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Everything posted by imode

  1. Most likely because the VF-11 never developed past the cannon fodder stage. The widely used model was B, and by the time Macross Plus rolls around, the VF-11 was already in lined to be replaced. There's no real records of more advanced VF-11's being distributed to squad leaders either. I suppose, you could consider the MAXL as being the more advanced version of the 11 although the only one I've seen was Mylene's pink one with boobies.
  2. Only problem with that would be that Kawamori would try to wiggle in some music stuff in there and risk turning the whole thing fruity. For once, I wouldn't mind seeing a very serious Macross devoid of all the protoculture and music = power references.
  3. Don't sweat it. The quests are very difficult and everyone will need help at some point. Ninja, Samurai and Dragoon were all part of the Zilart expansion and that's why they are noticeably more difficult than achieving the other advanced jobs. While you wait, there's always the other advanced jobs to unlock. Bard and Dark Knight are very easy to unlock (Dark Knight especially if you have a full warrior 30 with level 15 subjob). To a certain extent, so are Beastmaster, Summoner and Ranger.
  4. The red eyes are like his version of going super-powered. It's been ages since I watched, but Inuyasha busted out his super crazy swing with the tessaiga and nailed Sesshomaru with it. While Sesshomaru was recovering Rin found him and tried to help him. He ended up driving her away and when she was alone she was killed by a pack of wolves. After Sesshomaru had recovered he found Rin dead and he tested out his sword on her and she was brought back to life. She stuck with him after that...
  5. http://asx.ziff.net/viewnfo.php?id=2393 Complete tracklist, although with some mistakes most likely as my Japanese is not perfect and there were a lot of strange words. The song is called Zero-G Love TV Version... not that that makes you feel any better
  6. Macross Plus sign was there for the re-release of the 1/72 yf-21
  7. Yeah, but it looks soo cool!!! Except that your delay time is doubled... So yeah, you can double weapon, but the delay time of each sword is added togeather... Not that great. They got some nice attacks though. Vostok 7 Ou, but like the monk they receive passive skills which cut the base delay of dual wield. Unfortunately, their A+ weapons, the 1-handed Katana, are weaker than crap and their weapon skills are horrible. Ninja does make a nice sub for thief however as you receive nice boosts in dex and agi which will only make your sneak+trick attacks nastier, and ability to use certain ninjitsu like utsusemi will make you untouchable.
  8. Yes... and no. First... you need a high lv party to go with you. I have seen 12 lv35s getting massacred in the palladin quest. Your best bet if getting some lv50 players to go with you on the quest. Second, lving up a bit more wouldn't be a bad idea. And be prepared to spend alot of money on that job.... its the most expensive job in the game. I agree. Leveling up a bit more can't hurt. Unfortunately "a bit more" is still not enough to handle the quest on your own. The leeches are the thing of nightmares basically. 6 level 35's could probably take a leech with no problem. Unfortunately you have to fight 3 at once which means you'd probably need 18 people running around. Also, you probably don't have a map of the Koroloka Tunnel which could also create a few more problems for you. I had a level 70 paladin help me when I went for it. There was a level 65 monk with him, and the monk was getting smashed pretty bad. Once that part is over, the second nasty part is getting to Norg. This is partially easy because you can just chocobo it from Kazham to the waterfall tunnel. Once you get there though, you'll either need plenty of sneak/invis or a couple high level bodyguards guiding you through the Sea Serpent Grotto (you most likely will not have a map of this place either). The Sahagin and undead there are a nasty bunch. And just so you don't make the same mistake I did, once you've reached Norg, you may want to activate the Samurai quest as well, just so you don't have to make repeated trips to Norg.
  9. There was some guy standing at the HP near the highlands doing music spells like every 5 seconds last night. I was about to take his pipe and stick it somewhere more useful. Vostok 7 Heh, you get used to that. Support jobs (mages, bards etc) don't get the chance to level up their spell skills as much as warriors do. As a monk, all I have to do is punch away and my hand to hand skills will always be maxed out. Mages and bards on the other hand have all sorts of magic classes elemental, enhancing, enfeeblement, healing etc, and not all of them get used repeatedly and it becomes very difficult to keep the skills up completely. That's why, sometimes you'll see a guy sitting in the corner of the boat to Mhaura doing nothing except casting protect and shell on himself. Not because he's bored, but because he has to level up his magic skills.
  10. Well yeah, everything was copacetic at first, but lately the antics of a few stupid NA players has created all sorts of problems. Just this weekend, there was this paladin in my party, and he accidentally aggro'd something during our downtime between fights, so a few of us busted our 2 hours to kill it. But he tried to play the hero and provoked it and ran off in another direction so he could "pull" it away from us. Unfortunately it killed him rather quickly, and on it's way back, it linked up with 2 more baddies. So we decided to run, because honestly, you don't really want to die in this situation. Our dragoon was killed shortly after and they all started following our samurai. As we were running to the exit, we must have ended up linking at least 30 baddies in this HUGE mess and when we zoned, all 30 were left at the zone. Groups would zone in unknowingly and just get destroyed as soon as they spawned on the other side. We waited a little while till they started retreating from the entrance and we went back in to go raise our dragoon. Then this other dumb NA player goes and Diaga's the whole mass resulting in 7 people dying and 3 leveling down. I tried to explain to all the Japanese players what happened, but instead I got a lot of angry tells and offensive remarks out of it. Funny thing, here on FFVAULT's lakshmi forum (http://vnboards.ign.com/Lakshmi/b22563/61392810/p1/) they have their own Lakshmi blacklist going on. Whether it's a joke or not, Dmseky's list has the dumb paladin that started it all, and lower at the bottom jstjhn mentions the guy who Diaga'd the 20 or so mobs.
