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Everything posted by imode

  1. ahhaha, please be joking...
  2. So who's gonna be the hero and upload the raw somewhere for us torrent-challenged folk?
  3. grrr... i need me's a direct download link. no torrent at work! Can't wait to see this ep.
  4. Lancer!
  5. I've never even heard of this song before..... we find ourselves here drawn by some mysterious force the familiar smell of rain and these familiar sights we had seen from somewhere a voice calls out to me i turn my ears towards the wind and i am bathed in a shower of pure light with the innocent smile of an angel she mimicks your every move and whispers as soft as the wind, "tell me your name" across the vastness of space and time we two have come together we can forget this broken hourglass we have no need for words because I can feel your emotions and we stay for awhile and feel the depthness of space like friends who understand both pleasure and pain we've searched for each other our entire lives (searched...) across the vastness of space and time we two have come together we can forget this broken hourglass we have no need for words because I can feel your emotions and we stay for awhile and feel th
  6. Could be some word play going on here as well. In Japanese the proposition 'de' is used like an 'and' to string together two or more adjectives. If used in this way it would be 'and culture' rather than 'and deculture'.
  7. Yep. The Shinsen sub says 'New Unified Army' but in Japanese, the word reads as 'shin-tougougun'. 'Shin' meaning new, and 'tougougun' essentially meaning, in the context of Macross, UN Spacy. If you look at the 171's that little panel actually says NUNS. So New UN Spacy.
  8. I'm really digging this. I really wish they would cut it out with the computer animation stuff but I'm really liking all the parallels to DYRL and the original series. Opening fight scene during concert... check. Lone alien breaking through Macross defenses and messing the city up... check. Chinese restaurant... check.
  9. I'm so excited about this new series I had to come back to MW. Finally the Macross series returns to what looks like its good ol' roots and with Yoko Kanno music to boot. The great thing about this is even if it's related the Macross 7 and it decides to go all weird with ore no uta wo kike, the music will still be great.
  10. I think I've come back to Macrossworld at just the right time...
  11. Ahh, fond memories of FFXI. That was me right before I quit after just about 1 year of playing since the beginning. I have no regrets from playing it, but it was just a massive time-sink that completely consumed all of my time. I've switched to EVE Online now, which I find so much more easy-going.
  12. oh hells yeah....
  13. I loved this series! OVA or another series, I can't wait for this new stuff
  14. It's on Adult Swim.
  15. Scenes like the Quigon+Obiwan vs. Maul and the Obiwan vs. Anakin are coreographed masterpieces, but for sheer energy and intensity, nothing beats the Anakin vs. Dooku fight in rots and the Luke vs. Vader fight in rotj. Other fights have lots of fancy swings and blocks, but thats all they amount to. They don't look like they're actually trying to kill each other--they're just swinging at each others lightsabres. The Dooku and Vader fights actually look like pure unbridled anger.
  16. Hey Vossy. Sakura is cherry blossoms. Miharu can go so many ways... there's no real "correct" kanji, especially in this day and age where it seems like Japanese are starting to just pull names out of their asses sometimes. Here's a great resource for you, or anyone trying to learn Japanese. http://poets.notredame.ac.jp/cgi-bin/jedi-inon Just click on Proper Name, type in Miharu and hit enter. Japanese-English Dictionary (enamdict_v2004-01) entries for ``miharu'' 71 entries contain ``miharu'' Most the entries are spit out in Kanji and Hiragana, but if you have trouble reading anything, let me know.
  17. They've already build up the whole homo-superior vs. homo-sapiens thing. I think this calls for X-tinction Agenda.
  18. where're you folks downloading this stuff? ...or have I asked something illegal...
  19. Sign: Macross Girls~We're not stupid ! Middle Girl: Peace! Girl on the right: Good work everyone! Hikaru: (thought bubble) You mean it wasn't real? Minmay: It was all just pretend! Roy: Cut that out you guys! Stuff on the side: Onomatopeia
  20. Hey, anyone have a screwdriver or something so I can GOUGE OUT MY EYEBALLS?!
  21. The "something" I am 90% sure is 時. As for 下部, I see that now, you may be right. I read that as one kanji slightly spread out, and I thought it was 砲, so I read it as "cannon". Seems like even with that description we're still in the dark as to what those things actually are. Probably right. I agree though, his handwriting is ass-tastic.
  22. I think it says バトロイド<something, maybe 形>の両腕下部 Which basically says portion under the arms in battroid mode. Not 100% sure, but if you can get a higher resolution scanning, it'd be much easier to read than that one.
  23. Looks like the movie is about using this experiemental weapon Lorelei (that Japanese girl, I guess she's a witch, w/ Neo-like powers) to stop a planned third nuclear attack on Tokyo which is meant to pretty much end Japan. Flying off topic as well, the two nukes dropped on Japan had two purposes. First was the submission of Japan, but perhaps even more important was the intimidation factor gained by the US after their use. Being the first nuclear power almost guaranteed our rise as the most powerful nation on Earth. Nevermind that we didn't have anything else after Fatman and Littleboy, no one else knew that. The whole topic is a little crazy to begin with though. There's no way we'd nuke Tokyo, especially when it was our greatest chance to end the war. While the Japanese mentality of life for the Emperor screwed them long and hard, it sure made it easy at the war's end. One word from the Emperor and they'd fight until the last man, but likewise, another word, and they'd all surrender peacefully. Nuke Tokyo and you'd probably have a huge mess on your hands, what with everyone believing the Emperor to be half-deity.
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