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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Looks like the back of Hot Rod's car mode is the wagon's front. Pretty ingenious in my opinion. Accurate or not, I think this is a really cool toy!
  2. Not until Agent One is also you in it...
  3. I guess the excitement is somehow contagious. I also bought a second blazer from Animate causeway bay. Now if only they would hurry up with the VF-19F
  4. Try IN's Point. There is a store on the second floor that seems to still take pre-order
  5. For those of you who missed out the first time around, all three variants of the VF-22 will be re-issued in August along with the VF-11C http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-132185-1-1.html So much for being exclusive! I hope the prices will come down.
  6. Hi Jenius, anyway you can add an illustration of how to transform the nosecose properly in order to avoid scratching off the paint? Thanks!
  7. A typhoon may hit Hong Kong this weekend. Hope it won't affect the release date!
  8. I think most of us are hoping that you would reveal something from Yamato
  9. You mean you haven't been enjoying the world cup so far? Anyway, where are you going to watch it? I bought tickets for UA Time Square
  10. Does anyone know which display base is supposed to go with the clip provided? Thanks!
  11. Actually, when I pulled out the feet for the first time, I thought I broke them and they were going to fall apart. Turned out it was kind of new articulation design. Not sure I like it though.
  12. Apologize if this has been discussed, but does the paint on the nosecone come off as easily as that on the Brera version? Thx.
  13. Wow, the VF-1J is almost as plastic looking as the Revoltech inside the box, but I am a sucker for Bandai Macross toys, so I caved in and bought one. Will play with it later tonight. Based on initial feedback from other members, I have pretty high expectation. Will probably buy the Max one too. Regarding the price, I paid less for the VF-1J than the Fire Valkyrie, which is reasonable since it's smaller, but I am sure alot of people will still find the price steep
  14. Knock-off of a knock-off, how wonderful...
  15. Pretty soon, we will need a "Newbie's Guide to the Differences between Macross/Robotech/Astro Plan" thread
  16. That's right! Which for-profit company wouldn't anyway? 1) A Yip Man prequel is coming out in a few weeks 2) Another Yip Man film directed by Wong Kar Wai is also in the making I wouldn't be surprised if they make many more.
  17. Like I said earlier, villifying Westerners/Japanese has become a standard part of martial arts films these days (from The Legend to True Legend earlier this year to the first Yip Man. It's meant to cater to the mainland Chinese market. Hong Kong film makers are not really into this, but then who cares about the HK market these days? If you find it awkward in Yip Man 2, it's even more so in True Legend
  18. Didn't they already do that back then with the chunky 1/72?
  19. Saw the sequel two weeks ago. Overall the movie was executed quite well, and the fight scenes between Donnie Yen and Sammo Hung was top notch. Sammo has my respect for his martial arts skills, given that he's not the fittest person in the world and that he's almost 60 years old. Still, I am getting tired of the "we have to redeem our Chinese dignity by beating the crap out of Westerners/Japanese" plot. You can tell this movie was made for the mainland Chinese market as all these elements are meant to feed the Chinese ego. I like the action, but story could be better. The first Ip Man had a much better balance between action and story telling.
  20. Ivan

    Bandai SD Infinite

    Looks like the VF-1 is also getting a SD treatment, to be released in June. Anyone knows which company is making it? http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-127192-1-1.html Once again, when it rains, it pours... so when is Yamato coming out with their SD version?
  21. Nay, I think the bluish one is for the planet Pandora. But then Kawamori realised he's no James Cameron and decided to switch back to the original color
  22. That scene reeks of Gundam imo.
  23. Have you checked Naughty Boy at Sino Centre? They usually have better prices for exclusives.
  24. hmm.. nothing new until end of year? So I guess 2010 will mostly consist of reissues and re-paints
  25. I saw them for sale at Jusco in Guangzhou last week. Didn't get a chance to buy them though as I was in a rush. The packaging is kind of crappy, but the toy itself looks pretty decent. And the quality of the plastic is not your typical knock-off grade. For RMB130 (approx. US$20), the king size one is definitely worth getting. The smaller one only cost RMB29 (US$4.2)
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