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Everything posted by imode

  1. Hahaha, awesome. Nice of you to do the dirty job that no one else wanted to do That's some pretty shocking stats. Although... 953,73$ ? Is that supposed to be $95 grand, or is there some extraneous digit floating around in there?
  2. I think he just wants to order a replacement VE or VT leg, as replacement parts for the older fastpack and fastpack-able VF's like the 1J and the 1S are no longer available.
  3. suck? Nice slip B)
  4. I think that's the legendary ship of Alus... or however the translation came out. I guess that's what they believed it to look like, until they saw the Macross.
  5. imode

    Newbie Question

    I find myself singing the pokemon theme song...
  6. Dunno. Never seen a red-tipped missile... And the red makes it seem so... robotechy?
  7. No, you were right the first time I think. Although, vendors may differ. Official release date is the 16th.
  8. You can use that GI Joe aircraft carrier... What was it called now?
  9. http://www.tmpforums.com/index.php?showtopic=3937
  10. Averaging out at around $140 now.
  11. ...and they only ship to continental 48 states.
  12. Got a link to the auction?
  13. Feed feed feed! Robotech is a 20 year old show with absolutely nothing new, save for a few crappy toys and video games that are cropping out as of recent. It's also has a long drawn out story with many plot holes. Like Dana Sterling? How did she become blonde? It also incorporated the uninspired mecha designs of Southern Cross. (/me ducks! ) Macross is a 20 year old concept with three OVA series, two television series, and two movies under its belt and a bevy of fine products and fresh new designs from the original creator. Although, this can really be summed up in one two quick sentence. Macross has the VF-17, 19 and 22. Robotech doesn't.
  14. Knowing Yamato and factoring in shipping and viagra enhanced boxes, I wouldn't be surprised if prices were 2x more than what you expect, especially for a 1/60 version. You figure, Yamato managed to charge $20 or so more for a super/strike 1/60 over a normal 1/60. Factor in even more plastic for a GBP, and extra details like opening hatches, etc, and you got yourself a $40-60 piece of hardware.
  15. Can anyone post a pic with a Hasegawa 1/48 pilot next to a Yamato 1/48 pilot? I'm curious to see the difference in sizes.
  16. Looks like the Prometheus in space. I don't see any water...
  17. While I agree that this should belong here, there's an often forgotten toy review section way at the bottom of the main forum area
  18. They're on the underside of the cardboard "tray" inside the same plastic pouch that contains the instruction manual and the sticker sheet.
  19. :| Remember, there's probably 20 something more episodes. Can't judge an entire series by the first episode...
  20. The problem with the 1/60 upgrades is that the earlier versions of the 1/60's weren't equipped to attach fastpacks. The 1/48 was fairly easy because it was all planned in advance, and all they had to do was package the armor and it worked for all of the VF-1's. The 1/60's need different leg colors so you'd probably see "Hikaru 1/60 FP upgrade kit" and "Max 1/60 FP upgrade kit" and it would be increasingly difficult to make a accurate product run counts for each specific one. On top of that the 1/60's also needed new hip devices, new backpacks and new arms, and it is most likely too difficult for most people to take the 1/60 apart then put it back together.
  21. It shouldn't, unless you start forcing it higher than that little nib on the hinge will allow. All five of mine have folded completely back multiple times and they show no signs of giving out on me. I guess the only thing i do is be careful. If you start seeing stress in the plastic (area turning bright white, etc), then I'd advise against using it. If it breaks on you, you can also try to order a new piece from HLJ or from Monkey-Nugget's piece purchase system from the topic pinned at the top of this forum.
  22. *nodnod* Seems like everytime a poll disappears from the first page, someone feels the urge to go recreate it.
  23. In atmosphere, perhaps. In space they'd quickly die as the gas in their bodies (oxygen/nitrogen) rapidly expands and forms bubbles, boils away, and turns them into an agonizing hideous and bloody mess. No kidding. They'd be dead long before asphyxiation had a chance to set in. And no, despite popular miconception, people's bodies don't explode in a vacuum - it'd probably be a quicker and less painful death if they did, though. This is essentially what happens to deep sea divers who surface too quickly, though on a much more extreme end of the spectrum. The entire flight suit would have to be completely sealed and pressurized in order to survive if the cockpit depressurized in space. Oooh, brings back memories of Event Horizon.
  24. Except uglier. It kind of looks like what would happen if eva 01, 02 and that automatic nuclear one had a child together...
  25. Beautiful. I guess I'll have to spray those gray when I use them with my low viz.
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