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Everything posted by imode

  1. Ninja is not a dedicated attacker. A ninja is a tank. One-handed Katanas deal dagger style damage with sword style delays and have lousy weaponskills that deal less damage than normal hits. Ninjutsu has nothing on blackmages, especially with ancient magic. A ninja has only two thing going for him, and that's high evasion and utsusemi.
  2. PLD/WARs were never meant to be HP monsters because they don't need them. At my level I have more than 200 hp more than my group's paladins do. However, at level 23-25 or so, it's stll possible that anyone can tank. You're still in the subligar stage so everyone's probably running around with either beetle armors or those expensive chainmails. At this stage, everyone technically has the same defense and with the right food, a monk or dark can take hits just as well as a warrior or paladin. It's later on when you really start seeing the evil gap between classes. American players look at my 1100 hp and insist that I can tank. And I tell them no, I can't. A Paladin with defender + sentinel + boiled crab has a defense rating over 400. My monk's defense doesn't even crack 200. Worse yet, I do counterstance + berserk (don't ever do this btw) and my defense is at 28. Half the time, just for acc and dex bonuses, I wear sub level 40 gear.
  3. Btw- I don't think they allow images in signatures here.
  4. Heh, that was some stupid rumor that originated from a poor translation. A samurai has two main uses. The first being he's a TP master, like a party general. A good samurai should be skill chaining at least twice every monster past level 30. Second is his Anti-Demon protection. Strangely enough however, during the level grind, you may never even see a demon until you hit level 55 or so, and by then, a lot of the demons you may encounter will con as Easy Prey. Apparently this led to a lot of people believing that samurai was a useless class until level 60 when it could be used as a subjob for meditiation, and so when a person wanted to be a damage dealer they automatically chose dark knight, mostly due to the always present "Dark Knights are the death dealer class" descriptions. (To be fair, a dark knight can deal death, yes, but it will end up very well may end up with the dark knight being dead as well). So Square said they'd add in stronger Demon-class monsters so that Samurai wouldn't have some totally useless skills. Dark's are hard to fight with because they attack slow, they don't hit very often, and they consume MP. This means chaining with them can be very difficult as they're often lacking in TP. Dragoon is also a liability as their greatest asset, the wyvern, is quite easily pounded by AOE attacks and the only way to heal him is to rest the dragoon. Most reliable damage dealing classes are Ranger and Monk. In a party the Paladin is the tank. It is THE tank. A warrior makes a substandard replacement. Defender + Sentinel + Boiled Crab is a godsend. In my party from last night, I took an everage of 150 damage from each attack while the paladin took around 60. Paladin is also a very strong solo because he has disgustingly high defense, cure abilities, and a decent offense.
  5. http://www.datazap.net/sites/xirax/Stinky%20Olvido/
  6. Heh, he was gamespy's #1 supporting character in a video game. Kill the meatbags! Kill em all!
  7. Nothing, absolutely nothing. The other night, it was raining and when the rain came through my dirty windows it put dirty black water all over my 1/60's and I quickly proceeded to not care. When I think about it, it's ridiculous since I paid out the ass for them when they were first released, but I really really can't get myself to care about them....
  8. How is any game not like Everquest? It's the same genre just with different graphics and slightly different tweaks. If you're going to make a fantasy style MMORPG it will always be compared to EQ and no doublt, will share more than just a few similarities. World of Warcraft will be exactly the same and possibly even worse. I'd say more, but the NDA will keep me quiet for now. WoW is currently riding solely on it's marketing properties. If it was any other company other than Blizzard, a game with such a dated concept and engine wouldn't even get a second look.
