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Everything posted by imode

  1. ai soos, those hands are nice!
  2. Nah. We all complained about the hands as soon as pictures of battroid were released for Hikaru's 1A oh so long ago.
  3. Minmay guard would be pretty sweet. But it would have to be that custom Minmay Guard... That newer one that Hasegawa is dishing out looks like aaasssssss...
  4. Re-shaping the whole chestplate is out of the question already. However, the hands are not... I've been looking at Gundam actuators on HLJ and those are quite nice, however, I have no idea how the scales match up.
  5. Yamato valks are a little too pricey to build armies with, even for 1/60's. Not only that, you can only pose them in so many ways, so they would get boring after awhile. If you want to make armies you have to buy those little black plastic figures with those lego hands and all the gun sets.
  6. You know this reminds me... that other series from the 80's that Yamato was going to make a toy out of... Whatever happened to that?
  7. Princess Bride! Although, my boss was telling me about this one movie called "Night of the Comet" which I looked up on IMDB. After reading the plot summary, I just HAVE to see it.
  8. Can't argue with that Most likely, they figured Earth and other planets would also be a battlefield and thus needed something that resembled more of a foot soldier. Destroids were far to ungainly for that and instead settled into the mobile artillery and static defense role. And yes, Valk's are friggin cool too.
  9. This is the only one I see. I think I've seen it before when I was in Japan. It's just like the FX or whatever version, except subtitle-less. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-238
  10. Something about it looks out of proportion and yeah, that skirt would make a Zaku proud. Strange how it looks hand-drawn and no cgi'd out to hell.
  11. Platforms are a godsend. Usually though, I move my entire fleet along, so that there's a larger field of fire and more targets for the enemies to focus on. The most damaging parts of the Vaygr battlecruisers is that BIG gun it has on front and the missile launchers. The big gun doesn't fire very often and it's untargettable anyway, so concentrate all bomber fire on the missile launchers. This will keep your forces alive for a while longer and even give your destroyers the chance to mix it up a bit. Don't forget to build movers as well. Always try to stay defensive until you can get a full fleet, then try to pound from his side. If you go spearing straight through the middle, you'll most likely get swarmed by battle cruisers advancing from all sides. Also, don't forget that mobile refineries and carriers are bristling with guns as well and can take a lot of punishment when fully upgraded. The carrier is a capital ship and tends to draw fire quite quickly, but the refineries tend to be able to just cruise in the middle of battle. Build a bunch of these guys and let them go after the fighters while your heavies focus full attention on opposing capital ships.
  12. Whee, here we go again!
  13. Here we go! Hikaru lining up on the runway... and then woosh, takin off! Both images from the right side of his VF-1. Flipped cell! Lordy those are some lousy images.
  14. Use the Dreadnaught
  15. can you play as both Yaygr and Kushan.....sorry... Hiigaran or only as Hiigaran this time around? , the Yaygr seems to have more kickass ships if you ask me. //Dan.. They differe quite a bit (unlike homeworld 1) but they remain pretty evenly matched. The Hiigarans have lots of ion and cannon based weaponry. On the flip side, the Vagyr are all about missiles and pulsar beams. Nothing is very guaranteed as being stronger. If an ion cannon hits, it's going to do a lot of damage, like-wise with missiles and torpedoes that the Vagyr use. However, ion cannons have a difficult time tracking fast moving targets, and missiles get really confused against things that make lots of turns and weaves. Cannon fire is weak, but has a higher hit ration, and the Vagyr pulsar fighters have a strong attack but fire slower and are limited to firing the beam in only a straight line forward. It's all about unit-countering. You need A ship to counter B ship, and C ship to protect A ship from D, etc etc.
  16. I dunno why there was so much skepticism about this in the first place. Do j00 not trust my Japonaise reading skillz!?
  17. imode


    Or maybe, since the DYRL packs were movie quality, the TV packs will be animefriend quality. So we get laserbeams shooting out of boosters and funky color changing photosensitive external panels, with whole thing being made of silly putty so we can change it's shape at will!
  18. Woo. Played a few missions last night. Brought back memories. But I must be really out of practice or something. After getting past the first two missions that were in the demo, i got slaughtered on the third. Finally passed it on the second try, then I got slaughtered on the fourth, repeatedly. The Vaygr are a nasty bunch.
  19. And the Metal Siren. I refuse to acknowledge that abomination's existence !
  20. If you watch the DYRL game opening vid, the cockpit bubbles quite a bit. You can see Hikaru looking backwards (and DOWN) at the promotheus after it was sliced in half.
  21. The only similarities between the 1/60 legs and the actual transformation is that once the transformation is complete, the legs are connected to only the nose area, and not by swingbar. The actual transformation PROCESS is totally different. If the legs actually came off they'd be flying all over the place.
  22. Yeah, I had the same problem. Odd thing is, I would let it pop out, then try to shove it into a different slot and they worked fine. The only ones that are hopeless are the single micromissles which don't POP, but instead just kinda roll themselves out of the slot.
  23. imode


    Appeared in the show or not... once you put FP's on a 1/48, they just don't look as good without them. Also, even if the GBP (GPB? GBS? GPS?) armor comes out, you can just give the TV style packs to your low viz VF-1 or something. However, the way the items are listed at VEX, it seems that the two won't be sold together. Sounds more like HLJ is just doing their own bundled set thing.
  24. Macross Zero has the VF0 the SV51 (later SV52) and all their variations. Macross 2 had the VF2 and its variations, atmospheric and space borne. Macross Plus had the VF11B the YF19 and the YF21. Macross 7 had the VF17, VF19, VF22, VF-everything else pretty much. The letter which follows just means the variant of the fighter, just like the VF1A, J and D. They usually denote various internal and external changes, most notably, different wings (See VF11MAXL and the VF-0D) and varying numbers of head lasers.
  25. That box is gonna be gigantic.
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