices from - M+ Mouichido, Love you - MII ai, oboeteimasuka - DYRL tenshi no enogu - FB2012 Macross OP - SDF:Macross Planet Dance - M7 There's nothing really notable in MZero. I suppose that's because of the lack of vocals, except for those weird ones in different languages. Still, for weirdo songs in different languages, M+ is all you really need.
F-117 quick independent strike, first day bomber -> F-35 same role F-16 maneuverable, close-in strike fighter -> F-35 maneuverable BVR strike fighter Harrier VTOL strike fighter -> F-35 VTOL strike fighter The air force version is not outfitted with STVOL primarily because they take off from mile long runways. No one really needs these capabilities except for the Marines. Now, the interesting thing I just read on Lockheed-Martin's webpage is that the F-35A (the air-force version) includes an internal gun. The USMC version can be equipped with an external gun, to which you'll probably say "external = not stealthy", but if the plane is using an external gun to perform CAS, that means you're already quite low to the ground, and at this point stealth will do you diddley. But it's cheap, and we're already replacing the F-15 with the F-22. Like the F-117 the F-22 is another expensive plane that illustrates the current downward spiral of America's military. To be sure, they are great planes (even though the Russians claim they have a Mig that can already beat it), but as you also said, the military can only spend X amount. If they continued to build only the F-22 we'd end up with a significantly smaller force in the air, not to mention the only branch of service benefitting from the increased F-22 production would be the Air Force.
Okay, I know that spelling flames are lame, but this sentence has me imagining the start of a typical day on the USS Ronald Reagan something like this: F-35: "Good Morning, Mr. Hornet! My, don't you look Super today!" F-18E: "Why, thank you. Here's a dollar, kid, go buy yourself some fuel." http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=compliment http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=complement Kidding aside , nice post, imode. Muahaha, you know, I had typed that correctly originally! When I finally had the urge to retype it after the backspace fiasco, it was 1 in the morning.
Hhaha bizarre. Looks like an F-14 Valkyrie wielding one of Masamune Shirow's seburo gun designs.
My Boyfriend is a Pilot (lauren goodnight version)
imode replied to treatment's topic in Movies and TV Series
I actually have a nice rendition of ai, oboeteimasuka done by Shimokawa Mikuni (she did Saiyuuki ed and the HxH Greed Island songs). Got nowhere to host it though... -
My Boyfriend is a Pilot (lauren goodnight version)
imode replied to treatment's topic in Movies and TV Series
Something is wrong with you man. It sounded like a white person from Texas trying to sing in Japanese. ... "Y'all" ?