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Everything posted by Valkyrie23

  1. I think XBOX is fine right now. The graphics are great and the system is hitting its stride in software. As for 3-D graphics, the only games that I play that need the upgrade are sports games and racing games. Those two genres have been enhanced significantly by 3-D graphics. I remember playing NFL 2K football for the first time on the Dreamcast - - it was so much better than any other sports game on a 2D level. What I play the most though, are 2D games or games with 2D gameplay. 2D just has the most responsive game play and is probably the most expressive. I was always a fan of 2D art (comics, anime, etc), so new gen games that combine 3D graphics on a 2D playing field are fine with me. Examples: Gradius V (Treasure is just god-like), Viewtiful Joe series, Rtype Delta, etc... I'm upset that the upgrade cycle is coming so soon as I feel that the 3D games with 2D style graphics and gameplay haven't been fully tapped yet. There's a lot of potential for those types of games.
  2. Oh and for those of you who don't know which case I'm talking about, its this Logitech one. Note: This isn't my case - - just a pic I found off the web. I would have a Macross one =)
  3. Here's a sample of a template that someone made
  4. For those of you with the Logitech Playgear pocket case, I found a post at GameSpot that has some templates for custom images. People have been customizing this case just by placing Image cut outs behind the rubber layer of the case (which is clear on the outside) and there have been some cool designs. I lack the photoshop wizardry to whip up a Macross playgear image, but maybe some of you can =) See attached for template and the forums with some templates in place here: Gamespot Thread
  5. Awesome work Spiff!!!
  6. Dell also pushed my date back as well. My order was supposed to ship on 4/22, but on that day, they pushed it back until 5/17. I hope Dell can fulfill these orders. I've never had them cancel my order before - - hopefully there are still enough stock for our orders...
  7. Awesome!! Gonna go home and put those in mine. Did anyone ever hack the PSP so that you can set the wallpaper in the 'home' area? It'd be great if we can - - I'm not liking April Pink right now, lol. Thanks nanashino!
  8. I remember reading somewhere (on a forum or site) that the PSP accepts both high speed and regular memory sticks (duos), but it makes no differentiation on speed. The PSP works at one speed and thats that. So, its probably better to just get the regular -- its cheaper. BTW, I remember where I got that info from: IGN Tips you never knew about the PSP (FAQ) Handy little compilation of tips =)
  9. Great Recap! Yup, very intense episode....Now, who called the number? ??? I'll save you some trouble, the mailbox is full. Its a "Nextel phone for 24" as described by a man's voice (not Jack B). Sucks that there wasn't more to it, b/c its similar to what another show did: Scrubs did earlier this season, where a character's phone number was repeated in an episode and fans called and actually were greeted by Turk's (the character) voice mail. A few days later and still currently, that cell phone is lying around the set and anyone picks it up when it rings. And I mean anyone, from the writers, to the actors, to production people, fans have reported talking to many of them...Pretty cool for all the Scrubs fans out there. It would've been cool to be greeted by Jack's voice. A lot of the cast members of 24 have had their voice mails recorded with Jack's voice!
  10. Yet another update - - can you believe it? EA strikes a deal with College Football It just never ends ...
  11. I maybe too late. Yep, thats usually the Dell sign for 'sold out' Keep checking though, some items at their site usually pop back randomly as they fulfill a certain amount of orders. Just act faster next time, and don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for similar deals and post them for my fellow Macross homies
  12. Great...now there's gonna be about 200 of us pouncing Dell for those 1gig memory sticks... You're probably right - my expected ship date is 4/22 So for those of you who are considering ordering, be aware of possible backorders. Dell has been good for me so far, they have never taken too long to fulfill backorders. But honestly, for this price, its worth the wait.
  13. Great...now there's gonna be about 200 of us pouncing Dell for those 1gig memory sticks... I'm not... people I know have had problems with Dell. That and, since I live in an apartment, I'm leery of ordering expensive stuff and then having the mailman leave it in front of my door. Or worse, UPS. Twice now the UPS guy in charge of my area had marked that he attempted delivery and no one was home, but since I track my packages, I had been deliberately sitting at home waiting. On one of those occasions, he did bring it the next day after I complained to his supervisor. On the other occasion, I had to drive a half hour out of my way to go pick up my package at their HQ. Again, complained to the supervisor. With UPS, I always just take the notice that they leave on my door, punch in the "info notice" number on the UPS website, and redirect the shipment to my workplace (or friend's workplace) address. This method always seems to work for me. If you want, you can also call in and speak to someone to have the package re-direct shipments to alternate addresses.
