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Everything posted by Valkyrie23

  1. Alright, before this thread gets completely racial, that was a neat encounter; wish I was apart of it. Everyone should have joined in and sang, too. Kind of like a musical...
  2. I honestly thought Chase was going to bite it when he told Jack that he wanted out of this line of work. Well, if you're gonna go, go out in style (skywalker style, haha). As for Jack's final scene, that was one of the most touching moments. He has a soul afterall (especially after the chappelle incident). Seeing his pain, man... if you all don't feel his pain - - I don't know what to say =P lol This finale left everything in limbo - - who knows, maybe next season Tony will be the consultant from jail. Maybe jail will toughen him up and he could finally stand up to Jack.
  3. Great work as usual Kurt! I'm beginning to expect nothing less
  4. Just wanted to get in and add my congrats: CONGRATULATIONS KEVIN!!
  5. I just got mine in the only Walmart in San Jose, CA It was the last one and it has a black gun! Luckily, I demanded to my gf that we to the toy aisle first
  7. OMG!!!! That's so beautiful Devin!!! Makes me wanna cry *sniff*sniff* Great job -- definitely one of your best works to date
  8. Got to love Fry's! thanks for the heads up -- i was actually waiting for this game to come out. I'm a bigtime shooter fan =)
  9. Great work Devin !!! I love the pics of the armored fighter mode (my fav mode as well) Brings out all the awesome-ness of your decals
  10. Great work Kurt! By your early pics I thought you were painting a darker version of the Enigma, but it looks great either way =) Skull 001's got a great idea. I'd snatch up a LE Enigma 1S anytime. Someone should send these pics to Yamato
  11. Valkyrie23


    Merry Xmas to us all! each and every one
  12. I for one think Infusion did a great job considering the time constraint. Let's not forget that they are the first to get out a subbed version of Ep. 3. All of us as Macross fans wanted a fansub quickly and we got just that -- now, what's there to complain about? A big thanks goes out to Spyke and Infusion. And with a version 2 on the horizon, you guys do put forth a great effort.
  13. Hey Rohby They look amazing! If possible, can you put me down for an order of 4 pilots (2 sets of 2) ? thanks
  14. Try leaving the upload on unlimited for a couple of minutes, then slow it down to "dialup/isdn" levels. Make sure you've opened your ports (mentioned in my post above) and that should speed everything up. Over time you'll connect to more people and download faster
  15. Almost finished downloading, woohoo! Oh btw, for those of you who are having trouble getting a fast speed, do remember to open up certain ports for Bittorrent. The standard and experimental clients use ports: #6881 thru 6889. Make sure you open these ports (via port forwarding on your router or thru your firewall), it should speed things up considerably. For those of you who want one of the fastest versions of the experimental bittorrent, go download Degreez's version at Degreez's site His version uses ports #6881 - 6999. Its super fast as I get pretty much maximum downloading speed all the time. Also when using experimental bittorrent clients, you can lower the amount of bandwidth that you're uploading.
  16. I also have yet to hear anything. He still has $160.00 of my money, too. (That's about the price most of us paid for his Ostrich armor.) Anyways, it just sucks b/c it was a waste of money. That money could have went towards a 1/48 I have yet to buy or xmas gifts...
  17. This show is one of the great shows on television lately. I love it. Finally, my friends and I have formed a 24 viewing night on Tuesdays, haha. Its much nicer to watch and go paranoid with other people. Jack is the master: i like how he's handling Chase dating his daughter. Sidelining him was such a slick move
  18. Hey Twinmoons, are you planning to get more sets in if you can?
  19. I'm still me, same name, same avatar
  20. Awesome, MW is back! Speedier forums than ever! Thanks for all the hardwork Shawn
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