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Everything posted by Valkyrie23

  1. Quick recap for record.... In Stock: nada Sold Out: AmiAmi 24,200 JPY (might be going in/out of stock) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-049886 AE 24,200 JPY http://www.anime-export.com/product/44463 Amazon JP 24,200 JPY https://www.amazon.co.jp/METAL-エヴァンゲリオン2号機-約220mm-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07TGM4CQ1/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=metal+build+evangelion&qid=1561359741&s=gateway&sr=8-1 NY 20,400 JPY https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/28537-metal-build-eva-02.html HobbySearch 20,900 JPY https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10621789 HLJJ (page is dead) $214.31 USD https://hlj.com/metal-build-eva-unit-02-bans57053?utm_source=My+Figure&utm_medium=PROD&utm_campaign=My+Figure ALT HLJ Link https://hlj.com/metal-build-eva-unit-02-bans57053?utm_source=
  2. Got Amazon JP ! https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/offer-listing/B07TGM4CQ1/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new AE Sold out http://www.anime-export.com/product/44463
  3. I will be joining. I don't know why people said Unit 01 was easy. At least the reissue night was still difficult. Look back on this discussion. They still went pretty quickly.
  4. Oh, right. And yeah, that has happened to me but years ago with some lost orders. Since then, I've only used AE as a backup and/or last option and have always had my items shipped soon after release. Good note of caution for sure.
  5. If anyone wants to hedge against their orders elsewhere, anime-export still has them available at their opening price of 9780 JPY srill AE is HK based IiRC http://www.anime-export.com/product/44320
  6. The VF-31A, has been the exception rather than the rule. I have ordered plenty of multiple Bandai web exclusive orders from NY over the years and had no issues receiving any of them. I did not order the 31A from them, but that is the only time I've heard of this issue with NY
  7. @canklebreaker One good source for the toys, reviews and videos by our own @jenius can be found at: http://www.anymoon.com/blog/
  8. Yup, that is why I have only used them only during desperate PO times. Such as an impulse VF-31A order, and POs for the Chuck 31 and DX Max VF-1A. All extreme examples, haha. But, just wanted to warn people to be careful when stockpiling orders at AE for an extended period of time is all. Other than those orders, they have always been fine. Maybe their system is just screwed beyond a certain number of days. All of my other piles of orders (HLJ, BBTS) I have never had an issue with.
  9. I would beware of stockpiling orders at AE indefinitely. They basically lost a couple of valks for me, never refunded me and stopped responding to my emails about it. Perhaps I waited too long, but my orders are still showing as outstanding on the site and they won't fulfill them. I've given up trying to message them about it. They have been good on other orders since. But i basically use them as a last resort and I always ship immediately.
  10. That would be HILARIOUS But that would make them easier to find afterwards since people would have spare sets to unload. More custom fodder lol
  11. I ordered 4x strike/super part sets from NY. Just enough to cover a squadron of 4 (Roy, Hikaru, Max and Hazi). Came out to 44,100 JPY so about $102 USD/set shipped with EMS I might order just a couple of extra down the pre order window road just in case. IIRC, the Yamato 1/48 fast packs were never really too hard to come by at decent prices, but the Yamato 1/60 standalone fast packs have always been hard to find after the fact. I would assume the DX set will be more like the Yamato since its most likely a one and done run - at least for these DYRL versions
  12. You need to relax @canklebreaker Its not like these DX valkyries have been easy to order. If you read back pages you can see many people who have missed out on Preorders on this because they go so fast. People can barely order for themselves at this rate let alone even more spares. If these DX valks were web exclusives like the fast packs, sure it is cool. But, please understand what you are requesting. You have asked people to try and beat all the bots, scalpers, etc out there for this particular item
  13. Wow that is surprising since PA never even put the DX Max VF1A on sale even though they had a listing for it.
  14. Ordered a few sets at NY. Thanks for the links, @Shizuka the Cat
  15. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/28337-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-movie-vf-1s-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-custom.html NY back up at 27k JPY
  16. OK our watch has ended for the late night/early morning. Recap for those as of 3:33 am PST Good luck to those on the next shift AVAILABLE Amazon JP - various resellers at mark up https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/offer-listing/B07SH712YR/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new NY - 25,800 JPY (second wave mark up price) https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/28337-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-movie-vf-1s-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-custom.html SOLD OUT Amiami - 18,790 JPY https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-049315 HLJ - $174.01 USD https://hlj.com/dx-chogokin-the-movie-vf-1s-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijo-use-bans55800 CDJ - 18,000 JPY http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-341794 Hobby Search - 17,100 JPY https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10616645 Bandai-Online (Kurama Shop) https://www.bandaionline.com/dx-chogokin-movie-vf-1s-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijyou-custom-macross-do-you-remember-love-action-figure/ NinNin - $188.69 USD (**Not sure if this ever went Live**) https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-game-character/32302-macross-vf-1s-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijou-use-dx-chogokin--4573102558008.html
  17. NY is up again - still 25,800 JPY https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/28337-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-movie-vf-1s-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-custom.html
  18. NY is OOS again
  19. Bandai is not combatting scalpers. They can care less. Eva was a one time exception bc the creator was persuaded by fan outrage. All Bandai cares about is Gundam, that their collectibles are hot, and sell out so they hold no inventory
  20. NY Live again at mark up 25800 https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/28337-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-movie-vf-1s-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-custom.html
  21. I am not sure if actually went live yet. I juse see "Soon Available" OK I see that now. Will move it to the other secton
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