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Everything posted by Valkyrie23

  1. I just got back from the midnight showing, and I thought it rocked. We had a good crowd and everyone cheered for Prime. Not much in the way of dialogue and plot, but as a popcorn action movie it worked well enough. I liked all the homages given to the G1 TF's and the TF Movie (Kup scene anyone? Awesome!); I'll give Bay a big plus for those additions. I still hate the designs and it was hard to tell some of the TFs apart from one another during action sequences b/c they're all mostly gray in color.
  2. If any of you are looking for ps3, its up on walmart big bundle though http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5303666 go go go you can always sell/return the games
  3. Depending on your area, it will be hard/not hard to get. In my area, most stores are getting b/t 30-50 and some are getting 120. If you're in the bay area (California), Daily City is the place to be - 120 units at both targets 5 min apart. I'm just gonna go about a few hours before opening to pick one up as a gift. Of course, after PS3's launch, a lot of bummed/burned people might be hunting for Wii's, haha Good luck to you guys.
  4. Hey guys, This should help: Here's a site that will tell you the amount / allocation of wii's in the US on Launch Morning. Just pick a Target near you with sufficient supply and go there a few hours before 6AM. And, this is all legit - its Target's actual confirmed allocations Target's Wii Inventory locator (with Google Maps) There'll be plenty of Wii's to go around, just make sure you get there early. As for me, I might go for the hell of it. I just got lucky this morning and got a Wii preorder from ToysRus =)
  5. It was a pleasure seeing your works from the beginning, Devin =) You've definitely done enough for everyone on MW. I'm glad I ordered some extras when I had the chance. Now, lets hope for some revolutionary new printing technology...
  6. I was at the show, but I only got to videotape the first 3 or 4 songs b/c I had to leave for a dinner. I got the entire DYRL song though When I get the time, I'll put together a short compilation of clips and host them somewhere...any ideas on where to host large files? I also got a few clips of fans (possible MWers?) getting autographs on their macross collectibles and taking their pictures with Mari. In the meantime, here's a quick pic
  7. I don't know how fans would react to that. I mean they'd go see the movie but then it would force certain continuity problems if it was done between TV seasons ( the X Files movie problem) Maybe it would be easier to create an interconnecting story of six 24 minute segments so you could keep the cliffhanger aspect of the show intact. (5 conflict segments and the last one resolving all of them together and you could keep the concept of '24' a functional number related to the story. ) 390842[/snapback] I passed by the bookstore this past weekend and glanced through the first official issue of the 24 Magazine. It had more discussions about the possible movie. Sutherland said that the movie would possibly include an entirely different cast, part or not part of CTU. Wow, without Jack in the movie, I really would wonder how it would do.
  8. I just read this on some gossip column on the web. Don't know how true it is, but just throwing it out there: ======================== (sfgate.com) Sutherland Reveals '24' Movie Plans Hollywood actor Kiefer Sutherland has confirmed popular TV drama "24" is to hit the big screen. Sutherland, who plays federal agent Jack Bauer on the show, recently joked a spoof version would make great cinema viewing. But he now tells MTV.com plans for a straight blockbuster film are already in motion. He says, "The '24' movie would be a two-hour representation of a 24-hour day. That would be the first time that we would not do something in real time, but the characters would obviously all be derivative of the show. "The timing issue is something the writers are working on right now. But the sky's the limit at that point for them, because we would not be restricted by the time element."
  9. Yeah, now with this Logan plot, they will have to do a lot of backtracking. But, I guess the producers don't care. To me, its inexplicable how Logan could be behind this. Completely illogical, as he is already the President of the most powerful nation. Plus, he was a total coward when former President Palmer helped him out last season. Don't get me wrong though, I'm still excited, but just want more clarification why Logan is doing this. Does he just want to be president forever? Just change your name to Bush....and have a few sons...lol
  10. I arrived here when the Yamato Macross Plus VF-11B's came out. I bought one on ebay and just needed to find a place where they talked about it. Of course, dear Google led me straight to MW. I can't believe its been 5-6 years for me. Its always great to have a great forum to check out the latest news. You never really notice how important MW is in your life until you sit down in front of your computer one night, and see that the forums are down b/c Shawn is upgrading the server, lol.
