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Everything posted by imode

  1. I want mine to come with fully functional fusion reactors so that I don't have to pay the electric companies anymore, and I could power my entire block when the power grids just so happen to go offline every decade.
  2. imode


    Sort of. It looks like it's in a number of different pieces; cockpit, upper fuslage, lower fuselage/legs, and backpack. Yeah... thats what I meant. Should have added "slightly" before transformable. Yeh. With a bit of tweaking it could probably get gerwalk mode without too much trouble. All the way to battroid is a little bit of a reach tho.
  3. imode


    Sort of. It looks like it's in a number of different pieces; cockpit, upper fuslage, lower fuselage/legs, and backpack.
  4. Blue in Japanese can also mean young and inexperienced, somewhat similar to the word Green in English. It's just another Japanese pun that ends up being fairly difficult to translate. I have a feeling based on the box art and the title, we'll probably see a bit more fighting between Nora and Shin, and hopefully not just the one-sided slaughter we saw in episode 2. And here's your strange Japanese fun fact... The word for BLUE in Japanese (aoi, ao) in fact actually means green. A "green light" in Japanese is literally called a BLUE light, among other things. aoshingo, aonori, etc, etc. You mean "Sei" which is the same Kanji character as "Ao". For example, Seinen or Seishounen, it means young guy or youth. They are the same character but pronounced differently. The Kanji character "Ao" is actually green in Chinese and Chinese uses a different character for blue. Also, the meaning of the Kanji characters of seinen or seishounen is the same in Chinese. Nope. Both characters are similar in usage and meaning. They are fundamentally different characters, thus having the differing on-yomi, but in Japanese they are pretty much alike in meaning, thus having the same kun-yomi. While the contemporary usage is to simply use the character from SEInen, you see the fancy one whenever they have a need to be... well... fancy.
  5. irc wouldn't be so bad. preferrably on EFnet...
  6. Your best bet is eBay, I guess... Toynami is supposed to reissue the 4 Robotech Destroids in slightly updated paint schemes. The original issues aren't worth much more than $12~$20, IMO. For vintage Destroids, you could try Robozone.com, although their prices aren't exactly the lowest. A friend once paid US$40 for one of those 1/144 Takatoku destroids. The 1/100 Conversion Kit can easily fetch US$150++ for a set in really good condition. The box IS really beautiful though I heard the toynami reissues were canned. Some mumbo jumbo about the original molds being degraded due to lack of consumer interest
  7. I guess we just have to wait and see. Only about a week or so now to go. Yamato have told me it is safe to use the clip, but I don't believe them Don't forget, the 1/48 FAST packs are going to come with that optional extrawhite plastic part, which attaches behind the back hatch. Yamato say that this is a dual function part. Firstly, it adds a bit of extra detail to that area and secondly, it is supposed to add a bit of reinforcement. However, that part can only be used in Battroid mode and has to be removed for transformation to Fighter or Gerwalk. Graham ....s unds scary....... Yeah, I have a low vis on the way and I dont want a $100 P.O.S., Im waiting to see from the other members and how thiers fair Extra white plastic hatch? So the FP's aren't for the low viz valks? Does anyone know the answer to this yet?
  8. I seem to remember the destroids being smaller than VF-1's, except for the Monster, that is. They also don't transform. I suppose, if they are going to cost around $100 it'll be due to high diecast content, and increased "bulk".
  9. I'd want to see an INSANE amount of articulation. Hip ball joints, knees, thigh twisting, etc etc. When those pictures of those little fix figure silver prototypes of those destroids surfaced from that one convention (tokyo toy fair? I forget already) people slammed them saying stuff like "Tomahawk's shouldn't be able to pose like that". To me though, that was the coolest Tomahawk I've ever seen.
  10. Sounds right. I think it was in episode 26 (right before the big battle) where we see a whole mess of VF-1's in hangar with backpacks up and wings fully swept.
  11. Blue in Japanese can also mean young and inexperienced, somewhat similar to the word Green in English. It's just another Japanese pun that ends up being fairly difficult to translate. I have a feeling based on the box art and the title, we'll probably see a bit more fighting between Nora and Shin, and hopefully not just the one-sided slaughter we saw in episode 2. And here's your strange Japanese fun fact... The word for BLUE in Japanese (aoi, ao) in fact actually means green. A "green light" in Japanese is literally called a BLUE light, among other things. aoshingo, aonori, etc, etc.
  12. imode

