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Everything posted by imode

  1. You want to know what's worse? I'll show you what's worse. Sabrina's Playhouse . . .
  2. I read that Roy was the test pilot for the VF X1 (VF-1 prototype) over at South Ataria. Is the testing already over by now? **Nevermind, read the compendium. Test flights long over by the time of Macross Zero.
  3. I agree 100%. Not only does the 1/48 have a Mac Zero pilot, but it also has markings for the Asuka. Plus, Hasegawa is supposed to be making one soon (check the models forum). I really think this baby is cannon and not some alternate paint scheme dreamed up at Yamato. And as far as the VF-1's specs in the Compendium... They seemed leave out a few weapons on the SV-51. Maybe the VF-1 has a few "undocumented features" that we haven't seen yet. Well, even if there aren't, how can you go wrong with BIG HONKIN' NUCLEAR MISSILES?!
  4. Not necessarily a bad thing...
  5. Dear god...
  6. My original comment was simply voicing my opinion for certain combinations much like how you voiced for the red and white, and the intent was to point out that everyone has their own preference. If you like green and blue, hey, good for you. Calling me colorblind was not very nice.
  7. Oop. EMERALD green and SKY blue. ...still ugly, sorry.
  8. Probably some fancy mumbo jumbo like picking up distortions in space-time. I think I remember seeing it labeled as a Cross Dimensional Radar in episode 1. Not really practical against little fighter airplanes, unless they happen to give out a PCS signature (whatever it is...) as well.
  9. Well if you think about it, everytime the UN and the anti-UN bang heads, the only ones left alive are Roy, DD, Nora and Shin. Now that Nora's and Shin's planes are smoldering piles of metal now, what will they be flying next? Are there enough 0's and 51's to hand out again? Pray for the VF-1's!!
  10. I also dont think planes should be painted dark green and baby blue, but hey... it works for some and doesn't work for others.
  11. I dunno. After watching all those specials like Navy Seal Hell Week, I'd have to think twice about that.
  12. Hehe, I'm waiting to hear Osaka with a Bronx/Brooklyn accent. Bring the pain!
  13. All you need is Misa in a little jeep, driving between their legs.
  14. I dunno - whiplash would still get 'em. Look at the SDFM TV when Hikaru first takes the Super Valk out to save Misa - when he first changes, it looks like his head is not very secure - there are no strappy things for his brain. You'd think the UN Spacy would be aware of the events of Nascar or something...
  15. From what I read it sounds like some kind of signal that only the otm powered Cyclops radar can detect. Once the cyclops was developed, they found that the Macross gave out this PCS reaction and a little later, the same reaction was found coming from the bottom of the ocean near Mayan. Probably stands for Proto Culture... somethingorother. Signature?
  16. Comedy genius!
  17. add- 1/48 S Hikaru 1/48 J Hikaru
  18. imode

    VF-11B FP

    Hip problem fixed. Heat shield "problem" not fix, but slightly improved. I believe they added little tabs on the side, that fold into the cockpit so that when the canopy is closed, the shield is held down.
  19. aaanyway, maybe she said AFOS, which is pronounced in japanese "A-FO-SU". Usually acronyms like ASS-1 get sounded out as they are in English, "A S S Wan". Just finished downloading the ANBU-AonE version. Here they used the same word: "ASSU". And on re-listening, it really sounds like "A S S U". In Episode 2 there's a conversation between Aries and another scientist around 8:05, and where the scientist says "AFOS", he does say "A-FO-SU". Oop, thanks for the reminder. I'll make sure to take a look ... listen... when I get home in an hour or so.
  20. They'd probably get some nasty whiplash, but I don't think it'd turn a man into goo.
  21. imode

    Macross Destroids

    That probably means either you don't have a Japanese character set installe don your computer, or you need to change your Character Coding to Shift_JIS (which made them show up for me). No matter. The point was that they're all the same (even the garbage characters look the same) but with 5 different readings.
  22. Hee hee. Hollywood and fanboys don't mix
  23. I chose animeigo. Out of that list, there's only 3 companies that can really handle this movie as well as it deserves. Bandai, ADV and Animeigo. Bandai releases very high quality products but apparently there staff has no common sense. If you've ever watched the subs of Banner of the Stars and such, they decided to layer their subs over the original Ahb > Japanese subs, and it comes out to be a horrible unreadable mess. Likewise they may do the same thing with the Zentradi > Japanese subs. ADV has very high quality as well, even though you may hate them for their Robotech releases. I give edge to Animeigo because not only are their releases of high quality, I feel their experience with the TV series gives them a greater advantage and intimate knowledge of the subject material.
  24. imode

    Early 1/48's

    If you can find them cheaper than the rerelease versions, I'd say go for it. The 1S may give you some problems, but the Hikaru 1A is a pretty solid package. Mainly just design issues with the flaps/nosecone.
  25. imode

    Macross Destroids

    The Hory Froating Head has a brother? Has he been involved in every other Macross series? This is the first time I've ever heard that he has a brother. hahaha, i think thats a translation error. ³Ž¡@<-- if you can read that, it says Shoji. Now, take those two characters, copy and paste it into here: http://poets.notredame.ac.jp/cgi-bin/jedi Set dictionary for proper names, and voila!! y³Ž¡z [‚µ‚傤‚¶] Shouji (g) y³Ž¡z [‚µ‚悤‚¶] Shiyouji (g) y³Ž¡z [‚¹‚¢‚¶] Seiji (g) y³Ž¡z [‚Ü‚³‚¶] Masaji (g) y³Ž¡z [‚Ü‚³‚Í‚é] Masaharu (g)
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