  9. Because AF armor gives you bonuses that normal gear wouldn't give and best of all, it's free. By level 60 you should have a full set of powerful gear that costs you nothing more than time and maybe XP if you die a bit. I don't know what bonuses are on other AF's but for monks a full set of AF allows you to: Heal Paralysis, Blindness and Poisons with Chakra Makes Chakra heal 3x VIT instead of 2x Increases Dodge effectiveness Increases Focus effectiveness Increases Boost effectiveness Guard skill increased +10 Counter skill increased +1 +80 HP +4 STR +3 DEX +2 VIT +5 MND +5 ACC +10 Light & Dark defense All that for free. Next time you're at the auction house, check out the prices for items like Emperor's Hairpin, Deft Rings, Life Belt, Peacock Charm and other skill boosters and then tell me why this isn't worth it?
  10. Just wait till you hit the 40's. You'll be wetting your pants thinking about Refresh and Phalanx. While a bard can support an entire party pretty good, you become excellent mage support, you can fight and you can heal. Though you really won't be fighting too often. All the bonuses that red mages get are aimed toward your mage side, while you're allowed to wear a lot of the heavier armors that fighters use. Redmages in the endgame are some of the most powerful solo-players.
  11. I have seen it.... and I have drool all over it. The whm in my linkshell went show off spree when she got it. Its quite possibly the best looking armor in that game. I wouldn't say best looking in the entire game, but it's a whole lot nicer than the whm AF armor that makes them look like Japanese schoolgirls working at the red cross. WHM Full AF
  12. What in god's name... how did I miss this thread? I am so lost.
  13. How much would it cost to commission something like this from one of you guys?
  14. Hmmm, never been to TRU's in Osaka. However if you take the Hankyuu from Umeda there's a tiny little TRU in Nishinomiya and a bigger one few stops from the final stop in Shinkaichi. Been many years.... I forget already.
  15. Funny how I've been to Japan TRU's very often (one was in a train station on my way home from school) but have never been to the local TRU down here.
  16. I should have joined Unicorn!!!!!! I've been able to pull off a couple chains. Fortunately, with GS WS' I'm usually at the middle or rear end of a high lvl chain, so if everyone sets "I'm doing such and such a WS now!" macro, I know when to trip. Last night I was with a PT with Suko who was helping me out (pt was 2 mithra, 2 elvann females, Suko (hume female) and myself, hume male lol) with trying to do some chains... So I told the girl going before me to set a macro that would say what she's doing, then I adjusted my Hard Slash macro to /wait 4 so I could trip it immediately when I saw her message. Sometimes the party is going too fast for me to pay attention, but I've pulled off a chain just by counting and hitting the macro and praying Vostok 7 Skillchaining is absolutely key in this game. Early on, you may pull some chains and it will say something like, "Scission: Clipper takes 1 damage" and you may think, "gee, wtf is the use of this?" While there's always the chance that you're crazy ass complicated chain will pull off only an addition 3-5 damage, later on they'll be doing insane amounts of damage. Theres three levels of effects that can be created. First level effects like scission and impaction have a max return of 50% of the second weapon skill. So if I do combo, for 80 damage, and you do red lotus for 60, our max potential damage for this liquefaction chain is only 30. However, a level two skill effect has a max return of 100%. So if we turn it around, your red lotus does 60, my combo does 80, and our Fusion does 80. I'm guessing level three chains do even more, but at my level it's nearly impossibly to do one. Okay, so if possible always try to make a level two chain that has an element that corresponds to the mobs weakness. Also, always try to use the weaponskill with the most damage as the follower. When I was helping my friend look for summoner rubies in qufim, we'd fight acrophies until TP got to 100. Then on the next acrophie, right off the bat he'd use spinning attack (140 damage) and I'd use sneak+boost+raging fist (400-600 damage) --> fusion (380-480 damage), and the acrophie would just drop dead on the spot.