    max 1s 1/48

    Not a Max, and not a Kakizaki, but somewhat close enough. It's not finished, thus the super-light gray color. It'll be sanded down one more time, primed and patched a little more then repainted gun metal gray/dark gray. Hopefully I can finish this before I lose interest in it and just decide to screw the head down as is.
  13. imode


    http://www.d8.dion.ne.jp/~crafuton/meka1.htm Here you go... couple more images that aren't shown on alltheweb. That is one nice prototype.
  14. I'm actually not sure how people make it break in the first place. My advice, when you're pushing it down in battroid mode, make sure that little swivel tab that pokes through the hole in the back plate is in the lowered position and NOT poking through its hole. That way the backpack is able to lie flat to the depressed backplate WITH the latch in place without having to apply too much pressure. If you do that and it still breaks, then *shrug*. I dunno.
  15. Yep. Beautiful kit bash of a VF-1 and a VF-19. Strange thing is, after having models and magazine images of it, the 2-seater S has yet to make an appearance.
  16. Amen, brother. Amen.
  17. imode

    Yamato Stickers

    Yeah. Toy stickers (not just Yamato mind you... i mean all the way back to my GI Joe days) have always been kind of bleah. Nowadays I just leave my toys unstickered. After buying the toy itself, I'm not rich enough to buy the Takatoy's decals and other custom sets. I believe you can find sets of the custom decals/stickers at tmpanime.com for about $10 a set. I have never tried them myself, but people speak very highly of them, and they look absolutely stunning.
  18. Most fragile areas are the backpack hinge, the head lasers and the heatshield.
  19. I think there was a poll on the old forum about this. I can't remember exactly, but I think the whole 1/60 vs. 1/48 thing was pretty evenly split. I for one would pay premium for any Macross Plus item in 1/48. the VF-1 may be the classic, but the 19 and 21's are the badasses.
  20. I'd take a VF-1J plain. I'd prefer the armor system over the fast packs anyday, but i don't think my wallet could take the one time hit of a 1J + armor.
  21. Don't you know that Yamato actually hires special in-house psychologists for the sole purpose of analysing the posts of certain Macrossworld members just so they can formulate a marketing strategey designed specifically to piss off said members. It's all part of the Global conspiricy and Yamato is actually in legue with Bill Gates and the Devil. Graham Look, let's keep the snide remarks out of this and cut the peer pressure attack. And to those who harp the line "don't like it don't buy it" - you're assuming this is just something akin to buying socks. Actually no. If all sock companies suddenly stopped making socks in BLACK, then sure, complain as much as you want. Blame it on society, but black trousers and black shoes require black socks. But if all companies stopped making ** valkyrie with the ** paint sceheme, then boohoo. Poor us. It's the end of the world! What are we all to do without or perfect variable ** valkyrie?! -imo(pinionated)
  22. All I have to say is, if you don't like it, don't buy it. Don't bother b*tching about how things aren't canon or how things are painted wrong. Those who actually WANT the toy don't care what you think and don't care to hear such comments. At least SP1 babbles on about valid QC issues. Arguing about paint schemes and what hardware goes with what Valk is just...
  23. Tomahawk all the way!
  24. We could use wm cheng's help here He's got both the VF1 and 19 from Hasegawa. Just gotta persuade him to snap a side by side pic.
  25. I guess I'm not a purist enough to see what exactly looks so bad about the 1/48 in battroid. At first I felt that $120 for a toy was just astronomically ridiculous. I bit anyway. After I took it out of the box, I felt like throwing my 1/60's in the trash. I was addicted to the 1/48 ever since the 1A Hikaru, and they just keep getting better with every release.
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