  14. In case none of you have seen this on various deal sites, Dell Home has 1gb Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo's for sale $95.19. Since its Dell Home, no tax for most states (one exception being CA, sucks ). Get em while they last! I just ordered mine... Dell Home - 1gb Mem Stick Pro Duo Finally, I can start putting episodes of 24 and Scrubs on my PSP
  15. I think you forgot executing co-workers/superiors
  16. For those of you who are surfing the net on your PSP, try out GameTab's portal. It seems a little bit faster and set up a little better as well. Just use as your Primary DNS instead of the other mentioned earlier in this thread. This portal has some extra features such as links to mobile versions of gmail lite, yahoo mail, weather ... it even has a method to return to the portal homepage at any time (definitely better for surfing purposes). You can check out the layout here: GameTab PSP Portal Oh yeah, as a tip, when surfing, go to your power settings in your PSP and turn off the WLAN POWER SAVE feature. It'll drain your battery a lil faster, but it enhances overall speed.
  17. SAME DEFECT RATIO THOUGH. i am gettign bleach ina week. will tell you then. I just got back from Tokyo and I picked up Bleach there. The jpn games do work on my US PSP, so no worries. However, I'm not sure about US games working on a JPN system. I do remember reading articles that it worked (try IGN or Gamespot). Bleach is a pretty fun game btw. Looks great on the psp screen, too Regarding my prior posts about the psp and WEP encryption: I finally got it working. After some searches online, it turns out that the PSP doesn't differentiate between WEP key indexes. I always had my key indexes set to 2 or 3, so when I finally set the index on my router to 1, the psp was able to go online. Just a tip for others out there who may have had issues with WEP keys.
  18. Just asking a question about connecting online with the PSP again. I got it to work, but only when I don't set encryption on the wireless settings. I'm using a netgear G router and everytime i use 64-bit or 128-bit encryption, the psp won't connect and doesn't get an IP address. If i turn WEP off, then it works fine without any problems For those of you who are using WEP and getting your psp to work, what are your settings: encryption strength, type of authentication, etc.?
  19. I'm still having trouble getting this thing online. I have a netgear router and set everything on the psp to auto, punched in the SSID and WEP key. So far, the PSP can connect to the router, but gets no IP address. Anyone have similar problems?
  20. Does anyone know if your wireless router has to be set to "G" or "B"? Mine is set to "G" right now and I'm wondering if there'll be any compatibility problems b/c I'd rather keep it on "G" so all my laptops still work properly
  21. I got mine this morning at Best Buy. But, they were a bunch of pricks and only sold psp's in bundles. The cheapest bunle was $330.00 which I ended up picking up. It consisted of the value pack ($250), a game ($40), a 2 year full value replacement warranty ($40), faceplate screen protector and some sun visor thing with a few UMD covers (pretty much freebies), and a free reward zone card ($9.99 value). I picked it up, the 2 year warranty wasn't too bad, they'll replace it with any problems and either a) exchange it completely (no send in fixer uppers) or b) give you store credit at the original purchase price. This service costs $45 at Circuit city, so all in all not too bad. I just hate being suckered into "bundles." Other than the warranty, all I paid for is the game and the value pack, the extras were pretty much free. I'm really impressed so far. The PSP seems like a quality product so far. No dead pixels for me and the first time you ever see the screen light up, its beautiful. I'll pretty much end up selling my DS and games to cover some of the PSP cost (I pretty much only play my GBA games on the DS anyways, and I still have my SP). Watching movies on the PSP during my train commute to and from work should be enjoyable (think: Macross Zero or DYRL!). I just hope more original games come out for the PSP and not just the PS2 "franchises" we see so far. I got Ridge Racer and Ape Escape. Does anyone reccomend any other games? How about Darkstalkers -- are the controls pretty horrible on the PSP?
  22. If you've read Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, check out 243 Lexington Ave - - The Opus Dei American Headquarters. I happened to walk by it, the street was deserted and some guy was looking at me through the window after I took this:
  23. XBox2 is also supposed to be using PowerPC chips(like Nintendo and Sony). And an ATI graphics chipset. So all 3 decks will be ATI/IBM. Actually, PS3 will have a graphics chipset by NVIDIA. So even though NVIDIA lost out on XBOX 2 (or "XBOX 360"), they will probably make up sales with PS3 which will surely sell well.
  24. Off Topic, but I went to WonderCon in San Francisco over the weekend and attended a Q&A session with Elisha Cuthbert (for her upcoming movie, House of Wax). Many people asked about 24 season 4 and she did say that she was currently in negotiations for season 4. So you never know if she'll pop in. BTW I also got to meet her and get an autograph -- she seemed really nice and looked HOT I'll try and post a pic later
  25. I went on Saturday only. It was fun and crowded. Man, it was like the Wonder Cons in the 90's there (at least on saturday). I was mainly there to meet Kevin Smith and Jason Mews (Jay and Silent Bob). Mews was cool and Smith's Q&A was awesome -- just like An Evening with Kevin Smith if you've seen it. I also got to meet Elisha Cuthbert -- HOT! I didn't do too much hopping this year. Just got a painting from Andy Lee (www.findandy.com) near the Kabuki booth. That man has skills. He does Chinese brush paintings and I got a Spiderman painting from him (spiderman with an oriental brush style) done with brush and watercolors. I'll post a pic of it later. All in all, its good to see the Con thriving -- they finally brought it out of the Oakland hotel.
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