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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. I wonder if the Frontier movie will be released in theatres here in Hong Kong. The original Do You Remember Love movie was released back in the 80's, so it could be possible. However, the Frontier tv series has yet to be licensed in Hong Kong.
  2. So what happened to the original color scheme on display earlier?
  3. Not that I agree with this strategy, but time and again, toy companies have shown that they prefer to start a new line with the most popular character/mecha, disregarding whether the market has already been flooded with similar products. As such, it's only normal that Bandai decided to release the VF-1 so soon. In fact, I would have expected them to debut the Hi-Metal line with the VF-1, so I guess relatively speaking, they already waited long enough. Sometimes I wonder what in the world their corporate strategy team is thinking or if they even have one.
  4. The box of the Macross Quarter looks smaller than I expected, or maybe that guy just has big hands. Anyways, I think the Fire Valkyrie looks really nice.
  5. Wow, that's one ugly poster. To me, this will always be what ninjas are about:
  6. No need to be eloquent, but proper writing is recommended. One has to write what one means, or one will never mean what one writes.
  7. I almost gave up on the VF-22 the very first time I tried to transform it (I don't own the YF-21 but heard the VF-22 is slightly easier to transform), but thanks to youtube videos, I managed to complete the transformation. I know many people find the Yamato instruction booklet pretty clear, but to me it was still very confusing. I gave the VF-22 another try after a while, and this time around it got a lot better. Still, I think this is the most complicated Yamato Macross valkyrie to date and is pushing the limit for me. I really think you need play around with these Yamato valkyries on a regular basis or else you will lose your grip.
  8. I think I've seen a higher resolution version before, but can't remember where. Maybe on YouKu?
  9. These days the transformation process of many high end toys has become so freaking complicated for the sake of perfect transformation that it's become quite a pain in the neck. I personally don't mind some minor part swapping or anime inaccuracy if it means a smoother and easier process. After all, transforming a toy back and forth is what I enjoy the most, not putting it on display in certain mode. The v2 1/60 VF-1 valkyries achieved a pretty good balance, but the Beagle Mospeada motorbike was too much for me. This is also another reason why I love the Bandai VF-25.
  10. Bandai should make a SHF Basara action figure complete with guitar
  11. Does that mean a different team designed the VF-27? In that case, I hope Bandai will release a re-designed VF-25
  12. The Hi-metal series seems to fit in quite well with the upcoming monster Also, quite a bit of macross coverage in the latest Hobby Japan issue http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-115372-1-1.html
  13. I could be wrong, but I think Cowboy Bebop is the name of a jazz bar in NYC. There appears to be more references to western pop culture than asian. Does that mean Westerners will enjoy the show more than Asians?
  14. I have always been annoyed by the fact that the UN Spacy decided to make the jerk that was Docker leader of the Emerald Force instead of Gamlin. The Blazer was one of the all time coolest valkyries, and guess who got to pilot one? It's not Gamlin! Also, got to give Gamlin credit for his patience. If I were fighting in the middle of a space battle, and some idiot shows up singing J-rock, I would have blown that idiot to pieces long time ago.
  15. I happened to watch an episode of Silverhawks the other day, and all of a sudden, I realized jet fighter pilot with a guitar was not unique to Japan (I knew I've seen it somewhere before). The Americans may have come up with the idea long time ago, but then of cos, Basara is ten times cooler. Made me want to watch M7 all over again. And so, here we go...
  16. The movie version of the DX VF-25F with fast packs are out, that is, if anyone still cares
  17. So you don't think MUF is a slightly upgraded version of MAF, like most people in Hong Kong do?
  18. Tried that before. Gave me a headache
  19. Hi there, thanks a lot! That's very helpful. Unfortunately, I can't read Japanese, so will probably give the guide book a try. I am assuming there are some graphics that are easy to understand? Otherwise, guess I will have to wait for an unofficial English translation. Not surprised to hear that MUF bombed in HK, as I don't see it in many stores. Personally, I think the mainstream crowd in HK are quite difficult to please.
  20. Graham, where in HK did you buy the guide book? Also, do you know if there is a Chinese version available? Thanks. P.S. I haven't played video games since the 90's, but am really tempted to buy a PSP just for MUF
  21. Saw one in person today. Yes, it's huge! I think you need to be over 6 feet tall in order for the helmet to look proportionally good on you.
  22. More cool stuff coming... http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-113660-1-1.html
  23. Bigger pics of the revoltechs http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-112917-1-1.html If the price is decent, I think a lot of casual fans will buy them.
  24. You may also want to check out Lan Kwai Fong on Sat night as there will be one hell of a Halloween party there. But be careful as it will be very crowded there
  25. I guess the Hikaru version is out. Some out of package pics in the link below. The box looks huge. And looks like you can wear it, unless, of course, your head is too big http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/aeartfggg-bschg...ticle?mid=11588
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