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Everything posted by imode

  1. Is Edgar dead? I could've sword I saw his parachute from episode three, but when Shin finds his 0D in the jungle Shin calls out his name? Then a bunch of birds and snakes crawl out of the canopy with some spruts of dark brown liquid and he tells Sara not to look. I was watching the raw, so maybe I'm wrong. What went on in that scene?
  2. Yes, but you must remember, in the Macross world, one needs at least 50 missiles to shoot down a single opponent!
  3. How about an FB-23... sort of...
  4. I don't know about the stretch. Looks too fat now. I think he just didn't bend it at the knees enough to get that chicken leg look. It looks queer with the legs straight. Much too similar to battroid, but without its head sticking out.
  5. He is owned by Zentran and Miltran and Iwanoff, but never, EVER by AI.
  6. Plus Hasford specifically told Nora to bring back Sara unharmed. Then Nora made some reference like, "If a cockroach runs under your bed, then all you have to do is break the bed." While she's got a penchant for overdoing things, she wasn't trying to kill them, just get rid of the forest.
  7. /me sheds a tear for Edgar.
  8. Yeah, I gotta agree with that. While the action I had been hoping for wasn't there, episode four was easily the most beautiful one yet. The child porn thing, only if you're total religious nut, or someone so insecure of himself, you'd really even think about that. That and there's always the chance that you had no idea what the context was because the thing was unsubtitled and you don't speak Japanese.
  9. What a weird episode. Those looking for action, will find none here.
  10. she is blond ont he site. I mde her hair green. Tricky!
  11. It's nice. I dig it. Umm... looks a lot better if you don't think of it as Dana Sterling but just as another character. Though, if they were going to go so far as to change her hair color, I would have preferred it if they got rid of the 80's hair style as well. And I say, make it sexah! It's anime!
  12. Hiromi Oshino? She's pretty all right... pretty nasty.
  13. Perhaps because it wasn't designed to do so?
  14. Well Shin, the thing is a lot of Japanese fans aren't as well informed as you'd think. A few may have connections, but at best, a few of them are able to pick up Dengeki Hobby quicker than you or me could. Generally, most are kept in the dark except for whatever info they can glean from hobby shows or from right here at MacrossWorld. Take for example... post #554 has the quote, which I'm sure you're all familiar with. 15 posts before that, someone even posts the link to the MacrossWorld news page where the quote is from.
  15. Basically your same ol' same ol. I'm a little lazy to go through all 970 odd messages on the thread (I haven't been reading recently), but basically there's nothing good to say about the VF-0. One person mentions the fact that due to this mix-and-match part style the VF-0 should look perfect in all 3 modes, yet for some reason it looks like absolute ass in all three modes, which is true. If it was perfect transformation, I might go a little easier on it, but there are no excuses for this monstrosity now that they've gone with this part removal thing. Of course, everyone wants the Koenig Monster although they have their doubts. One funny thing from the thread though, they're still bitching and moaning about the YF-19FP. Basically, they've adopted the rally cry of, "Macross, Do you remember the YF-19FP". **edit: They obviously look to MW as well, seeing as how the most recent post links to the lego Koenig.
  16. This is true. Though, dare I say, the scratch build looks nicer than the line-art.
  17. Well, you'd think sales of the 1/48 already proved to them how well larger more detailed (read: higher quality) toys sell. For some asinine reason they decide to test the waters yet again with this sad excuse for a toy. From the looks of it, this thing has got almost nothing going for it. First of all, it's not truly transformable, it's mix-and-match but still woefully out of proportion, for having absolutely 0 metal content it's surprisingly expensive and after Yamato's successful venture into larger toys, the VF-0 is comparatively smaller in size, ambition and quality. If Yamato decides not to make a larger version of this, then oh well. My $40 is better spent elsewhere.
  18. Imo, it's too early to pass judgement on the VB-6. We've only seen it in one mode so far and that's not even it's good mode. Gerwalk and Battroid would have been far more appealing to me.
  19. Whee. I don't care if they use this as a "gauge" to determine Macross Zero popularity. I'm not going to waste my money on garbage. /goodbye
  20. You need to add the monster dimensions and scales to your sig now.
  21. In it's current order: Captain Max (Macross 7 Version) Gamlin Kizaki Max (SDF-1 Version) Elma ( Flower Girl (Macross 7) Isamu Nekki Basara Sivil Max (Macross 3 Version) Emilia Mayor Millia Millia (SDF-1) Mylene Sharon Apple Hayao Kakizaki Miho Miho Gavil Maguro Ray Lovelock Veffidas Claudia Physica (sp???) Geppernich Guld Minmei + Mylene Kim & Vanessa & Shammy Guvava & Cappy Ishtar Captain Global Komilia Exedor (M7 Version) Breetai (SDF-1 Version) Raiza (sp???) Nekki Basara dressed as Hikaru Sally S. Ford Rex (woot, why is she at the bottom!?) Galactic Whale Myung Gigil Silvie Docker Kinryuu Kamizaki Hibiki Pedro Damnit. No Lisa? What about Mylene's lesbian manager? What a crappy as poll.
  22. It's also ugly as sin.
  23. Optical sensors and other fancy equipment like that?
  24. That thing has a huge wingspan.
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