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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Would that make new cap city mafia wars? "Tamara needs your help robbing a bank!"
  2. The ship looked fantastic. It was a beautiful combination of the Constitution pre and post refit. And probably has taken over my #1 spot from the defiant. What can I say "It's a tough little ship" My only hope is that this leads to more star trek movies, or a new star trek show. Cancel Heroes already, so we can get Zach and that guy who did the writing for pushing daisies.
  3. I have to admit the best part of Caprica right now, is the adama fedora.
  4. Now that is one pissed off little ship.
  5. The fact that they are setting up for aliens seems interesting. At least they didn't drop the alien ball like Seed did. Space Whale Fossils any one?
  6. I am interested to hear what everyone's take on this show is. At first I thought it was going to be rather cheesy but after watching the premier I am really looking forward to this.
  7. HEY LOOK EVERYONE ITS THE PEGASUS......oh wait nevermind.
  8. That promptly kicks up enough dust to block out the nearest star killing them all.
  9. Theory The cylons have found a planet already, hera's second drawing was a jump path of the raptor that boomer is taking. The fleet has the ability to out jump it now thanks to the cylons FTL, the galactica also has two jumps left in her. So expect one big bang finale space battle over an earth like planet, with the galactica the rebel base ship and probably many civilian ships packed with explosives going up in flames. /theory Hera deserves an extra cookie at snack time for re-discovering all along the watch towers though.
  10. What I want what I would get
  11. I'm sorry Micheal, but humanity has been deemed not worthy by the one true cylon god.
  12. I would actually like to know more of what happened on the planet, especially why it was nuked. I bet it was that damn WHOPR, in BSG's time line Matthew Broderick was unable to show joshua the lose-lose aspect of thermonuclear war.
  13. To them though there is no such thing as a 'fake' GN drive. Only the Gundam GN drives(green) and the, assumed, rest of Celestial Beings GN drives (red). Since what ever drives where not taken from the rest of CB are assumed to have been on the thrones, it would make sense to assume that the units with red drive at the time served alongside CB and thus would make the Gundams accomplice. Its a perfectly logical train of though, you just have to remember that we, as viewers, are omnipotent in a sense.
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