  17. I should have joined Unicorn!!!!!!
  18. The game itself is not a very easy one to play. You have to pretty much know it inside out before one can do really well. I was lucky because my friend was in the beta and he basically held my hand all the way to level 30. Skillchain are one of the more interesting and difficult tacits, and these should always be done using a macro because it is more automatic that way, and is an easy way to notify other players what's going on. When doing a skillchain, there's three important macros you need to either have or pay attention to. 1. Status 2. Aizu (Go Signal) 3. Call The status displays your current TP status, your sequence in a skillchain, your weapon skill name and a simple call. eg: /p Status: TP-<tp> #1 Shield Break <call16> If you're the setup man, you should flash this as soon as you reach 100% or if you see your follower flash his status message. ---- The Aizu is the go signal. When both chainers flash their status and see they both have 100%, the setup man flashes a simple text macro with a louder call because this is a very important message meant for both your follower and the MB mages. eg: /p <<< SKILLCHAIN READY >>> <call1> ---- Last is the call which is to tell people that the chain will begin. This is a longer macro for letting you setup all your appropriate buffs and give a LOUD warning to followers and bursters that the chain will start VERY shortly. This example is off of my warrior/monk using a great axe. eg: /p (Sturmwind) @ 0:03 <call3> /ja "Berserk" <me> /wait 2 /ja "Boost" <me> /wait 1 /ws "Sturmwind" <t> ----- The call macro is a general purpose WS after 3 seconds macro. If you're the follower and the setup man, you wait for the lead to do his weapon skill. Once his weapon skill goes off, you hit your macro and let it fly. Also, hitting another macro in the middle of another cancels out the previous macro. So if you mash your WS macro and hit another accidentally, don't expect your WS to go off.
  19. The neat thing about samurai is that they get a B in polearms. It's scary crap to see a meikyo sisui pentathrust > doublethrust > pentathrust > then pentathrust again.
  20. Hehe, it's okay. I ditched two linkshells, one broke up completely and yet another broke my pearl (for some odd reason about leveling up too fast or something). In the end I just created my own shell with a bunch of people that I've known since the 20's. There are a few really big linkshells on our server that have all the high level players, but when you try to solicit any kind of help from them they don't give you the time of day unless it in someways benefits them as well.
  21. no, I didn't tell him that. I just said "you can't voke bene hate." Everyone else in the party was saying the same thing. And the only other time I've said anything was when a WHM was using Divine Circle + Curega while we were fighting and then screaming for a voke Vostok 7 It's actually possible if the tank is doing his job perfectly. In the party I had last night, the paladin had so much hate directed toward it that even after benediction, all it took was two provokes, one from me and one from the pld, to divert attention from the whm back to the paladin. That was the first time I've ever seen that. As far as 2 hour abilities go-- Mighty Strikes is an utterly useless WS. Same for Blood Weapon. Mana Font is great, but only in a pinch when you need that one last nuke to finish off the mob. Hundred Fist is nice, but too accuracy dependent. The very least, it builds up a TP bar quickly. Soul Voice...? Perfect Dodge is nice, but demands a warrior sub to make it a party saver. Familiar is god, but beastmasters don't party. Meikyo Sisui is god. Benediction is god. Invincible is god. Chain Spell is god, but only after level 40. Astral Flow is god, but not when you only have Carbuncle. Call Wyvern? Hahaha! Mijin Gakure is very VERY powerful but requires the ninja to have a lot of health. Eagle Eye Shot also very powerful. Hell, a ranger is very powerful even without it.
  22. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=143&st=160
  23. Heh, I had a great party last night and all NA so I didn't have to turn my lazy brain back and forth from English to Japanese mode. Went great all night, got 7000 xp and leveled to 53. We had 2blms 1 whm 1rdm 1pld and me the monk. Was a little rough at first trying to gel everything together, but eventually dropping the mobs was so easy our blm and whm tarus were running up to the mobs working on their club skill. The paladin would use circle blade and I'd use raging fist for impaction and the 2blms and the rdm would burst thunder 2 off of it. Kinda sucks being in Hawaii though, as parties always end earlier than I'd like, but to finish off we changed the chain to shoulder tackle > freezebite and bursted with double freezes dealing over 2200 damage to the mob in under 10 seconds.
  24. You shoulda joined Unicorn. You shoulda joined Lakshmi!
  25. Make sure you got the gun handle folded into the gun so that the gun rests flat to the arm armor.
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