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Everything posted by imode

  1. Translating the P.S. P.S. With the results of Super Tuesday out, it seems that Kerry has been nominated as the democratic candidate to challenge President Bush. If he becomes the next president, then perhaps his experiences in the battlefields in Vietnam will prevent him from recklessly sending our young people to war. I am hoping that he may even be able to end the continuing confusion over Iraq and successfully bring this problem to a close without sacrificing any further lives. For me, the possibility that I may one day learn that among the American soldiers killed in Iraq or yet another killed by a suicide bomber-- that just maybe one of them could have been a fan of my models is more than I can bear. As an independant country, it seems somewhat pathetic that all Japan can do is just follow the orders given to us by America. For that reason, I pray that there will be a new president who will finally choose to end the fighting. My name is the same as the city that was attacked by a nuclear bomb. For that reason, there is no way I can ever justify any sort of war. On my homepage, I will continue to criticize President Bush for jumping into this war, but I am truly thankful to those that have been killed, injured and even those Americans who continue to fight. They have my sincerest thanks. Even more than 50 years after the end of World War II, Japan still hasn't become a true democracy. No one knows how long it will take for the seeds of democracy to take root in Iraq, but I will be praying for the quick return of all those involved.
  2. Not quite. 1/1 Chun Li. 170cm tall.
  3. I'm actually going to have to agree with Keith here. I don't see how this version is any different from the Japanese one, except that it's Engrishy and makes no sense. Not so sure if that makes it "nicer" than the original.
  4. imode

