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Everything posted by imode

  1. You guys shoulda joined Lakshmi
  2. Fruit seeds from the little bulb plants in Battalia and the Crawler's Nest. Tree cuttings are dropped from the Goobbue in Rolanberry.
  3. heh, i've been getting stuff all over the map. probably my biggest score so far have been 4 light crystals. imo, growing stuff from the grain/herb/vegetable seeds is a waste of time. if you're going to grow something, grow from tree cuttings or fruit seeds.
  4. I'd rather have a Max 1A and a Q-rau than 2 matching his & her super-J's
  5. Don't know... .never checked it as I never came across a light crystal before. And ice? You mostly get the two when you start fighting in the northern lands... which won't be often. However, Ice and Light crystals can also be grown (I think I used earth pot/fruit seeds/dark crystal). Beaucidine and Xarcabard are shitholes. Beautiful locations, but shitholes. I needed a level 65 bst help me get to Fei'Yin just to start my AF2 quest. Anyway, since the stuff isn't up on the NA Playonline side yet, here's a link from the JP site. http://www.playonline.com/ff11/limbo/02.html -- As for the boat: Not totally sure how you missed that one, but the boat is in H-8 directly south of the NM you guys were camping.
  6. Heh, how about light?
  7. Well, if you're buying that pillow, then I think we can safely assume you can't get a real girl. I have nothing against people buying a pillow like that, but there are always risks - I do mean what I say when I pointed out that real girls can do more that just lie around. Average Joes with a pillow like that need proper insurance and a proper place to hide Kasumi when they go to work. Or they'll risk getting a terrible heartbreak. You know how cheapskate some friends of the Otakus can get. Hahah, where do you get these avatars from!?
  8. Ahh, but water crystals are good for raising cooking! Also those useless crystals are also good for giving to the gate guards so you can skip those crappy missions. Right... but which one of those 2 is actually cooking anything? Yeah... but between farming crystals that will actually give you oney and farming crystals that you will give to gate guards, I rather farm money giving crystals. And besides, a stack of earth crystals got for 150 gil in Bastok, just buy 2 or 3 stacks and you are set. gah... stacks of earth go for 500 on lakshmi and I use em like they're going out of style
  9. Ahh, but water crystals are good for raising cooking! Also those useless crystals are also good for giving to the gate guards so you can skip those crappy missions.
  10. Crystals can only be scored off monsters that give xp. If they check as Too Weak, you won't be getting anything off of them.
  11. Well, if you're buying that pillow, then I think we can safely assume you can't get a real girl.
  12. Since you're both Bastok people, easiest thing is to farm in Palborough. If you're high enough, just run in there with your weapon and an empty inventory and lay waste to all the quadavs on the first two floors for Quadav helms and fetich torsos, arms, legs, etc. Even without a thief, Quad parts will drop pretty consistently. Quads on the third floor aren't worth the time because they are stronger and don't drop anything. With a pack loaded full of parts, you can make decent money pretty quickly because they sell to dealers at nice prices so you don't have to wait on the AH. 10 chocobo to palborough 20 kill quads and fill pack with goodies 30 go to third floor and take boat back to bastok 40 sell 50 goto 10
  13. I doubt it. Macross Plus valks have way more product recognition than that.
  14. Crizzap. You should all be on my server so you can help me camp my NM. Camping NM's frustrate me to no end, but no other choice when spending 430,000 gil for gloves is just not an option. I already wasted 90,000 on my lifebelt and another 90,000 on shinobigi and sitabaki. Then there's the cost of my subjob's armor and the cost of my BCNM armor....
  15. Of course. We got everything. 'Cept that one's been known to cause rectal leakage.
  16. Is that Yamato´s new 1/48 project ? well , you know, if it ain´t 1/48 then that gun is not worth a penny. Dude, it's even better! It's 1:1! Perfect match with the helmet and their upcoming 1:1 VF-1A! [Fanboy Rant] But i want a 1:1 VF-1S [/Fanboy Rant] Don't worry. Someone here is bound will recarve the head out of titanium for you.
  17. This whole start from scratch on a new server thing is bunk. If they're going to give a worldpass option, they should let you move entire characters from server to server.
  18. Hmm, gotta wonder about that. You'd think they'd be super cool and stuff since it's Kawamori. But, it's a gattai show. I'm leaning to something cheesy and Dendoh-ish.
  19. Most likely not. Macross II showed that Macross without SK could give us good VF designs, and SK himself hasn't exactly made winners everytime. I haven't really enjoyed much of his more recent stuff except for M+ and Escaflowne. In this day and age too, it seems that Japanese mecha designers are a dime-a-dozen. As long as a new designer stays away from those horrid Gundam-style transformations, he might be able to breathe new life into the series with refreshing new designs.
  20. Oop, by world I meant the people of the world. The world itself is already probably farked up beyond repair. I don't think it's another Arjuna.
  21. Great, so all of us who bought multiples of the 1A version can feel like we wasted money? Cool, thx.
  22. We are smart... We don't buy macs.
  23. K, let's see how well I can do this. On December 10, the Sapporo-based digital animation studio Satelite has announced work on a new television series. Title is [sousei Akuerion] (Holy Genesis Aquarian??) The Earth's environment is worstened due to a series of natural disasters and it is up to a bunch of teenagers with big robots to save the world. The three robots also combine to form the Guardian Aquarian. Bleah... Big robots saving the Earth? Gattai? Come on man, that genre went out the door with the 80's.
  24. As of yet, his spawn conditions are unknown. Though he spawns only in the circled area, so you two don't have to run like headless chickens throughout the entire third floor. That being said, the third floor is evil. Those gated hallways make it like a maze, and if you accidentally aggro something on the otherside of those gates, he'll come hunting you down linking with every other Quadav that happens to be between you and him.
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