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Everything posted by imode

  1. Hehe, ouch. 22 here.
  2. Their online business is somewhat half-assed. Their local store is really good, but the online stuff is more like an after thought and is not properly staffed or attended to.
  3. The best way is by incorporating some standard double or triple a's and then wiring up a circuit with resistors so you don't pop the LED. The last person to try this (sorry, I don't remember your name!) had a setup where he stored the batteries in the missile pods and had conductive paint running along the bottom of the wings to the clear plastic pieces on the 1/48's wings where he had some flat leds. Lighting the visor is a little difficult due to the contruction of the 1/48's S-type head and the way it's situated on that little black hinge piece. I'm sure if you're creative enough however, you can get something working.
  4. Isamu did somehow regain his gunpod one scene later (one of the many continuity errors in episode 4). But if you watch everything before it it's quite clear Isamu lost his gunpod (you can see Guld grabn it and throw it away while they're fighting in the city, and afterwards it's gone for the rest of thier fight). I don't see it. I see Guld coming through the building and Isamu drops the gun. I think the whole point of this fight was to show that neither is better than the other. They have different styles but in the end, they're equal. Guld shoots off Isamu's FP, then Isamu does the same. Guld shoots off Isamu's headlaser and makes him drop his gun, then with his next punch Isamu break Guld's gun in two dodges his next attack then sends Guld's 21 flying with a punch. And since this thread was originally about the planes, it could also be said that if the 21/22 was truly superior to the 19 then maybe it was Guld's lack of skill that kept him from being able to kill Isamu outright.
  5. *nodnod* All you monster buyers, don't even think about getting it until sometime in 2004.
  6. Yup. Isamu was shooting at the Ghost after the dogfight(both movie and OVA versions.) Also Guld was the more reckless of the two when it came to firing off weaponry. More missiles, more gunpods shots, more property damage...etc. If you re-watch that episode Isamu was on Gulds six when they were heading into the city and during part of the city chase. Why didn't he shoot down Guld? For the most part Isamu was flying defensive against Guld. He was there to fight the Ghost, not Guld. Oh, and Isamu losing his gunpod and head laser was because of debris from when Guld crashed through that building. I very much doubt that that effect was calculated by Guld. That sounds right. As I watched it, Guld was the one firing dozens of missiles. And they were pretty much even with the whole "knocking off fast-pack" thing. Guld may have shot the headlaser off the 19, but did land one nasty double fisted punch on the 21, Daedalus Attack style.
  7. If Isamu were the one operating with a cool head, he would have been the one to systematically disarm Guld. But he didn't , he just fired away wildly expending his ammo, while Guld carefully removed his offensive weaponry. By the time Guld fired his missiles Isamu was defenseless, no gunpod, no lasers, no missiles. If Guld hadn't had his sudden epiphany he could have just fired off another shot and been done with it. He did all that? Wasn't he still shooting at the Ghost after the whole Guld fight?
  8. Ain't no Japanese to see here, move alone. Move along.
  9. Please don't.
  10. Neato. Looks like the Yammy 19, except somehwat off balance. I think your tailfins are folding the wrong way tho. They supposed to fold inwards.
  11. Sounds like the cat. latch and the ring missing is a common problem for the LV. Maybe someone fell asleep at the wheel that day
  12. If that's the case, then I can understand. But my point was that you can't gripe at someone for something that's totally out of their control.
  13. Super 1J! Just think, even if you wanted prime instead, take the Super 1J, sell it, and you can buy a whole bunch of things on that list.
  14. I meant, "if he survives Macross Zero", then maybe they could work him in as a skull squad pilot in the Macross TV series.
  15. Phuket.....I'm not even going to try to pronounce that That's POO-ket to you mister! Funny, down here we have this little shopping center with two restaurants. One called Phucket Thai, and the other, Fook Yuen. Does Hawaii rock, or does Hawaii rock?
  16. You never know. They may make Shin a pilot in skull squad. In the movie it was obviously only Max, Hayao, Ichijo and Roy (unless there are more than 4?). But in the TV show the members of skull were never introduced, as Hikaru and his supporting cast all formed Vermillion.
  17. By the same logic, every other online dealer should be on the blacklist. I have a hard time believing that Tisinc is digging through boxes just to steal your cat. latches and gunpod strap rings. It's not like they're the ones responsible for packaging the toy in it's box. Cut them some slack man.
  18. I don't think I can blame them. I bought two. The other one was perfect.
  19. Hey Anasazi, you put the feet on backwards!!
  20. I think it's the way the rear edge of the yf-21's wing is cut inwards slanting back towards the nose area before it meets the fuselage. It makes the diamond shape a little less obvious.
  21. tisinc
  22. Heh. Sounds like mine. Out of the box, I was missing a ring and the catapult latch. Didn't bother me too much however, since I keep it in battroid, and I don't use the strap.
  23. You're kidding, right? It doesn't take a jet buff to see that except for the intakes and the engines, the YF-21 and the 23 look exactly the same. Here, just for fun--
  24. I wouldn't totally agree to that. Really off base sci-fi action type anime like Eva should never be done. However, more normal grounded-in reality types could be fair game. Something like Grave of the Fireflies could totally be pulled off.
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