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Everything posted by Valkyrie23

  1. Wow HLJ coming out like a dark horse again just like the last bandai pre order.
  2. Nice CDJ and HLJ with limit 1 per person
  3. Go GO http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN992012/Act
  4. HLJ http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN992012/Act
  5. Wow - Amiami closed before I even reloaded the page lol
  6. Paid and can't wait!
  7. Just did a quick dry fit test. This violates the common sense rule due to the odd weight distribution and lack of a clip, but Hello Kitty is going supersonic! The stands are just great. Great job, CY! We just might need a custom clip for this HK Chogokin if there is a demand for it, haha. Also, when using the acrylic solvents, do you only place it on the smooth surfaces of the base pivot and not the routed side?
  8. Customs in San Francisco is pretty fast. All my packages from abroad get in/out in a day or two at the most.
  9. I just got my shipping notice email from NY for both tornado parts sets.
  10. I'm sold - PO'd at Lunar!
  11. I just got my NY preparation email. I ordered both tornado parts at the same time.
  12. Did anyone get a payment request form HLJ yet? I guess at this point, it will ship after the holiday
  13. I just got my cancellation email from CDJ. That was fast! I wonder if they are going to lower their price now with a bunch of cancellations headed their way.
  14. So is this sort of the open ordering period for HLJ. Can we order more than 1? EDIT: Nevermind, the limit is 1 I think. I am good with 1. The repaints are inevitable, especially an OZMA scheme lol
  15. WOW! Got in for 1 HLJ! Now to go cancel my CDJ order! BTW - Does anyone know if its easy to cancel pre orders at CDJ?
  16. NY is back up. Still at 18000 JPY http://www.nippon-yasan.com/product.php?id_product=8318
  17. Ordered at CDJ. Thanks for the heads up zzgundam010 !!
  18. No worries. I am assuming (hoping) the YF-30 will be similar to recent releases and available after launch.
  19. Drat
  20. Thanks for the recommendations. Wow - Plamoya shipping estimates to countries outside of Asia bgin at almost $60!
  21. Same thing happened today to me as well, Graham. My cancellation email arrived right after the 8am cut off time. I submitted a ticket but got the same reply. I would also like to know if it can be purchased elswhere.
  22. These look great so far. I'll be ready for multiple orders! BTW, great save on that tilting valkyrie towards the end of the video, lol!
  23. 4x Ozmas from HLJ?? Does HLJ ever learn to put a limit on high demand items? Jeez
  24. There's just no logic to this. Why can't Bandai just make the VF-25S an exclusive made to order?!
  25. Cart jacked at CDJ. Oh well, scalped NY prices here I come
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