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Everything posted by imode

  1. The city and mech shots were nice. What I don't care for is how they made the pilots look 2x as old with some weight problems. Is EVA really the same without its evil sex-bomb teens?
  2. Hey, thats actually pretty cool lookin...
  3. Really? The Regult was green??? In that first scene where Max is in the VF-1A? I could have sworn that they were the same colors as TV...though I'd have to say that some of the green ones that I've seen pictures of are cool too. Movie version was green. http://mahq.net/mecha/macross/macross.htm
  4. To get an airpass you can buy it for 400,000gil or so. Or, you can gain rank 5 and get the pass free from the archduke of jeuno.
  5. Heh. Here's Norg. It's past Kazahm, through Yutuhnga and through the Sea Serpent Grotto. The ninja quest will take you to here and Samurai quests starts here up those stairs on the right. If you guys were on my server I'd take you to see it.
  6. Technically this is planned quite well. People don't often care for it, but it can be quite rewarding, especially for a warrior. Start with warrior, level to 18 and get your subjob. Start with thief, level to 15 and switch back to warrior. Take warrior from 18-30 (dont even need to touch thief anymore) then find someone to help you with the advance job of your choice (dark knight, bard, ranger can all be done easily by one's self). Get new job, and just continue on till whatever. You won't even have to worry about warrior until level 60. If you're getting tired of power leveling, then get side tracked. Do some questing. Do some missions. Make some money. Go fishing. Start crafting. Grinding levels isn't what the game is about, so if that's all you plan to do, then there's a million other games out there for you where you don't have to pay $13 a month.
  7. Yamato made a mistake and glued it on by accident.
  8. You people are crazy.... Is there nothing in this world that you don't complain about?
  9. What brought that on? If you want to be the damage dealer (I'm assuming you don't want to be paladin), you can always be a dark knight. As advanced jobs go, the quest is insanely simple, with its only drawback being that it's time consuming. Though, at level 30, your warrior should have no problem.
  10. Well, good thing you don't have 1:48's.
  11. The schemes are far nicer than anything in DYRL? Have you seen the scans from the magazine section on MW?
  12. They are all fictionary squadrons made for custom models, as far as I know. Not sure how deep you can make their history unless the modelers come up with something themselves.
  13. The unforunate thing about that is that monks are the easiest characters to level from 1-10. After that, they really have no good role in a group until they get to level 60. Boost is useless until you get chi blast. Counter is useful, but in a perfect world, the monks shouldn't be the ones taking the damage. When you hit 40 with monk, you get to wear all the haste gear (brown/purple belt, fuma kyahan) and the ochiudo kote (+20 attack) which really begins to turn you into a destructive force. Downside to that is getting those items will cost you an arm and a leg. Before that however, your main strenth relies on your many weapon skills that let you chain easily with almost every weapon in the game. Once you hit 51 (and provided you have a 25 war sub) you will start kicking and double hitting which will get your TP up faster than anything except for samurais. By 60, you get Howling Fist which you can use to make level 3 skillchains. When paired with a samurai, you can do no wrong. Normal fights go like this (bear in mind, at around level 40 or so): Tachi: Kagero >> Raging Fist w/boost+sneak = Fusion >> BanishgaII (whm) >> Holy (whm) 120dmg 250-300dmg 100-150dmg 240dmg 180dmg Regardless, even I have lots of problems getting invited as a monk. Mainly I have to ask my friends to party with me. Thank your lucky stars you didn't go with monk.
  14. Trust me.... warriors suck. Any advanced class will be just fine.... really. Once you hit Kazham and you find either too much ppl or not enough ppl... you will wish that part of the game was over quickly. Seriously... I'm so desperate.... I will stay up tonight untill I hit lv30... no sleeping before that!! On a side note... Kazham is video game hell... but the monsters you are supposed to fight are utter whimps! Seriously... we fought an IT mandragora... and our mages even had time to sit and heal while we took damage... and by the end of the fight.... 200XP!!! It did take us around 5 minutes to beat each mandragora. Hahaha, aren't weak enemies what you want?! Anyway, the warrior doesn't suck. He's just nothing special. Warrior is best used as a sub for a whole bunch of different classes and not as a main. Also, a warrior is only as good as his subjob is. A 30/15 war/thf would be able to do some really wonderful weaponskill damage with sneak+berserk+sturmwind, especially if its used during renkei for a level 2 ws (with the WS having the same element of the enemies weakness). Monk will also be quite good as you get counter and a ton of extra HP.
