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Everything posted by Valkyrie23

  1. Just a note of warning to all of you who are thinking about updating your US PSP to the JPN fw2.0. I've been seeing discussions over at pspudates.com where people have called Sony and they mentioned if you flash the JPN firmware, your PSP might not respond to future US Firmware updates. I don't understand how that can be, but better wait for some definitive answers than to rush to update. The US firmware 2.0 will be out in about a week.
  2. You see, comments like that are the reason why you are on a LOT of people's ignore list and the reason they just might not see the content of your post. Stop acting like such an ass and maybe that might change but I doubt you have it in you. 314389[/snapback] Well, it's kind of stupid to go into one of MY POSTS and ignore my topic. DUH!! 314396[/snapback] I think Valkyrie wants to point out that the article "is still on Gamespots website" and posted the link again to refer.. 314398[/snapback] Sorry guys, I meant to refer to the update, my post was updated
  3. House backs federal investigation of Rockstar Games: some updated comments on Gamespot Gamespot article Its just not going away
  4. Found this on a deal site, if you haven't gotten one already, go get one....hell, I may get my second: Outpost has the 1GB Sandisk Memory Stick Pro Duo on sale for $85 - $10 rebate = $75! http://shop3.outpost.com/product/4395865 Get em while they last!!!!
  5. Bah. I'm waiting for one with electroluminescent material and liquid crystal in the case, so you can adjust the color and brightness from within the BIOS. 312989[/snapback] Whoa, that sounds like a whole other ballgame than a simple case color
  6. I was thinking of getting a white one as well. Light and Dark, gotta have balance b/t the two right? Well, I'll only get the white fw 2.0 version if there are any killer games coming out. Otherwise, I'm fine with all the games of my youth. I'm sure there will be a homebrew web browser soon. All the new media types of fw 2.0 seem appealing though. On the other hand, my gf has been bugging me for a psp...hmmm....girls like white, no?
  7. Sony is bringing out firmware 2.0 for the PSP on July 27th: There's a bunch of new features including a web browser, new wifi encryption settings (WPA), etc. With all these new features, is it worth updating and losing homebrew? You can see the comments/article on Pspupdates (scroll to the top of the page) Also, the new white psp is coming out. =========================== Here's a list of the details (from pspupdates): From July, 27th, 2005, the new system software update will start. This update will upgrade your system version to 2.0. Changelog: Main function updated in system software version 2.0 - Network Internet browser added * Macromedia Flash is not supported. A part of the web pages might not be displayed correctly * The startup of the internet browser can be limited. - Video Jump function added (UMD Video & UMD Music) A-B repeat function added (UMD Video & UMD Music & videos stored in Memory sticks) "4:3 mode" added to Video mode (videos stored in Memory sticks) Sound mute function added (videos stored in Memory sticks) MP4 (AVC) format playback support added (videos stored in Memory sticks) -Music Can accept music tracks in Atract3 Plus format from "Sonicstage" under version 3.2 (now for pre-order) MP4 (AAC) & Wave (Linear PCM) format playback support added (music stored in Memory sticks) - Photo Wallpaper function added Image receiving function added TIFF, GIF, PNG, BMP format supported - Settings "Korean language" added to "system settings" -> "System language" "Character set" added to "system settings" "Theme settings" added "Internet browser startup limit" added to "Security settings" "WPA-PSK (TKIP)" added to security method in "Network settings" Keyboard now support web input. * All the setting before the upgrade will be preserved. UPDATE: Firmware 2.0 has been confirmed. It will be releasing on July, 27th.
  8. Actually, I dl'd a pack out there that has Coded Arms, Lumines, Mercury, & Puzzle Bobble in a neatly packed 635MB file. All games work fine and with sound! Lumines and Puzzle bobble play fine w/o any umd in the drive, but Coded Arms requires any umd, and Mercury req. the Wipeout UMD to be in the drive. Its been pretty crazy since the first 1.5 exploit came out. I havent tried the NeoGeo CD emulator but I hear it works at full speed.
  9. Looks great Rohby! A mini 1/48 for my desk! I'd definitely be interested in ordering some
  10. I tried it out earlier this morning and had fun with the new boot exploit on the commute to work. Nothing has changed too much with the exploit. If you've used the 2 memory stick method, you can easily copy over files and rename the folders. If not, just grab the new homebrew emulator packs that are out. You can find one on the front page of psphacker.com Just toss roms into the folders without the "%" symbol. Thats the trick really, the % sign tricks the PSP into thinking its a different folder/memory stick. For the lazy there's a homebrew pack on psphacker.com that has all the emulators in a nice little archive
  11. I just saw the IMAX version last night. I liked it a lot. They focused so little on the romance and so much more on the actual idea/concept/theme of Batman and how conflicted the character is. It was a good start to the trilogy. I would have preferred that they showed more of Batman's detective skills, but that will probably show up in the 2nd film when he tracks down you know who (the 'calling card'). I didn't like batman's voice either, it was too forced. And I don't know what they were doing with the action scenes...I couldn't see anything but Batman's face once in awhile. I wished they would pan out the camera again and (like a previous poster stated) focus more on dynamic poses which Batman is known for. Overall a well done, serious take on Batman for the comic book fans
  12. Possible leaked pic of the Nintendo Revolution controller....kind of funky. Is the whole controller touch sensitive? Yet, there are possibly those two rings of lights at the ends - - perhaps it reads your mind through your thumbs, lol.... Maybe not real, but really odd BTW, can anyone read that language on the bottom of the pic?