  11. I believe there's a way top remove the 3d skin off the mouse pointer so it's its ugly white self again. What I want is a Japanese IME for the NA release. Working with the auto translator is unbelievably frustrating as it just plain doesn't work. It only helps to further seperate Japanese players from American players. My conversations with Japanese people typically go like this: Imode: Konbanwa, PT kumimasen ka? (Hello, would you like to form a party?) Kotans: ‚È‚ñ‚Å“ú–{Œê‚Å‚È‚¢‚ÌH (Why isn't your typing in Japanese?) Imode: Amerikajin to iu wake nan desu ga... (Because I'm American...) Kotans: ‚È‚ñ‚Å“ú–{Œê‚ªo—ˆ‚éHI (How in the world do you understand Japanese!?) Imode: Nihongo ga dekiru Amerikajin kekkou iru to omoimasu kedo (Well, there are a few of us who do understand the language...) Kotans: ‚ [‚·‚Ý‚Ü‚¹‚ñOOG@‚±‚Ì‘OƒAƒƒŠƒJl‚Æ‚Ì‚ ‚ñ‚Ü‚è—Ç‚­‚È‚¢ŒoŒ±‚ʼn“—¶‚³‚¹‚Ä‚¢‚½‚¾‚«‚Ü‚·B iGM„Dj (Oh, I'm sorry, but I have had bad experiences with American players in the past, so I'll have to pass.) So yeah.... there's a typical conversation I have when looking for party members. Not being able to type Japanese in game pissed me off to no end. Especially when you need help for questing. I'm going to be after my AF3 pretty soon, and recommended party is 15 people at level 55??? Where the heck am I going to get 15 people at level 55 if not for the Japanese?!
  12. Not sure what makes it a bootleg version, but I bought this last year from them and the quality great. Too bad all bootlegs can't be like that...
  13. May look a little silly but shouldn't be a problem in zero-G, as long as the "arms" don't move too fast. On Earth and Mars, it depends on the strength of the keels and the docking points. If they moved some antigravs from the main ship into the Daedalus and Prometheus, the stresses during planetary landings should be a lot less. I would assume that was a major priority for the engineering teams as soon as anyone started thinking about landing. Actually what I think he meant was the scenes in the first couple episodes of Macross TV. When Breetai gives the order to fire on the UN Spacy fleet you see a whole bunch of UchuuSenkan Yamato like ships flying in space. Looked pretty stupid...
  14. I rarely go back to my home city anymore but when I do everyone and their dog checks me. It kind of feels like an invasion of privacy. I read somewhere the Japanese feel the same way. Especially with the influx of new players, they'd rather you do /sea if you want to check the level/class and if you want to see what they're wearing then ask first.
  15. Grr I've ran into this... I was lvl 15 and partied with a group, one guy was like a lvl 11 or 12 WAR... The party leader died (she was WHM IIRC, and I tried to tank but my provoke ran out and the other WAR didn't provoke... party leader dies and ends up in like Jeuno) and was trying to get back, but then left the party when she warped... I kept saying "lets wait for her to come back" but this low lvl WAR is like "no, let's kill things." Then, he decides we should camp right next to another party so that we can get all their spam. Then, he's telling me to pull high level gobs. This stupid n00b is basically trying to run the whole show, when he didn't even get party leader status after our party leader left! One pull and the whole party gets slaughtered because yet again, this kid is a total n00b and doesn't know how to play, but is still trying to call all the shots. I die and am so torked off I leave the party. I hate parties that go bad. Vostok 7 Honestly... thats what tells are for. If someone was to do that in a party I'm in... I would immediatly tell the rest of the party to let the idiot die from his own mistakes. If he comes back and complains.... tell him to leave the party if he doesn't like it. Yeh, the majority of the problems in this game center around leveling in the teens. This is when you first have to start partying with other people and based on whether or not they know what they're doing, this can really make or break the experience. My monk is level 48 now, but my subjob thief is level 17. While I know that I need to keep my thief up to date it pains me everytime I have to go down to Valkurm and have to start creating parties with the newer players. Half the time is either spent dying or teaching them how to play correctly, and a lot of the time they don't even want the advice. They'd always end up bitching something like, "why is a level 17 thief telling me how to play my level 16 warrior?" Then it spirals out of control. Warrior won't provoke so whm starts taking damage. Whm doesn't want hate, so whm doesn't heal. Without concentrated hate on any one character the target keeps spinning around and my sneak attacks are continuously wasted. No one is able to deal damage and we all die. Then everyone gets mad at me for trying to tell them how to play. Whee~
  16. Makes me wish I had treasure finder and get a pair of jumping boots (or whatever they are called) and sell them for 250k. Yeah, you know those insanely expensive rare items. I don't understand them. It says you need to be level 20 to use them, but you have to be level 50 in order to kill the monster that drops them. Then by the time you're level 50, there's something else for you to wear, and you have to be level 60 to kill what drops those. /cry
  17. Oh, btw-- this is for New Years, as 2004 calendar year is the Year of the Monkey meaning yet another 12 year span of my life has comed to a close :/ Trading worthless items you don't need to Papa Monkey will get you all sorts of buffs and New Years gifts (otoshidama) which up your fishing kill temporarily when used. The decorations are tradtional New Years decorations called Matsutake, matsu meaning Pine and take meaning Bamboo. Oh, Has anyone tried the teleportation service yet? I'm not totally clear on it, but it seems like you have to do supply runs, and pay money and all that junk. Makes me wish I was a thief and could afford a nice pair of strider boots instead of constantly paying my way just to get somewhere.
  18. You do realize that by episode 25, most anime series are one episode from completion, don't you? If something takes 20 episodes just to start up, then that's a good sign that it just might be a big waste of time.
  19. 48...? And you started around the same time as us!! I hate you the most!! Vostok 7 Well, what's odd is that I actually should be a lot farther. Recently I've been partying with people who used to party with back when i was level 25 and stuff. Like this one guy I used to party with when I was a monk and he was a black mage. Now I'm still a monk, and he's a dragoon, which means that in the time it took for me to gain 23 levels, he gained 53.
  20. imode