  11. I still shed a tear whenever I watch Prime's death scene. It was pretty traumitizing as a kid, b/c no one could explain how a robot dies. Especially when you saw that chump Ultra Magnus get blown apart and thrown back together by the Junkions.
  12. I think I'm going to have to gather up all my friends and watch this movie while wearing this shirt http://damnation-inc.com/order.php?item=1
  13. Did anyone pick up Metroid Prime Hunters? I picked up mine last night and tried out some multiplayer. It was late at night so I set my wireless play to search anyone in the world and when I finally got into a match, I was quite surprised that there wasn't any noticeable lag. Very fun and fast gameplay. Its nice to be able to deathmatch from my bed while my gf is asleep, haha. I haven't tried mario kart online but I';m pretty impressed with this online experience. The only bad thing is that my hands still hurt after playing for 5 min. I wish the touch screen was closer to my right hand...maybe even taking the place of the buttons for this type of game. Well, if anyone picks it up, we can post out friend codes up here so we can add each other to our lists and have a friendly MW match sometime.
  14. Kim has been taking care of Chase somewhere in Northern Cali. 367599[/snapback] I think Jack had a line last season that said Chase was working at some private security firm and he and Kim bought a house in Valencia, CA. Funny, b/c when I met Elisha Cuthbert at WonderCon last year she said she would be back...I didn't know it would be a year later... I think its time for Tony to wake up!
  15. I'm sure he will. Remember, he already told CTU that he's not bound by any protocol. He already played jury, judge, and executioner once this season. The best quote this season is when Jack said something like, "Lets get one thing straight, the only reason you are conscious right now is because I don't feel like carrying you."
  16. I'll be in for 3 sets
  17. Litigation and Forensic Consultant
  18. Well, no go for Wally World. They had a "secret raffle" that no one knew about in the morning and all 30 xbox's were given away via a ticket to come back and make the purchase at midnight. What a crock. I was at the same store yesterday and they called this morning. They said nothing about raffle tickets given away Mon morning. They all said to come at 11pm. F@ck Walmart and Best Buy. I'll stick with Costco. Best buy was giving out their "brochures" tonight as well. That $700 minimum bundle only contained the core system and a bunch of junk. Not even a hard drive, and for what? $700???!?!? I'm amazed there are still ppl in line at Best Buy as we speak
  19. Yeah, at least for my Best Buy (Milpitas, CA). For the psp's they required you to purchase 2 games, 3rd party accessories, and a best buy service plan. Prices weren't too bad on those, but they're pushing it this time with the 360. $700?? that's just insane for the 'cheapest' bundle.
  20. After work tonight, I'll try to wait in line at a local store for one (midnight sale). If not I'll get on tomorrow morning at either Target, Costco, Fry's or Best Buy. Best buy has their cheapest bundle set at $700. Bunch of scum. Anyways, hopefully I'll end up with one and I can play all day tomorrow as I'll be 'working from home' tomorrow =) I'll most likely just be picking up Madden, NBA 2k (gotta love the sweat) and Kameo. Anyone up for some madden on live?
  21. You guys should check out that horror FPS called F.E.A.R. If you have the hardware for it, it has fun gameplay and an eerie story (feels like the Ring). Story driven game like HL2 and I would recommend it.
  22. I know its not DS related, but Gunstar Super Heroes is out - - go get em fellas Its one of my fav genesis games ever and I'm loving it on my DS and GBA Micro
  23. I'm not complaining as I picked up Gunstar Super Heroes and am playing it on my Micro right now. I'm a happy camper - - awesome game!
  24. Tell me about it... my psp torrent folder has like 7.78 GB and counting : Did you find any way to run Death Jr or Winning 11? backpic stays the same... don't really care about these little customization things.. so what's on your memory stick now? 328119[/snapback] Death Jr works, not sure about winning 11. Just google for the latest and "fast"est "-loader"
  25. You can google Powerstrip, a power user utility to make customized resolutions or to force your card to display at your hdtv's resolution. You can download the trial, or search for a copy (bittorrent). Here's a quick guide: HTPCNews Powerstrip 101 guide Just take your time, read through it; its not that hard. The latest versions of powerstrip have all these great predefined resolutions built in that you can choose from. Just make sure you choose the one to match your HDTV's native resolution.
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