  13. Just in case anybody doesn't know, the PSP 1.50 firmware was hacked and you can now run homebrew apps, e.g., emulators. The US launch versions of the PSP caries the 1.50 firmwares, but updates of 1.51 and 1.52 are available for updates. If you've already updated firmwares, the hack won't work (only works for 1.50) The hack is a brute force type hack though, that involves 2 memory sticks swaping. I haven't tried it yet but there are many ppl online who have successfuly and all the emulators based on v.1.0 firmware do work (after conversions). Some emulators require a little fiddling with the settings (such as ramping up the PSP cpu speed). Anyone try these methods yet?
  14. I just got back from seeing the late showing. A fun summer movie. Mindless but enjoyable. For those of you that noticed the couple of homages to Fight Club (one of my fav movies), more power to you =)
  15. I haven't received mine from dell yet either. But, the 1gb sticks are in stock at many other places now: Anandtech Deal forums all within your price range. I'm gonna stick out my dell deal until 6/15 and if they delay it again, I'll just buy it elsewhere
  16. I just picked up the Phillips DVP-642 at walmart b/c of the comments here. After spending a day with it and tossing every anime, tv episode, movie at it I could find, it works near flawlessly. Sometimes there were slight audio sync issues, who cares when I'm watching anime on my hd tv Thanks for the reccomendation guys. BTW, the DVP-642 $57.98 at walmart nowadays.
  17. ...Muuusst....Resist....the...dark...side....
  18. Just came back home from the 1:10am showing I liked it..don't want to spoil it so I won't Its 4am now and I have to get up at 7am to go to work...its gonna be a long day, but thats the price one must pay, haha
  19. I'll keep an eye out for one, but I think most people just reverse the current template. It would be hard to adjust a printout to account for the dips in the back of the case. I've seen people who've done the back of the case and mentioned streching the image a tad.
  20. Thanks, sounds like a good deal to me, is this promotion lasting awhile or ending soon?
  21. I have the Pelican "Brick," its pretty reliable. Its supposed to be able to complete 2 full charges on the PSP, but thats only when you're not playing while you charge. One charge is supposed to take 2 hours, but I usually plug mine in and leave the house...so by the time I get back, the brick is completely empty. Its pretty useful for extra power; I used it while I was on the plane to Japan and in the airports. For what it does, its pretty good and compact. I would recommend it. As for my collection: console: PSP Games: Wipeout Pure (gotta have the web browser) Ape Escape Ridge Racers NBA Street Showdown NBA MLB DarkStalkers Bleach (import - you can see my impressions in my past post) Movies: Just Spiderman 2 (going to wait for my 1gb stick from Dell) Accessories: Logitech Playgear case Gamestop (Pelican rebraned) carry all case (great travel pack) Aero hard foam case Some case I bought while I was in japan (I think I've tried almost all the cases, haha) Pelican Power Brick Sony USB cable (from my sony digital camera) Hori Screen protector Brando Screen protectors Pelican Screen Protector (I tried all the protectors, Brando's the best b/c it convers most of the face of the PSP, and Hori would be second) BTW, mikeszekely, how well do PSP games trade in at EB/Gamestop? I'm thinking of getting rid of NBA and Ape Escape...
  22. I have Bleach, I picked it up when I was in Tokyo last month. Its a fun game, a 3-D cell shaded fighter. I've never seen the anime, but I heard its a great depiction of it. The graphics are smooth, fast, and colorful; they look great on the screen. Gameplay is pretty fast - - its not the deepest fighter, but pretty fun and a visual treat for the PSP. The only drawback is the number of characters, very small amount (like 5 or 6). I would recommend it, just don't expect anything earth shattering. One cool thing is a mini-game that you can unlock. Pretty much a clone of arkanoid on the PSP and you get to play it vertical I think...pretty awesome. This is the game that I show off to friends
  23. So this is similar to Cowboy Bebop? I remember someone posting on here that this show's creator was influenced by anime. Sure sounds like Cowboy Bebop though...which isn't a bad thing.
  24. Here's a template that I ran into that works. Its off of this site: link After a quick test fit - it fits perfectly. The templates are 200 dpi. Only problem that I can see is that the template seems upside down - the side with the deeper/longer cuts is actually the top side when displayed in the case. Other than that, thanks guys for all the great Macross templates Logitech_CustomImageTemplate_200dpi.zip
  25. So am I the only one with this Logitech case so far? haha, starting a craze over a case that no one has yet =) I've been test fitting with this template, but it doesn't come out exactly right. I have to stretch the overall image by 5% and then it prints out at a correct size. I'll need to find another template for future macross artwork, but in the meantime, here is a site that hosts some of the more popular templates that have been done so far: PSP site I wonder if I'm printing it out incorrectly - - I'm just using MS paint though, don't have photoshop or anything like that installed at work. EDIT: I found a template that works, posted below
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