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Everything posted by Tinderfitles

  1. Best Anime Series – Although an avid fan of both Macross Frontier and Gundam 00, this award goes to Xam'd: Lost Memories. runner(s) up: Soul Eater, Macross Frontier, Gundam 00, and Time of Eve. Worst Anime Series – Code Geass. There is simply no debating it, the series had a trivial plot that revolved around constant cliffhangers and twist that are only reserved for the worst daytime soap opera's. That combined with the horrible character design, stupid mechs, and general over use of bright flashing lights, leads this to be 2008's best abomination. runner(s) up: Line barrels of Iron Best Anime Film – No idea, missed most anime films Worst Anime Film – again no Idea Best Non-Anime TV series – Chuck, Chuck, Chuck, a billion times chuck. runner(s) up: The Big Bang Theory Worst Non-Anime TV series – Heroes. Only because it takes alot of nerve to produce a decent first season, follow it up with a lackluster second season, then kill the only good character to come from the second season in less than two episodes (He was man-succubus-ed). Of course the Icing on the cake would have to be calling your fans retards, and telling them that they have no eye for creativity. runner(s) up: 24, The Bionic Woman Best Non-Anime Film – Comic Book Movies. Its easy to tell really which comic book movie really won out *cough darknight cough* However this year was a fantastic year for comic book movies in general. Ironman, The Incredible Hulk, and Dark knight's collective success has proven that the real winner here is the Comic Book Genre, which plans to have even more great movies out this year. runner(s) up: In a way far second, would be stoner movies, which go hand in hand with the phase "Brought to you be the creaters of SUPERBAD" Worst Non-Anime Film – CloverField. The only movie that I have ever walked out on, and I even sat through Sky Commander. But probably this films worst real fault is not with the film but with the constant justifications of the film by the fans. "Oh its a work of art you dont understand", "Well do you want everything spelled out for you?", "it chronicles what real people would do in that situation." Yea lick the dirt between my dirty hillbilly toes, the movie was horrible and no matter how much you spit shine a turd, your still going to look retarded because your spitting on and playing with poop. runner(s) up: Does the 24 movie count? Best Album – Best album I bought this year was "Earth, Wind, and Fire" at a Goodwill for 25 cents runner(s) up: The Willy Nelson Album located next to it. Worst Album – Chinese Democracy. Take the Worst part of music in the past 20 years, add in some new people, new sounds, a whole lot of suck, then add a pinch of delayed release (15 years?), and you have the best thing to happen to music since Hawthorn Heights inspired teenage boy to put on their little sisters pants. The best part of it is that the chinese where offended at the title, and I think after listening to it, we all where offended. runner(s) up: The Willy Nelson Album (with the addition of peanut butter, thanks nephew) located next to my "Earth, Wind, and Fire" album. Best Game – World of Warcraft: Wrath of the lich King. Besides reveling the emerging field of internet addiction, the good folks at blizzard have managed to once again brow beat us like Harry Truman, into buying another expansion. runner(s) up: Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3 Worst Game – Age of Conan. It just sucked runner(s) up: Red Alert 3, Dynasty Warriors Gundam. Honourable Mentions – Transformers, I am Legend, Diary of the Dead, Dexter, Gary Gynax, of course Star Wars the Clone Wars, and House. Dishonourable Mention – Transmorphers, I am Omega, Cloverfield (god I hate you JJ), Battlestar Galatica, and most people who decide its a good thing to simply remake other movies (I am looking at you Nick Cannon and your Day of the Dead movie).
  2. I can see saji and lousie going more of a 0080 Shira Amarda and Anne route. They have always been there to reflect the changes in the world and how war changes people. Its logical that the fate they are bound to have is one in which Louise's anger has consumed her and spit her out, while saji in his ignorance allows it to happen hoping for the old louise. By the end of the story they will both be a lot more mature, and it will reflect very highly on the director's yarn spinning ability.
  3. I remember having to go back to the beginning of the original one because i left mission in stealth, on the sith star destroyer.
  4. As long as they bring over swg's crafting system when it was released they can do what ever they want.
  5. Char's character has always seemed to me, to follow the Consequentialism archetype. So CCA has always kind of pointed to the logical conclusion, for myself atleast.
  6. Well if using past indicators is any justification for future plot development, then should frontier end with galaxy vs frontier, then should it be a logical conclusion to assume that the next series would show some serious fractions within the NUNS. It might be nice you have several factions fighting for power, and the scale tipper would be who can find the Supervision Army or remnants of Proto-culture.