  15. Precisely. I'm sure Kawamori tries to plan for these things as much as possible (anime in particular always fall hard under the fanboy microscope), but you have to remember, this is entertainment and in a rule which applies heavily to large robot anime, things are designed for cool factor rather than practicality. Such is the case in Zero, you want to show two guys slugging it out while flying through a narrow canyon. There's no room for them to fight face to face, so you make one guys arm spin backwards and fire away. In Plus, they're slugging it out face to face in the sky and on the ground. It would be kind of boring to have just one guy flying forward while shooting backwards all the time. That being said, the VF's themselves are only limited to what the creator wants them to do. I'm sure if Kawamori wanted the 19's arms to spin completely around and fire backwards, it could.
  16. 2 weeks? How come? I'm 12k xp away from never having to touch my warrior again.... and you don't know how good that makes me feel. I just hope I don't have to go back to kazham ever again for lving. There was a big power surge and I think it fried my cable modem. I called time warner and they were like, "We can get to you by the 27th. Of course we'll refund you for the downtime..." Wha...? Anyway, I'm gonna try trade in my cable modem during my lunch break to day so we'll see. If my inet comes back I'll try to post some pics of locations you guys haven't been to yet that you may want to check out as you begin to level up.
  17. Boo. I'm 1700xp away before I can start kicking with my monk, but now I have no Internet for the next 2 weeks (http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/West/01/15/hawaii.winds.ap/index.html). Oh well, I guess I gotta find something else to do while I wait.
  18. That's because they've abandoned the 1:48 scale and have moved onto 1:1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. uRRR... hmm, I dunno. Made that a year ago, and never really looked at the cd since so I can't really recall. Are they in the liner notes?
  20. In plane mode I like the strike, but in battroid i like super. Dunno why....
  21. Total agreement here. I like my scales in 1/48, but when it comes to enemy mecha, that's just too much (I make special exceptions for the SV-51 however ). I'd like to see a Q-rau/1:48 VF-1 side by side to see how they match up, though. They may be different scales but I have a feeling that that combo may be more anime accurate.
  22. You are correct, sir!
  23. As they say in Japanese, meiwaku kakenai you ni which means, Try not to make trouble for others. While zoning or running to an area with more players may help you, it could also cause problems for other groups. If banshees or wights pop on you and you run to the zone at Delkfut, that leaves the aggro cruising around right outside Delkfut with a number of other groups around. If they're in a fight, that could spell big trouble for them. In wide areas like Qufim it doesn't present much of a problem, but later on you fight only in dungeons, and there's always only one way to escape. When you drag a big train of monsters to the zone, especially from deep within an area, it effectively freezes any activity there until the monsters walk back to their original spawn points. (This also applies to fighting in close proximity to other parties against monsters that cast AOE spells like gob bombs.)
  24. Likewise, the control system seems compeltely natural for me. There's nothing "slow" about the controls unless you're trying to play with the mouse, and if you are, then give it up. The mouse has no place in this game. As FFXI is such a beautiful game, i appreciate the ability to spin the camera around my character and get those nice sweeping camera shots. On the flipside of that, I used to be a die-hard FPS player, so when I need to, I just hit 5 and go firstperson. Hell, I can even strafe in this mode. Brings back memories of Doom. I especially find the lock target option very helpful, as you can wheel around your opponent and get those opening shots in from behind. I agree, the battle system is slow, but this is really personal preference. The battle system is not much different than the time based system of the original FF games, so if you don't like the original games, then there's no surprise that you won't like 11 either. Though I'm not so sure what the gripe was about the sand in Valkurm. I like the touch. White sand reflecting the beating sun... will be blinding white. Nothing out of place there. Though, I don't care for the fire effect however as the simulated heatwave effect (while cool) makes me feel like my eyes are going bad. Meh, I can live with that.
  25. I wouldn't mind seeing something about super oldschool times, Supervision army vs. Zentradi. Although when you think about it, there'd be no transforming stuff... Man that'd suck.
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