    Another Bootleg

    Definitely Gundam Valkyrie
  21. That's why I said walking to Windhurst is tough I knew about the ship to Mhaura. 100g is pocket change for that far of a trip!! Vostok 7 Dear god, you shouldn't even consider walking that. I don't even chocobo that distance.
  22. imode

    1/1 DYRL Helmet

    Let me tell you, you'd be surprised.
  23. Not so. You've been looking for your subjob items so I assume you're already in Valkurm. Head to Selbina and take the ship (100gil) to Mhaura and don't fight any monsters that appear on the deck. From there head out to Buburimu then to Tahrongi and south to Sarutabaruta. Buburimu and Tahrongi is Windurst's version of Valkurm and Konschtat so while there are some toughies, it should be easy to avoid them.
  24. Oh? You mean "mages"? Thats a great idea indeed. Wait till they start casting Stone at you, one after the other.... that will be a ton of fun indeed. This doesn't work with bow users too well but it does work wonders for mages all though it can be somewhat risky. Trick is get into casting range, and just nuke the worm with as many spells as you can. When the worm starts casting on you (stone, stonega, stoneII), move out of casting range. Because mages don't need to engage a target to claim it, once out of casting range you can rest without having to disengage and thus you won't lose your claimed target and you won't give it time to heal. However you will be able to heal, then move back into casting range and nuke it again. This has worked wonders for mages needing to solo and get great XP. (Gustaberg > Gusgen > Qufim) The one problem with this is worms like to cast bind, so you have to make sure you move out of range as soon as you see him casting it. On the bright side, when bound, worms usually cast only rasp and stone 2 won't be a problem.
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