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Everything posted by imode

  1. Old news.... 1/60 Q-Rau and Monster for 2004. One interesting thing however, reissues of previous 1/48's are being released starting october. So if you missed out on the 1/48 Hikaru and you're dying to get it in the 1A version (don't look at me...), here's your chance.
  2. imode

    Macross Zero

    That's would make a beautiful toy, but as much as I'd really like one, it'd be silly to have a F-14 having its prices artificially raised because of import costs and a silly UN symbol sticker blocking it from international distribution.
  3. Yes. I think it's just for detail in fighter mode, and perhaps in gerwalk. Only when youre in battroid do you have to push it down. Otherwise, the backpack won't lie flat to the back and you won't be able to latch the backpack with that hook on the hatch.
  4. Okay, so it's too messy to quote, so I won't bother. I'm not singling you out either. Your post existed therefore I just felt compelled to respond with counter-reasoning. I'm not saying anyone accused me of having any problems. I suppose I should have made my actual point clearer. You say at the end that if Yamato sells out on something, then they should make more. Makes perfect sense to me. Fine business sense. If there is demand, make more supply. However, as we see with the original Hikaru 1/48 1A, Yamato has a fixed construction amount, and even though their warehouses are empty and most stores are empty now too, they have not made any more Hikaru 1A's. Also you mentioned that you wanted to wait for a 2nd and 3rd version so that Yamato fleshes out any QC issues they may have. While this is perfectly understandable, especially due to the Macross Plus fiasco, I am going to be highly skeptical of Yamato making reissues... at least not for some time to come. The main problem with the Macross Plus valkyries was that they were designed poorly from the get-go. Thus we saw reissues of the YF-19, and technically "enhanced, updated" reissues of the YF-21 and YF-11. However, there are no real design issues with the 1/48 like the ones that plagued Yamato's macross plus lines. Things could be better here and there, but not to the point that the 1/48's are falling apart (in the wrong ways) on people after one transformation. The QC issues that really plague the 1/48 are to check whether or not you're missing this piece, or whether or not this section was painted, etc. Unfortunately, no matter how many revisions something may go through, those types of issues will always be a problem because they're all human, and nobody is perfect. If it's a design issue that you're worried about then there's probably not too much to worry about. The biggest issue is the stress of the rear boosters on the backpack, which I agree, is a valid point. As for my quote about the 1/60's... Don't be like some other people here (I won't say names) who like to talk about how crappy or how good something is without even owning one to start. Okay, so you caught me making assumptions on the quality of the fast packs when I admittedly own none. I'm basing them on my previous experiences with the 1/48 line, as I have had nothing but quality so far. What are you basing your assumptions that they're going to be crap on? Not trying to be an a$$hole. It's just genuine concern over the fact that people go flapping their gums about things they don't even have any experience in. And no, I don't work for Yamato, and no I don't wear coke bottle glasses. I just haven't been jilted by them yet, and hope to blissfully remain that way. -imo Yamato fan-boy
  5. Considering upgrading my order with Kevin to five
  6. Oh hey, the UN Spacy is printed on the leg armor! Nice!
  7. Uh.....yeah. Seriously haterist, it's their money to spend on what they want. If you know Yamato, so do the rest of the guys here. Let them have their fun. Anywhoo, from the pic below, what's that white piece for? The one next to the forearm attachments? It's a piece for the backpack. You can see it in the scan from that one mag with the Elint Ostrich and Fastpacks. It's the one on the bottom right, circled in red. Graham said that Yamato claims it will help strength the backpack... I'm not even sure how it fits...
  8. Are you kidding or what? <_< If you plan on waiting for a 2nd or 3rd release, get ready for a long wait... I've never had a single problem with any of my Valks. Aren't you the one who recently only bought a few 1/60's? I prefer to buy something and see for myself rather than let myself be swayed by other's opinions. I have five 1/48's that are flawless. I have no reason to believe the fastpacks will be any different.
  9. Ouch. that's a nasty price...
  10. imode

    1/48 Line

    Don't you find it kinda strange though, when all your toys are in differing scales?
  11. imode

    1/48 Line

    It's one thing to not buy... It's a whole another thing to hope they don't make it at all. And I'm not sure why everything thinks that a 1/48 would be so unwieldly. It's not like the thing is made out of cast-iron and takes two people just to pick it up. In reality a 1/48 19 wouldn't weigh too much more than a VF-1. People hear that it's X meters longer than a VF-1 and go, "woo, too big!", when in actuality it only translates into a longer fuselage. And while we don't know if it will be as detailed as a VF-1, there's no real reason why it wouldn't be. And I'm pretty sure you have no real proof that one wouldn't be either. Also, I don't see how people can justify buying nearly 20 1/60's and then call the 1/48 expensive... (not directed towards you Aegis )
  12. imode

