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Everything posted by Tinderfitles

  1. Would that make new cap city mafia wars? "Tamara needs your help robbing a bank!"
  2. The ship looked fantastic. It was a beautiful combination of the Constitution pre and post refit. And probably has taken over my #1 spot from the defiant. What can I say "It's a tough little ship" My only hope is that this leads to more star trek movies, or a new star trek show. Cancel Heroes already, so we can get Zach and that guy who did the writing for pushing daisies.
  3. I have to admit the best part of Caprica right now, is the adama fedora.
  4. Now that is one pissed off little ship.
  5. The fact that they are setting up for aliens seems interesting. At least they didn't drop the alien ball like Seed did. Space Whale Fossils any one?
  6. I am interested to hear what everyone's take on this show is. At first I thought it was going to be rather cheesy but after watching the premier I am really looking forward to this.
  7. HEY LOOK EVERYONE ITS THE PEGASUS......oh wait nevermind.
  8. That promptly kicks up enough dust to block out the nearest star killing them all.
  9. Theory The cylons have found a planet already, hera's second drawing was a jump path of the raptor that boomer is taking. The fleet has the ability to out jump it now thanks to the cylons FTL, the galactica also has two jumps left in her. So expect one big bang finale space battle over an earth like planet, with the galactica the rebel base ship and probably many civilian ships packed with explosives going up in flames. /theory Hera deserves an extra cookie at snack time for re-discovering all along the watch towers though.
  10. What I want what I would get
  11. I'm sorry Micheal, but humanity has been deemed not worthy by the one true cylon god.
  12. I would actually like to know more of what happened on the planet, especially why it was nuked. I bet it was that damn WHOPR, in BSG's time line Matthew Broderick was unable to show joshua the lose-lose aspect of thermonuclear war.
  13. To them though there is no such thing as a 'fake' GN drive. Only the Gundam GN drives(green) and the, assumed, rest of Celestial Beings GN drives (red). Since what ever drives where not taken from the rest of CB are assumed to have been on the thrones, it would make sense to assume that the units with red drive at the time served alongside CB and thus would make the Gundams accomplice. Its a perfectly logical train of though, you just have to remember that we, as viewers, are omnipotent in a sense.
  14. Drives that supposedly belonged to Celestial Being before being leaked to the other nations. Besides if something that pronounces itself as a gundam, blows up all of your family, using drives you are later lead to think have origins in Celestial Being. It is a valid conclusion to infer that Celestial Being blew up your family.
  15. Well that's only because SD Hi-Streamer X Saviour's Report: Moonlight Butterfly's Fading Light (Special Edition), was supposed to be the sequel to Double Zero igloo: Char's Victory Evolve, and its ova Double Zero igloo: Char's Victory Evolve: The hidden apocalyptic stargazer. which I mean is about as impossible because your going to end up as with a show like Robotech 2: Lelouch of the Linebarrels, in terms of production quality. On a serious note I love MS Igloo 2, its so depressing its like watching zeta all over again.
  16. I don't see why they wouldn't in all honesty it gives the perfect amount of pressure build up that you want when you near the middle to end of S2. Everyone dies aboard the lift, giving soma a reason to fight (an honest reason, a "Celestial Being" reason) thus we see her mobile suit that has been eluded to in the past coupld of episodes. It also establishes that the earth resistance is on its last leg, Karaba lost half of its space fleet, the middle east is effectively an ash tray, and most of the earth bound forces where caught in the lift, being destroyed. This forces an episode or two of reconciliation, and "Why didn't you help us from the beginning" mentality. Then it leads to an all out battle between celestial being and the a-laws, I am going to go ahead and assume that setsuna is going to go trans-am and that damn song is going to be broadcast to the world, a short video of Aeolia is going to play saying how gn particles where suppose to enable mankind to understand each other threw quantum brainwaves. Then one episode will be left and it will show years later as humanity is united and heading out to space, possibly with a teaser at the end eluding to UC-esc conflicts between colonys.
  18. That's an area where I feel that alot of people in the business of making Robot shows fail. They take the war aspect of it, dilute it and then give it back to the customer with a sh!t-eating grin. The one thing tomino got right was that war is a terrible business that is full of dark moments, people will die, characters should die, and there is no reason why a character should go threw the horror of war, without some sort of scaring.
  19. I don't know about you guys but I enjoyed ZZ Gundam. I mean any series that takes you from a dramatic three-way battle between the AEUG, AXIS, and the Titans; to warding off an invasion force with oranges is pure genius in my opinion. /sarcasm off You know I don't think I really feel as strongly as you do about this. I have always felt that what SEED did was shoot itself in the foot. At the end of SEED we get a Kira and Athrun who where really confident in there own skin, and where forced to grow up and make tough decisions (this doesn't make up for the space whale). Then re-introduced to SEED destiny we see Athrun has made a relapse into his "not so sure" phase, and has begun doubting himself again, while Kira is so stuck up in his own aura of "Im awesome you can be to". To me it really cheapens the end of the first series all for no other reason than to make the second one more familiar, and it robs from the real character development that should of happened in Shin and Meer. I respected where they tried to take the series but when it came to crunch time they pulled a shaq and missed the point. I have always felt SEED was supposed to be about the Ghost of wars past, and the cloak and daggers of geo-politics, but thankfully 00 picked up where SEED failed and is doing a wonderful job. Other points 1) To many overpowered suits. At the end there was no point in sending anything out to fight because 1 mobile suit shooting a google of lazers and a confetti of missiles that would put macross to shame, would destroy the entire fleet. 2) After Said fleet was destroyed you would need a recap episode to tell you that the entire fleet was destroyed in the last episode. 3) then another to remind you that the fleet was destroyed and that 6 episodes back someone stubbed there toe and had to pop 18 pills. Oh and then 5 minutes to dedicate to Meer being crazy.
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