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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. The best places for seafood buffet IMO are all in Macao, which is an hour away by ferry. Just visit any of the major casinos there and you will find a decent buffet restaurant. Prices range from US$20+ to 40+ per person. One suggestion is Sands Casino, which is located right next to the ferry terminal. Venetian is also pretty good but it's farther away. If you are looking for other types of restaurants in Hong Kong, try the website www.openrice.com That's what many locals use, but unfortunately it's available only in Chinese. Hope this helps!
  2. Is there anyway I can play MUF with the new PSP Go? Thx
  3. The new weapon pack of the VF-25 really reminds me of the VF-2 at first glance
  4. Graham, any chance Yamato will release an improved version of the display stand in the near future?
  5. I completely agree with you on #1. In fact. you either have to be very rich or very lucky. This guy (see link) scored one in Japan for 198,000 yen. That's almost US$2000 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-110403-1-1.html
  6. Too bad then. I bought the VF-22 but don't plan to get the 21. How about the SV-51? Does it come with any stand that's compatible with other valks?
  7. The display stand for the YF-21 looks good. Does it only come with the YF-21?
  8. And keep in mind that many of us prefer the VF-11C color scheme over that of the 11B. So in a way, Yamato is trying to keep us happy.
  9. Official pics from Bandai. Yup, looks like there's no landing gear http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-110000-1-1.html
  10. Gotta agree with Graham. The color scheme of VF-11C is way cooler than that of B. I could be wrong, but didn't the VF-11C show up with full armor once in M7? And I wouldn't worry too much about the Fire Valkyrie. Given its importance in the series, I am sure Yamato will eventually get to it. November is going to be an expensive month.
  11. True, the hip does resemble that of a DX. But it's strange that out of the blue we see a painted VF-27 prototype on display without any previous announcement. Still, I am starting to get excited...
  12. I believe that's a 1/72 model kit, but I could be wrong
  13. There's also the Toynami Masterpiece (forgot the scale but I think it's 1/55) and the Bandai HCM.
  14. Their meal tickets being on the line is exactly the reason they need to do it right. Trying to compete in an already saturated market won't do them any good, especially if there is nothing special that differentiates their products. The Macross universe has expanded quite a bit since the original series, and there's plenty of blue oceans where toy companies can find a niche.
  15. Only Graham knows
  16. If it does not fall apart easily like the 1/100 VF-25 and requires less part swapping, I think the price can be justified, especially since there is currently not other substitute in the market.
  17. Any other valk but VF-1 would interest me... These Japanese toy companies need to take bolder steps if they ever want to win market share. Is Yamato the only company that did NOT start the Macross line with VF-1?
  18. The more I look at Alto's figure, the more he reminds me of Kicker from Transformers Energon / Superlink
  19. No wonder I didn't find any left when I stopped by Animate Causeway Bay today. I doubt you will get it cheaper from In's Point. Immediately after I had paid for mine, the seller jacked up the price. It's so wrong.
  20. Thanks for the tip! That's my only issue with the toy. The crotch armour does fall off from time to time, but no big deal (I think there is a small magnet that secures it to the waist area). Other than that, I think it's a beauty. I hope when the next shipment comes, prices will drop.
  21. Do you have trouble fitting the armor onto the forearm? Mine is very tight and I am already getting scratches on the plastic.
  22. Okay, I take back my words earlier. Looks like the Ex-gear toy is selling out pretty fast here in Hong Kong. I checked again today and most of them are already sold out. The main reason is because only a few stores carry them in the first place with limited stock. Many sellers complaint about the steep price and decided not to import them. Graham, try In's Point near Mong Kok. There's a store that still has a few. And yeah, I caved in and bought one today. =)
  23. Hi Supersylp, really appreciate the comparison picture. Thanks! So I guess without the EX-gear, Alto is shorter than Seiya.
  24. I agree. The GNU has much nicer sculpt. I personally hate those ball joints on the revoltech. Nevertheless, I must say I quite like the human action figures from Revoltech
  25. Or could it just mean metallic color, like the two non-transforming VF-25's we are getting in the VF-100 line?
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