    Macross Figures

    Am I the only one who wants Ishtar?
  13. Law of diminishing returns. Even with a fancy new paint job no one can really deny that it's just another VF-1A, and the market is already flooded with them. In some cases it would actually be cheaper to the consumer to buy existing 1A's and customize it themselves. I'm sure that Yamato's making less and less profit on the 1/60's now, especially with the introduction of the 1/48 line. The original TRU limited was the novelty. They had success by adding the 1J and 1S super and strike. If they start making naked 1A's again they'll see their profits take nose dives.
  14. imode

    1/48 Line

    Why is it that just because people can't afford them, they don't want Yamato to make them? Is it because secretly deep down, no matter how much you say you're not going to buy it, you really would buy the thing if it came out and thus putting you on the dark path to financial ruin? Anyway, it's like the helmet. Yamato's gonna make it, but I'm not gonna buy it. That doesn't make me want them to not make it. Maybe that's just beca use I'm just not interested in it.
  15. It looks like that extra wheel is up when it walks around, but when it rolls, the back section of the leg swings down and the wheel makes contact with the ground and creates a larger and more stable surface to roll around on.
  16. imode

    Macross Figures

    VEX has got em in stock! The page was just updated! Unfortunately for some reason, my proxies must be preventing me from adding stuff to my cart. This doesn't stop anybody else from grabbing them tho.
  17. imode

    1/48 Line

    Minmay guard, GBP and Angel Birds. If they're not going to make any of those, please move on to something else in 1/48. The VF-1 is a beautiful valkyrie, but my tolerance of copies is pretty low when it comes to it, especially when they all have the same 1A head. If Yamato wants to make a half dozen variants of a 1/48 Valkyrie, I wish they'd do it with one of the Macross Plus valks. I wouldn't mind buying a whole bunch of Project Supernova YF-19's.
  18. VF-0A and the SV-52 are almost certain. Not sure whether or not they'll list the 0A tho. That's already made an appearance and it's not on the page yet.
  19. Until I actually see it, I'm inclined to think otherwise. The VF-1 low viz was probably never slated to make an appearance. It's existance is based solely upon a custom created by someone who bought the 1/48 toy. However, if one person's custom toy can influence both a toy line AND an anime ova series, I'll be pleasently surprised.
  20. This is my take on it too. Forget your VF-Xs, the VF-0 is their replacement as one of the final iterations of VF-1 prototypes. The VF-Xs were never mentioned in Macross either, but that doesn't stop people taking their existence as gospel. Looks like you're right. I don't get it, Imode. Gokurakumaru is on the side of those who believe that the VF-0 is a precursor or prototype of the VF-1, not a parallel or advanced design, and his evidence is pretty solid. Haha, oops. Indeed he is. It's really hard to say. In Kawamori's comments, he calls the VF-0 an advancement over the the VF-1. And on the Macross Zero page it's called a prototype. Usually, I would take Kawamori's word over the webpage anyday, but it's a little vague as to whether he means an advancement of his own personal design of the VF-1, or an advancement of the variable fighter within the Macross universe.
  21. This is my take on it too. Forget your VF-Xs, the VF-0 is their replacement as one of the final iterations of VF-1 prototypes. The VF-Xs were never mentioned in Macross either, but that doesn't stop people taking their existence as gospel. Looks like you're right. From what I read from the Japanese text, the VF-0 is a experimental testbed of overtechnology implementation for what seems like all current and future VF's. The only reason it looks like the VF-1 was because it was designed within the same time period, but the design is definitely an advancement, and not a precursor. Also, whether or not we'll see the VF-1 is really based on how long the story is going to drag out. If you look, at the chronology on the compendium, the official rollout of the trial VF-1A takes place only two months after the events of Macross Zero!
  22. That would be awesome! Are you just trying to up your post count? I look at the toy forum, and every single post has Last Post by Commander McBride Graham is right, you are a forum junky! If this newest destroid has wheels, I wouldn't mind seeing it as one of those remote control laser tag type toys, or like those BB firing M1A1's from Tokyo-Marui.
  23. imode

    Macross Figures

    I sure hope Kevin manages to stock them at VEX. I didn't bother pre-ordering either, and now *poof*, all gone. Not even HLJ or hobbyfan's got any...
  24. imode

    Macross Figures

    The figure's aren't by Yamato. are they?
  25. The only one that happens in an alternate dimension is Macross II. That was probably the easiest way to explain a story line that made absolutely no sense in the whole Macross timeline. You can find the timeline here: http://www.anime.net/macross/story/chronol...logy/index.html It's a pretty good read. Probably make more questions than answers though. Here's my question, who's Scarlet Ohare? (besides Gone with the Wind)
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