  7. Actual scene Klan: Michel is there someone you like? Micheal: There is one but she is a handful *klan blushes* Klan: michel? Michel: I...... --cut to ranka--- Ranka: Nyan-nyan, nyan-nyan nihao nyan, gorgeous delicious deculture *fade to black and cue the ending music*
  8. With so much they could have done story wise it just seems like a horrible waste of good characters to say "they got lost". I don't know to me it seems like their unwillingness to answer simply equates to apathy. You fail to tie up your lose strings, because you want to go on to bigger and better things, so you say they got lost. It just seems like following that course of action is something HG would use.
  9. I just seems to me like a cheap story tool to tell fans to go fark themselves. Getting lost is just as weak as getting amnesia, it is lazy cope out.
  10. There is no real proof that the Queen actually does anything besides communicate threw song. So would it be logical to assume that with Ranka's song it would eliminate the need? That is assuming they already are capable of producing eggs similar to any a-sexual species found on earth. What is weird however is the state of the hatchery. Maybe I am just a retard, but it seems like you would want to put something as monumental as the Vajra (especially a Vajra Farm) in a more controllable environment that would make breeding and more importantly harvesting easier. Also this may sound really off the wall, however I do believe it might pan out in the end. What makes a better fighting force than a fleet of controllable, grow-able, adaptable. giant beam shooting bugs? Because It would seem that with the 117th fleet they encountered them and studied them. They decide to make a control (ranka) but they lose control(probably because of some emotional instability) and it is believed dead. They try again with Sheryl, and it goes nice, not as good as the first one but whatever, they go with it. Then the original one shows up and works magically, so they decided to use her. Now that they know they have a reliable method of control, they decide to start breeding the vajra in the ships. The already established hive mind of the Vajra, and there continuous skirmishes with the S.M.S lead the batch grown on frontier to be bigger, stronger, and meaner. In the end what you have is a Control (ranka), and an army of grown super fighters who are resistant to most forms of weaponry, including the ace card of most fleets, reaction weaponry. Also the hive mind at the moment is probably fighting ranka (threw song) for control of the vajra, and as time goes on you could see a vajra army lead by ranka, with the proper shadowy figures controlling of course. That's my theory in a nut shell.
  11. I think at this point Macross is such a big franchise that the main pillars of the story (minmei specifically) deserve to have some sort of ending at this point. Just imagine if they had left the Char/Amuro's ambiguous after Zeta Gundam. Sure we see an empty cockpit float by, but they are such great characters that they deserve to have their story told. Plus Imagine the emotion of seeing the OVA titled "A Star Dies, or How I learned to love Pineapple Salad". That and my dirty secret is I want to see a VF-4 in action. It's a shame that such a good looking aircraft never got any fight scenes.
  12. You mean you would give up a chance to see horribly rendered CG fighters battle for supremacy, in a story and time period to be named at a later date?!?!? You sir, are a mad man. Anyway the reason for the post is because I just happen to overhear a producer on the phone at Comic-Con. This was all i was really able to over hear. First 15 minutes are going to be a CG orgy that will easily be a 10 on the Lucis-an scale of Special Effects. They will include the final space battle of "Space War 1" and a new version of "We Will Win", and I even got the asian lady from spiderman 2 to sing it. .... She was a Package deal with toby. ..... Then move on to hover tanks then to the Alpha fighers. Then they will introduce Shia Lebouf as this brash, hot shot pilot who is going on an expedition to find hikaru, sorry "Rick". ..... What happens next? Well they find him. ..... They go about trying to reunite his crew, because well they left. Not really sure why, but at this point we just need filler for the rest of the movie. ..... Then they find MECHA-KYRON and CYBER-whats her name, and they kidnap her. They take her to a fortress that looks like the same one from the beginning (We can reuse the footage from the first battle). Minmei must be rescued, so rick goes out to fight, and is joined by lebouf. ..... You may ask yourself why is rick running out there to save minmei? well because he still has feelings for her. I know we supposedly resolved this love-triangle thing like 6 or 7 times in the series but trust me, robotech fans love it. I mean seriously they polish each other off when they hear a mention of it. ..... Well once that it taken care of they come back to earth and destroy the SDF-1, and the remaining protoculture. ..... Well its pretty simple actually, you see environmentalism is all the rage now I mean it got Keanu Reeves a job in The Day the Earth Stood Still. And if it makes you feel any better we can say it causes cancer. .... yes like cellphones. .... Anyway thats it pretty much for the movie and we can just use a mix between the f-22, f-14, and Zeta Gundam. And the SDF-1 can look like a mix between the boat from "Tomorrow Never Dies", an Aircraft Carrier, and an Escalade with 22 inch rims, you know so we can get the urban market. Anyway I gotta run chao.