    Yamato news letter

    No. This is regarding replacement parts for the VF-1J. Though, I had no idea the 1J's were so problematic that they required it's own entry in the newsletter!
  5. First part says the figure can be removed from the cockpit, in reference to the current design. Second part says an entirely new figure is currently being designed/planned.
  6. Probably what Fastpacks have always done for Macross valkyries. More fuel and more missiles. If you look at the YF-21, all those black diamonds are micromissile launchers. Each half of the undercarriage fastpacks have a visible set of 2 micromissile launchers. Among other things... http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_...yf21/index.html see Armament
  7. hehe don't wory about the translation, Hayao. We'll get Imode to do it.    ∩___∩    | ノ      ヽ   /  ●   ● |   頑張るぞ!!!   |    ( _●_)  ミ  彡、   |∪|  、`\ / __  ヽノ /´>  ) (___)   / (_/  |       /  |  /\ \  | /    )  )  ∪    (  \        \_)
  8. I want something that's accurate to the lineart. I don't mind if I have to take a few pieces off, like the landing gear and the crotch piece, as long as it's not something vital, like 1:60 VF-1's. I also don't want it insanely complicated and fragile. My Yamato escaflowne looks very cool, but it's stuck in limbo between dragon and guymelef because the transformation is confusing as crap and I feel like I'm going to break it everytime I pick it up.
  9. Winnar! All yours!
  10. Thanks Nied. That pretty much sums up my points I had earlier, though in a less meandering and convoluted way. While no one can argue with the dogfighting capabilities of the F-16, rarely are they called upon to perform that duty outright. When having a choice of an F-15 or an F-16 to confront an enemy air assault, I don't think anyone would send an F-16 first. --- Look at the deployment numbers from Desert Storm, what was probably the last "big" air conflict we had. F-15 (all models) - 168 F-16 (all models) - 249 Out of 33 total air victories, 27 were made by F-15's and a grand total of two were made by F-16's even though they accounted for nearly 60% of the USAF's forces and flew the most sorties over Iraq. Now, a total of 7 F-16's were either shot down or damaged, all by ground-based artillery and missile fire.
  11. Okay, so I'm seeing more recent news saying that F-35 is to fill the CAS role of the F-16, while there will be upgrades to the existing A-10 fleet. This is specifically mentioned in the Janes article that started this thread as well. Now, this begs the question-- While the F-35 will never fill the role of an A-10, how well can it perform the role of the F-16 in CAS? Also, when we say Close Air Support, how close is close?
  12. I think it's this pic http://www.modelfplus.com/WF/wonderfes04_winter_010.jpg Hhahaa, doh.
  13. Opus was a very wise penguin.
  14. Pardon my French, but that's pretty RETARDED of them.
  15. Foods are pretty important. The difference can be seen easily. Simple rules to follow. If you're a melee damager, you eat Mith Meatkabob. Grilled hare is also good if you're on the cheap. Dark Knights should also consider drinking juice. Anyone in the tank role should eat boiled crab or fish mithkabob. Paladins should also drink juice. Black Mages should eat pies and drink Juice. Whites should eat roast mushroom and drink Juice. Red can go either way. -- Meat adds strength +increase damage % Seafood adds vit and increased defense % Sweets add INT Mushrooms add MND Juice has MP refresh Have fun.
  16. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?KYD923
  17. Kazahm is awesome. Let me just say it again, NA players just don't know what they're doing, and I'm sticking to it. Advanced jobs mean nothing. I've seen idiots with level 50 advanced jobs with rank 7, who still don't have a clue as to what they're doing. A paladin I knew did the same thing once. We had a link on a pull, but we were strong enough to kill both mobs so we didn't worry too much. However, the paladin insists on "taking one for the team", so he switches target to the added mob, provokes, then goes running off in the opposite direction in the hopes of sparing us. Now without a tank, we start to have trouble with the original mob. Of course, the paladin can't last very long by himself either, so eventually he's killed. The added mob, starts running back to us picking up a few friends along the way. We run. It was a very long way to the zone, and around every corner we'd get 3 or 4 more links, creating one of the most fearsome trains I have ever seen. 4 of us made it out, and we warned people of the crap that lay on the otherside. People still decide to go in however, kinda like a rubbernecking thing. They always want to see what happened. By now, the huge mass of crap we aggro'd (I'd say about 30 mobs) had moved a distance away from the zone, and there was a small crowd gathering a safe distance from the mob, impatient on getting back to leveling. For some reason, a NA player decides it might be fun to diaga the whole thing. 10 people were killed, 7 level down. That being said, there are a few places to fight in Kazahm where you are completely safe from Smithy's. If you kept getting attacked by them, you were not in one. The farther you move away from the Kazahm zone, the more risk you take that a smithy will find you. However, there are areas that are less traveled by American players. Most players' first instinct is to fight by the zone, so they can bail when there's trouble. While, safe, it presents a problem when everyone else has the same idea. Pretty soon there are 3-4 parties fighting by the zone fighting for kills, and when someone trains something, all 4 parties have to run for their lives. Find somewhere else to fight. There's so many more options than just sitting in front of the zone. In Kazahm, Mandragoras are so weak that you shouldnt have any problems. If you have a link, sleep it. They're light hitters, so you really shouldn't have a problem unless you're there too early (which you aren't-- 25 = perfect), you have asstastic gear (Warrior = Chainmail. I don't care if it's expensive. Buy it.), you're not eating food, or you're just plain incompetent.
  18. Too big. Not enough playability and they take up too much space.
  19. They all kind of look like the Macross Zero destroid
  20. imode has the ball! (FWIW, there are supposed to be 50 dolls, but STNJ only recovered 49. imode didn't fall for that though. ) Hah, WHR is one of the few shows you can't fool me about. Okay, my question is from Saishuu Heiki Kanojo. After Hokkaido was bombed for the first time, what kind of airplanes did the JSDF send up to combat the enemy planes?
  21. Bleah. I think that's the third time that I've missed seeing that picture. :/ Someone send it to me~!
  22. Well, all it takes is one rotten egg to spoil the whole bunch. Ahh, that's debatable. In my playing, I have only partied with 3 truly incompetent Japanese players. On the whole American players and what not, are also very competent. If the game had any semblence of an option to play solo, I'm sure they'd get along just fine. However, when it comes to partying, they usually have no idea what they're doing. They're not utterly useless. Some of them are pretty good, especially mage AF's. Other damage dealing classes, will also keep their AF for awhile, while hit-takers like paladins and what not will no doubt ditch it quickly to find more heavily armored options. They're also good for BCNM fights as well, as a full set of AF is probably one of the best level 60 gear you can get. AF weapons for all fighters and melee damage dealers however, become obsolete very quickly. And yeah, the list was meant to show American preference. Ranger is a great alternative because it can do just as much damage as a black mage without all the MP regen downtime. The only loss is the inability to do magic bursts, and if you ever make it to level 50 and beyond, you'll see that ancient magic bursts do a spectacular amount of damage.
  23. It's been rumored and I'm sure a lot of people would love to see it. However, I'm not a big fan of large objects being scaled down so extreme. SDF-1 isn't one of the more thrilling designs of macross either. One more thing, no pics in the sig.
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