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Everything posted by Valkyrie23

  1. Yeah with Amiami you just have to be patient. If you refresh during any of the please wait or loading screens you are kinda screwed
  2. Same here at CDJ, had it in my cart and couldn't progress out of the cart from there...sigh
  3. Im still slowly progressing thru amiami checkout process whether its in stock or not
  4. @OzmaLee74 Just now?
  5. Yes Amazon JP was the first one up had it in cart fine, but AmazonJP is inconsistent whether they ship internationally or not
  6. Amazon JP Link https://www.amazon.co.jp/超時空要塞マクロス-劇場版VF-1S-約300mm-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07SH712YR/ref=olp_product_details?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1559545978&sr=8-1
  7. Can't get anything Cart jacked at CDJ, AmazonJP won't ship to US, Stuck on "Please wait" at AmiAmi lol
  8. HobbySearch looks OOS
  9. Nin Nin has shipped my missile sets. Haven't heard back from Loopaza yet though
  10. Didn't the 2nd release Yamato 30th Anniversary edition have the option parts as well?
  11. It seems Amazon JP was up for a good 5-7 minutes. A lifetime, unfortunately, compared to other stores tonight. Too bad they did not allow shipping to the US. Will have to look up options to forward that in the future - so annoying!
  12. Amiami seems to be filtering the simultaneous connections. It will probably be OOS like yall said once I get there. Why does it have to be so hard...damn
  13. I am sitting at the Proceed to checkout screen and just got into the login screen. Going slowly, but I guess Please Wait means just that when you see it, haha.
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