  13. Also I am really hoping that they break the bank in producing some seriously stunning CG battle sequences.
  14. Grave of the fireflies Area 88 Samurai X Trust and Betrayal Gundam 0083 Evangalion honorable mentions include: Zeta Gundam Battle Royal (I know its not anime but its still one bad ass Japanese movie) Patlabor Bubblegum Crisis Detective Conan Jin-Roh FLCL Tenchi Muyo Cowboy Bebop Outlaw Star
  15. My personal theory of Hollywood, Robots, and Violence. The story will most likely start out like macross did, huge space ship, world war etc. etc. I can see them keeping the story the same up until the fold (if its there at all) they will probably end up at mars. Where they will have to get supplies because they left without having any, blow up the reactor and leave. Get back to earth, leave again (although if they put in parts of canada getting blown up im sure it will be memorable with american audiences). Earth fires the Big Ass Space Gun 1, then in a 30 minute montage they annihilate every corner of the earth. Then the Final battle of course in horrible detail. and it will all end with Toby standing in a little garden of flowers with a recked VF-1 in the back round saying something memorable and commenting on the tendencys of man to fight and flying off into the sunset. More blowing poo up less love (unless theres a nude scene) is standard procedure.
  16. soap
  17. Rebel Alliance Sure you can complain about pedophile Jedi's, walking carpets, and shiny undercover robots, but in the end its all about the chance to blow stuff up. Sure you can blow up and entire planet in the imperial army, but theres no replay value. With the alliance I can blow up say an imperial barracks, and they rebuild it, allowing me the joy of blowing it up again. Besides if stormtroopers are there to reinforce the iron will of the empire then they cant aim for poo, id rather have the clones to be honest, or at worst the ewoks. Post Script If I was a pilot i would still choose to be rebel in all honesty. As much as i like looking like a cheap Vader clone, i would rather have a bright orange jumpsuit with ridiculously big gloves, and a robot backseat driver who like to beep and boop while im trying to blow up a huge space station. Just my personal preference of course
  18. if they do make a movie like that i just hope that it doesnt have stupid easter eggs put in it just for fan boys and internet people. Pork Chop Sandwiches?
  19. Well at least he grasp the true purpose of Gundam Seed, to reuse as much battle animation as possible.
  20. Well if the theme of the U.C. Gundam is humanity taking a step forward then i think 0080 fits in perfectly. Think about it at first you start with a colony that is neutral but is surrounded by war, and in that colony lives a young man with those "war is cool" and other views that war is noble. however by the end, due to the conflicts between the characters he is saddened and when someone mentions "don't worry I'm sure another one will happen". Hes not crying because hes happy that it will happen again and he will see it because he is a war buff at the beginning; rather he is crying because he knows that the hardships he endured over the storyline will again manifest themselves in a later undisclosed state. Ultimately it sets a grimmer tone that was unable to be achieved in then original Gundam, and sets the tone for the later (story wise) Zeta Gundam perfectly. So as a component in the larger story 0080 is a wonderful addition. It didnt need to feature newtypes, because it wasnt supposed to, and honestly didn't need to. However if taken as an independent show it was rather lacking. But, just because the stone is ugly, doesn't mean that the house it supports is ugly as well. only gundams i never really bought into where Seed, 8th Ms, and X. Still haven't finished Turn A however.
  21. reason they canned the show was because people kept complaining about the non exsistent character development, overuse of rehashed combat scenes, to many flashback/heres what happened up till now episodes, and of course no one could really figure out if the main characters where the main characters or if it still focused on the old main characters. And how come the black kid has to be paraplegic?
  22. I think she lied and they did fight at the scorpion naval yards, i only base this on the fact that i think Cain is brave when she has numbers. I think there was a fight but she hid her ship behind the other two battle stars, letting them take the brunt of the damage while she came in later and swept everything up OR while the other two where fighting she had her navigator Make the Calculations and jump out. Hell Maybe even the #6 she was with could have warned her when she docked up at port, playing on the whole "Robots With Emotions" theme. Only reason i say that theres more to the scorpion shipyards theory is that it seems she is infact a coward, or a survivalist, and if theres one thing those have in common is the refusal to risk ones life on a whim. She knew where she was going, how she find time to do that during an attack is the real question. Another interesting thing is what happened to her civilian fleet? Although she mentions cannibalizing a couple of ships i think theres more to the story, and i really hope that Razor delivers answers to these questions.
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