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Everything posted by imode

  1. Yeh, the only real reasons for a fighter class to sub whm is if: #1. You're soloing, or... #2. You really don't trust the group that you're in. For soloing and NM hunting however, one of the best combo's I've ever seen is samurai/warrior hunting with a polearm. This was especially frustating dealing with sam/war NM hunters because of the speed at which they were able to do things. With warrior he can afford to take a few hits and use provoke to kill-steal NM's. Then with meditation, he can almost instantly break into pentathrust. The 5 hits return around 60% TP, and with meditation still working, he can break into a second pentathrust almost instantly after his first one is finished.
  2. Is that Yamato´s new 1/48 project ? well , you know, if it ain´t 1/48 then that gun is not worth a penny. Dude, it's even better! It's 1:1! Perfect match with the helmet and their upcoming 1:1 VF-1A!
  3. Most NM's are lottery pop btw. This means you kill the placeholder mobs where it's supposed to spawn and there's a random chance of it spawning in the next round. It's completely random, so it could be as short as 15 minutes, and it could take hours. I came on early one saturday morning (best time, less JP players on), and I was the only one their camping my NM. In four hours it spawned only once. NM hunting is only for the patient.
  4. Perhaps a stupid question, but do you have the phones plugged all the way in? A lot of times, I don't push them all the way in because with a normal push the headphone jack goes in all the way right before the last click and when I listen, all I can hear is faint sounds in the background. I check my plug and I realize I hadn't pushed it in all the way.
  5. Actually, there is a scale reference in that pic. Part of the TIAS Macross book can be seen in the pic (and what true Macross Plus fan doesn't own TIAS Macross Plus), so it is easy to get an idea of the YF-19's size. Graham Troo. The book is standard fare for most other anime art books as well. That puts the 1:48 YF-19 at a book and change. Really not so big if you think about it? Maybe...? Well, for all you "not enough space/too big" people. If someone offered to give you a 1:48 YF-19 (for free mind you) would you honestly say, "Thanks, but I'll have to refuse since I don't have the shelf space"? What I'm trying to figure out is, how much is this an issue of cost over size. *WARNING-- Do not misconstrue this post as a rant, whine or attack on the sanity of non-1:48 enthusiasts (near 55% of the people in this forum at last count). I would however love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Personal attacks on my sanity are likewise, unwelcome. Kthx.
  6. That's all wrong because Daikatana, for better or for worse, actually came out! Duke Nukem Forever on the other hand.... That sucker will be forever immortalized in the Vaporware Hall of Fame.
  7. Aww that sucks, that means that almost this entire board is going to be whining about that everytime a new toy comes out. Oh well, let em whine. This place is a forum after all.
  8. MP boost for what? Aren't you changing classes once reach lv30? Then why the heck are you worried about lving whm beyond lv10 right now? And if you want an mp boost.... lv blm damnit!! If you want to lv something... lv a war. If you really want to be a pali, be aware that without provoke you are useless untill you get the super blind spell. Even with flash you're super useless. As a paladin you'll most likely be fighting with 1-hand sword + shield with defense enabled meaning you'll be doing squat for damage. Any damage class will be able to out-aggro you, not to mention every single mage class out there. I had this arguement with someone in my linkshell about which was a better paladin, a pld/whm or a pld/war. He was so certain that a pld/whm was better than a pld/war because more cure = more aggro. However, apparently he forgot about warrior's passive offense/defense up + defender + warcry + provoke not to mention a boost in vitality and strength. Having whm sub would get you more MP + int, but that's not really what a paladin is about. You can spam cures to grab aggro, but a paladin's MP is gimped for a reason. A paladin isn't meant to cure others. It's to throw big self cures and hold aggro. Provoke+Flash+Defender+Sentinel+Cure II, rinse and repeat. Warrior is actually the greatest class because it's so useful as a subjob for so many of the other classes. Using warrior as a start you can go to Paladin, Ninja, Monk, Ranger, Samurai, Dragoon, Thief and Red Mage. No one ever really wants to see a Warrior with a whitemage sub unless you're using it to play solo.
  9. My ears are bleeding.
  10. That is SEXY!
  11. December 2004, just in time for the holiday season!
  12. I'd say the chances of seeing anything other than VF-1's in 1/48 = slim. Sad, but I know it to be true.
  13. After about a 2-3 week break from playing my monk, I have finally made it to level 51! It's wonderful! I hope you all know the joys of a *counter-attack*punch*punch*double-hit-punch*kick* sequence! Sweet jesus, all I need is to work on my Samurai sub now.
  14. Sorry, but it's kind of Engrishy.
  15. Yamato is reading this?
  16. Cima's death in Gundam:0083
  17. imode

    Larger Scale VF-0

    Just wait! Hahah, so that's it. Yamato's new scale standard is 1/100 and 1/1. SWEEET!
  18. That was the suck. Luckily I was on when the servers started dying. It was amazing. 400 people total online when there are usually 3500. So what do you do? YOU CAMP NM's! Unfortunately the remaining people online had the same idea as well. 16 total people in the Oztroja Castle zone, and 10 of them were camping my NM. At peak hours, max I've ever seen camp the NM was 6.
  19. Japanese version of the playgroud wedgie.
  20. You don't mean dismiss. You mean EMBRACE!
  21. imode

    Larger Scale VF-0

    Hey look, there's a 1/55 vote!
  22. No biggie. The series and movie are like a soap opera set in space. Mostly drama with a sci-fi backdrop. It's not everyone's bag. The toys on the other hand, are pretty universal. I don't know many people who explicitly hate Macross toys.
  23. I'm going to say guess no. Unless they make FP's for the lowviz, there's no alternate valks to equip alternate FP's with.
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