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Everything posted by Valkyrie23

  1. I hate to say it, but its even about to get uglier: Gamespot: VC/Take Two getting exclusive MLB License However, this isn't like EA's deal. This is an exclusive license to 3rd parties only. That means first parties like nintendo, sony, and MS can still acquire licenses. IGN Article Yeah, its getting ugly. Well I guess if this 3rd party license goes through, there could be subcontracts like MS having EA create the game somehow... An NBA deal could also be in the works. However, this deal could also be structured differently as 1 exclusive license for sim-type play (NBA Live, NBA 2k5), 1 exclusive for arcade style (Street), and 1 exclusive for portables. This disappoints me still, even though Take Two is getting back, I don't like that move either, but what can you say? EA forced this hand, or rather the NFL.
  2. Even more sickening, its not just EA and the NFL anymore. Now its EA with ESPN for 15 years! EA has to go down, they are using money to destroy competition; they don't have the MG balls to compete screw EA $ports Gamespot Article 15 - Year agreement with ESPN
  3. Pretty cool. All the sega systems were a large part of my junior high/high school years. I'd definitely want a set to place on my desk for nostalgia. Does anyone know what terms to search for through ebay? I've searched for "mini sega" and the like and nothing turned up.
  4. Man this sucks for me, an avid football video gamer. Football video games usually make up a third of my year playing video games. I always loved the classic genesis games, but then enjoyed the Sega NFL 2k series b/c they reminded me of those old games. Now I have no choice. I try Madden out every year and still prefer Sega. Plus, EA stated that this premium price they're paying for the liscense will be passed onto consumers. How about that? Paying even more for a game I don't like. F*$( EA and the NFL. I'm a big NFL fan, yet this is a big stab at me....I'm boycotting EA games from now on. I guess more FPS's for me... or more basketball gaming
  5. I just picked up a Nintendo DS tonight -- saw a stack at Walmart and I couldn't resist. Anyways, some initial thoughts. I didn't pick up a game ($150 is a lot for one night of frivilous spending to me) so the Metroid demo is all I got. I've been playing a lot of HL 2 for the PC so this use of the stylus felt really good to me. And the graphics are pretty good to boot. So far, the stylus seems really responsive, I like it. I'll test out other games over the weekend and let you guys know what I think. I know its all fun and quirky. Its also pretty much a test bed of technologies for the next true gameboy. So even if the DS may not survive, what I do like very much is the GBA compatibility. The GBA compatibility of the DS is awesome. First, you can choose which screen you'll use to play the GBA games. Some games I was actually playing better on the bottom screen (the original GBA setup) and some were better on the top screen (SP setup). The stereo sound is blaringly great to boot. The real kicker is that the GBA games look great on the DS screens. The overall image is smaller than an normal GBA SP screen, but due to the higher resolution, its a lot sharper; graphics don't look as pixelated. What makes the biggest difference is the lighting. The GPA SP screen is front lit and generally good. But, the DS screens have true backlighting and the overall quality is similar to the old NEC Turbo Express. Graphics look bright and sharp. I've been playing GBA games on the DS for a couple of hours and when I go back to the SP, man is it an eyesore to me now. Another plus is are the controls. The portrait layout of the buttons makes the LR buttons easier to deal with and the digital pad is much larger than the GBA SP and is more responsive. I'm able to pull out Street Fighter moves and Gradius maneuvers easier than before. So it may sound silly, but I might be keeping the DS and actually getting rid of my SP. The DS isn't as portable, but it makes playing GBA games great for me and I love my GBA games =)
  6. Super Mario Bros. - NES Super Mario 3 - NES Contra - NES Gradius - NES Zelda: A Link to the Past - SNES Street Fighter Series - Various Gunstar Heroes - Genesis (Treasure) Guardian Heroes - Saturn (Treasure) Ridge Racer Revolution - PS1 Counter Strike - PC (the new CS Source is awesome) Donkey Kong Junior - Old Game & Watch (also on Gameboy) Gradius V - PS2 (Treasure) Those are the games I fire up via emulators/systems etc all the time. Treasure games are real favs of mine; Well, they did make most of those classic NES Konami games =) Anyone else who digs Treasure should really check out Astro Boy on the GBA. Its a really really good 2D action game by Treasure...really surprised me.
  7. Wow, that video actually catches my interest more than anything about the DS i've seen to date. The gameplay possibilities seem pretty creative (conducting surgery??) - - Pretty neat stuff. Its like PDA gaming taken to the next level. Of course Nintendo are gameplay masters, so they'd at least make this interesting. Now I'm in intrigued; I'll still probably wait to see what people think of quality issues like the screen (does it scratch easily like a pda, etc)
  8. Man you really are a hater-ist gene btw, go see the movie, haha
  9. Thats very true. But it works for me since I really like his character on Scrubs =) Maybe people who catch onto Garden State would start watching Scrubs ... Oh, about Las Vegas, um, yeah I guess that is why I watch that show, lol.
