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Everything posted by imode

  1. Have you ever considered making customs? Nothing so drastic as kitbashes, but custom paint schemes, especially for the 19 and 21.
  2. So wait... you get 2 versions of Bodolza? Does the same applies to the other Zentradis? Does that mean that choosing either arm will give you radically different missions? What about UN Spacy pilots? Do they look any different? Or do they still wear DYRL swag by default? This sooooo confusing!! Oh. I thought by now someone would have addressed this by now. Apparently, you get to play through both DYRL and SDF-1 TV scenarios. I'm gonna grab that video one more time and watch it again...
  3. That detail has escaped my notice as well, though I suspect it has something to do with the optic sensor. Can anyone shed any light on the issue? You are correct, sir... the optic sensor on the TV version does not have the black frame around it unlike the DYRL version. Isn't that the 1J? No the VF-1J is just the color shift. Which may or may not be an animation error. The VF-1A difference is physical. The DYRL version has the black frame around it while the TV version is just a green square, much like the VF-1D. Oh okay right. I see what you mean now.
  4. Damn. And I just went through all the trouble of setting my PS2 up in the living room so my parents can use it as a dvd player. Time to bring it back to the bedroom.
  5. imode

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    If you're wondering about skinny arms + big armor, you can take a look at the Armored VF-0. So far, it doesn't seem to be a problem with anyone.
  6. That detail has escaped my notice as well, though I suspect it has something to do with the optic sensor. Can anyone shed any light on the issue? You are correct, sir... the optic sensor on the TV version does not have the black frame around it unlike the DYRL version. Isn't that the 1J?
  7. imode

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    So far, all the heat shields have been clear, and painted to match the appropriate valk. Am I missing something? H saw a picture on HLJ, it looked pretty solid to me. Looked clear to me.
  8. imode

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Excellent point. Things are becoming mysteriouser and mysteriouser. And I agree with TenScaryonkeys; I never understood all the hoopla over an absent GBP-1S until now. I might actually plunk down the cash for this one, expecially if they offer it separately from the -1J. Perhaps Yamato wants to make it so that you can attach the armor to any VF. So far it looks like the armor isn't using any of the normal fast pack attachment methods.
  9. Well, seeing as how the 1J came out after the CF, I'd say square. My 1A Max also has a hex peg while my Max and Miriya and Hikaru supers all have square.
  10. imode

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    The problem is that people expend so much energy hoping and praying that so-and-so company will release so-and-so product, and when it doesn't live up to their expectations, or it's too expensive, or it's too big, or whatever, then they feel they have to shoot it down. That's just the nature of the toy forum and it is inevitable with so many differing opinions and tastes. This is also why I'm afraid to see what happens when the 19 comes out. People have built expectations so high by constantly linking those pictures of the YF-19 model everytime the 19FP is mentioned. For the most part, the "don't buy it" approach works for most. Other times, people have legitimate complaints, because honestly, no one wants to drop $140 for a "perfect" toy only to have it's wings falling apart, and little pieces of transparent plastic missing right out of the box. What's really wrong is when some people seem to take personal offense when it comes to a company not making a toy to their liking, or when they feel a company's market strategy is designed only to torment them. No doubt a lot of you have noticed a few of the generic, "Yamato is out to get me!" threads, and after reading the replies, the response those types of comments get here is pretty obvious.
  11. They're shooting at each other, but they only manage to hit each other's FASTpacks.
  12. Does anyone happen to have any mp3's of the CD dramas that were released after the SDF Macross tv series? Link: http://www.anime.net/macross/production/au...#MacrossClassic I have generations but that one sucks.
  13. imode

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Stop being so negative all the time. You 1/60 fans finally get new signs of life from your line and yet you still get all depressed over it. Stop worrying about the 1/48. Let Yamato worry. Just because the 1/48 fans on MW are so vocal doesn't mean that there's no love for the 1/60 line. I remember seeing two "Love for the 1/60" threads in the recent couple weeks. You buy your toys and we'll buy ours. Let's just leave it at that.
  14. imode

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Sweet. Even if it isn't the 1/60, that still doesn't explain why it's sitting in the middle of the Yamato booth. Maybe it's a painted prototype?
  15. 1S Hikaru later this month. 1J Hikaru later next month.
  16. SPO, there's a "HOW TO CUSTOMIZE MACROSS TOYS" forum down below. All these 1/55 threads belong in there.
  17. imode

    Skull Wing

    How many times do you guys have to go through this?
  18. Don't forget it's quite a bit smaller than an F-14.
  19. /me faints!
  20. Apparently she's the personal bodyguard for Lucy's character. Imagine that? A Japanese schoolgirl as your bodyguard? This is what I like to do with Japanese School girls: I'd rather rock them in a different way!
  21. Make sure your front torso panel is pushed down far enough so that it's locked in place beneat those two pegs near the hinge. If those are broken, then you are SOL.
  22. A custom 1/48 design made by a fan. Kawamori liked it so they made it into a toy. A lot of people have been going around saying, "It's got that Macross Zero style pilot, so it's gonna be in Macross Zero!", and this is pure speculation. Nobody knows whether or not it will be in Macross Zero.
  23. When you turn up all the bells and whistles it can really lag the system. HALO is still a really nice looking game and has many effects and high quality textures. Doesn't look too complex at first, but then you realize you're seeing real time shadows and reflections of trees and crap in master chief's armor. My framerates drop drastically around indoor environments and I'm running a 2.5athlon barton with 512 mb dual channel ddr and an nvidia ti4600. Multiplayer is awesome though. I used to be pretty good when I played the console version because truthfully, everyone kinda sucked when it came to the controller. But now that everyone's blazing with mouse+keyboard, I'm getting rocked left and right. Fun times!
  24. It's like the Mighty Ducks training course for Battroid pilots.
  25. For the complainers sake, I hope Yamato changes nothing. I want them to leave the pimple, leave the flaps, make the nosecone fall off, make the skull sign crooked and leave the cockpit gap. Maybe then, they won't feel like Yamato is out to get them.
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