  10. I'm watching the gamecast, too! And yes, I am a G-Man Although, I've got a Cincinatti cap on right now, haha. Finally - - out of all my friends and co workers I told to go see Garden State, only 2 have seen it. Hopefully more people give it a chance, Braff deserves some credit for making that film in 6 weeks. Edit in: Cincinatti won! woohoo! If only the Gmen can pull one out,too
  11. Scrubs!!! My fav show next to 24. Scrubs is hilarious; it just fits my humor so well, I can relate to J.D. at times. Speacking of Zach Braff; he is awesome. You guys have got to check out his film Garden State (co starring with Natalie Portman). Awesome movie...the man is a genious Another show I watch is Las Vegas; I don't know why but I just find it enjoyable. Best drama though is sports; so right now I've got my hand full with Baseball (NL West penant race) and Football (fantasy!) And again, go see Garden State
  12. Just to let you all know that there was a special bundle announced with a LE special controller: Link to Gamespot.com Namco, Hori announce limited-edition offer that includes controller, jacket patch, and game; EB and GameStop sole retailers. Namco Hometek announced today that it has partnered with high-end gaming peripheral manufacturer Hori to offer a limited-edition bundle for its upcoming title, Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. Retailing for $129.99, the set will include the game, a limited edition Ace Combat-branded Flightstick 2 controller designed by Hori, and a jacket patch emblazoned with the logo of the game's Wardog Squadron. The bundle will release along with the game on October 25. The original Flightstick controller was designed specifically for 2001's Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies, but was only released in Japan. This is the first time that Namco and Hori will partner for a stateside release. Only 20,000 limited edition sets will be produced; the bundle will be sold exclusively at Electronics Boutique and GameStop locations. Customers who preorder either the bundle or the standalone game will also receive a special "making of" DVD video and a separate set of jacket patches. The game alone will retail for $49.99.
  13. Congratulations! Its a Meltran!
  14. I saw that thread, I think you're referring to master replicas If you are, check out their web site. Get yours now, its almost 2005 =) Master Replicas Website The ones posted in the for sale forum awhile back were the Force FX ones that had lighted up blades, sounds, etc.
  15. If you're still using windows and IE, here's a good guide all about spyware, malware, trojans, etc. Forum discussion w/ links to guides or direct link to guides: spyware guides (prevention and removal) I use most of the steps in this guide, I rarely, if ever, get anything anymore
  16. I'll take 2 if possible Rohby! If not, then 1 will be fine for me Oh, and if you have any, 1 set of tv hands, too =)
  17. I just got my copy of Doom3 today - - actually my gf got it for me; it was a surprise Anyways, the good thing is that it runs great on my slower machine: P4 2.0A (400FSB) 512MB DDR GF3 TI500 64MB It always stays smooth enough to play. I'll install it on my faster comp tomorrow. The game makes me jump, its dark, its scary. But, it could get repetetive soon b/c I'm not really into the whole corridor game thing. So far its pretty exciting. I'm going to try out the MP and see how that goes. Anyone else get their copy yet?
  18. Cool! Its a stopover at Fry's after work for me! I always preferred this series over Madden, thanks for the notice! Edit: Wait a minute, is it out today (21st) or tomorrow (22nd)?
  19. My condolensces
  20. Actually, it's optimized for OpenGL, not Nvidia cards. If anything, Carmack has complained about Nvidia cards--certainly Valve has made a stink about the shoddy performance of Nvidia cards versus the Radeon series in Half-life 2, as shown here. UT2K4 is likely optimized for Nvidia, as it even contains an endorsement in the opening sequence; of course, I run UT2K4 at 1280x1024x32, with everything on high, and don't get so much as a stutter. Oh yeah, I forgot about that OpenGL difference. Supposedly NVIDIA runs OpenGL faster and ATI handles DirectX 9.x better. But, I'm guessing the differences are neglible (i.e. mostly different in benchmarks, not real world apps) and its good to hear everyone with ATI cards running the alpha levels of Doom 3 pretty good. That means my ATI 9800 Pro should run things pretty good
  21. Same Specs as me! Well hopefully the ATI cards can handle Doom3 - - since its optimized by ID for NVIDIA cards... HL2, on the other hand, is optimized for ATI cards That new/old counterstrike game looks awesome (except for the elimination of boosting).
  22. You gotta PM Dev
  23. I'll be willing to wait for a VF1S head (any) if one pops up. PM me if any are available... thanks
  24. OMFG .... <walking away from this thread>
  25. Awesome work as usual Kurt!
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